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Update on the B-12 > relapse experiment.

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    Update on the B-12 > relapse experiment.

    Cog. seems to be getting worse. Time to start my recluse treatment. I just quit going out in public because I seem so stupid and people don't understand. I don't have what it takes to explain it to them without it getting worse. As a Ret. Psych. RN I don't seem to be able to calm the anxiety which only make my stuttering, word search and blanks in my conversation get longer. Then people start giving me the words and filling in the blanks which only makes it even worse.

    The good part is that I am having no pain with this relapse. B-12 seems to be really helping with that. Its all much more tolerable but just need to ride it out. Hopefully the B-12 will shorten the length of the relapse period. Last B-12 level was 78.

    Thank God and the inventor of spell and grammar check or this post would be a total mess. Also the zoom makes things better with my eyes. Keep you posted on the experiment.

    GOMER: Enjoy that grand baby. Hug and kiss it for us. I will see my first one that is about 4 on Christmas in Dallas. My second boy grandson it due Mar. 3rd '13. Can't wait. Cherish you time.

    Hi journeyman,

    There's a song that goes something like..."all the Daves I know..." just in case you didn't know. An important piece of information for your day.

    I'm interested in reading about your B 12 experiment as you go along. Just hoping I can learn something from it too.

    I went to the library today to take out a book called "Could It Be B12?" and they didn't have it, nor did they have any of the MS diet books. Sigh, it doesn't bode well when the library gets a pretty renovation but doesn't have necessary books on the shelves. I did get one of John McDougall's books though.

    Take care,
    Take care,
    Limbo lander on hold with a fast busy signal...


      I Have Been Getting B12 Shots

      every two weeks, plus I have been taking it sublingually. I think it helps a little, but hasn't made a huge difference. Still, I thought it was worth a try.

      I also take vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and a multivitamin. I want to know I've done all I can in my power to make myself better. I think, though, that some things may be out of our control.

      I hope all goes well with you.




        Oh Journeyman, so sorry to hear about relapse!

        I HATE it when people try to "help" me talk. Drives me nuts, makes it worse and I have to fight the urge to slap them!

        Good luck with your experiment. I'll be thinking of you!



          Hi journeyman,

          I am sorry to hear you aren't doing well

          If I remember correctly you are taking a Statin? If so, please do not assume your cognitive problems are a result of the MS, it could be due to the Statin.

          There is current information out about Statins causing cognitive/memory decline in some people...I am one of them.

          I lost my quality of life as well as having pretty severe cognitive/memory problems due to a Statin ( was on a low dose---20mg) . I caution anyone, especially with MS, to be aware of the possiblity of the very serious side effects of Statins.

          I had NeuroPysch testing as a result of using a Statin. The NeuroPsych I saw said his office as well as others in his field are seeing an increase of patients on Statins with cognitive/memory problems.

          The FDA put out new warnings on Statins this year which includes cognitive/memory problems.

          Diagnosed 1984
          “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


            B-12 and DHEA

            Hello Journeyman,

            I am newly diagnosed and new to this site. I am very sorry to hear your symptoms are getting worse...

            Your experiment with B-12 is very interesting to me because I have been symptomatic for over 4 years. With most of my changes being cognitive. I found a combination of DHEA (an amino acid) available in most drug stores and sublingual B-12 twice a day has noticeable helped me to minimize dizziness and confusion.

            The research on DHEA states that B-12 actually works together with DHEA. It's fairly interesting...don't know if I am making any sense...I know wikipedia can't really be trusted but there is some info there on wikipedia about DHEA that links out to other sites. Hope this helps!

