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It's island time - limbo check in 11/20/2012

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    It's island time - limbo check in 11/20/2012

    Good morning limbo ialand! So gald to be on the warm island this morning. What a great time to visit the island and enjoy the warm breeze. So garb a cabana boy or girl and order something to eat and drink. Grab a hammock and relax.

    How are you doing/feeling this week? Hope everyone has had a better week this week.

    Any doctor appointments this week? Any tests this week? Any doctors or nurses that need to swim with the sharks? Any one need to scream?

    In island news - No news this week. Just keep on hanging in there when things get hard. It was a rough week last week for many on the island. Keep on coming to the island to vent. We all know how hard it is to keep going when things are so bad and so frustrating.

    If you are undiagnosed then this is the place for you. Come and tell us your story the island is waiting.

    Well the my kids are out of school this week. I am feeling better and done with my round of pred. So i am not feeling so fatigued right now.

    The round of pred did help get things to calm down. So far no more fevers and no new rash. I hope to stay that way for a long time.

    Well i am off to start my day. Lots of (((hugs))) everyone and i will check back in later.

    Hi MVM. Thank you for the support and understanding in the other thread. Sometimes, it means more than you know.

    I just wanted to wish all of the US folks a Happy Thanksgiving Day tomorrow, and I hope this week is better for everyone than the last.

    Mine is improving, slowly, but it's getting there. Finally.
    It's not fatigue. It's a Superwoman hangover.


      Happy Thanksgiving Limbo Island!

      I hope everyone has had a good week. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.

      lusciousleaves - Good to see you on the island. So glad that your week is getting better. Hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving day.

      Lots of (((hugs)))

      Well my day has been good. My family is coming and I am fixing dinner tomorrow. I can't wait to see my brothers. I am feeling good right now so it is a good time to have them come over.

      I am also typing on my new laptop while sitting on my couch. It feels so strange but I think I like it. I got it for school so that if I need to do work I don't have to get the kids off the home one.

      Well I am off to bed. Good night limbo island and sweet dreams. Lots of (((hugs))) everyone and I will check back in later.


        Happy Thanksgiving, MVM! What a great thing that you can get together with your brothers. I live a distance from my family, and always enjoy seeing them when we get the chance. I hope you all had a great time. We sure did this year!

        I'm finally off the prednisone. I had to just bite the bullet and taper off. Now the L'Hermittes is back, along with a few other things, but it might die down by tomorrow. It felt like I was coming down with a UTI right before the holiday, and had to break into the antibiotic stash the urologist prescribe just in case this ever happened again. I didn't want to take a chance on it getting worse before the docs come back on Monday, especially having been on prednisone for so long. Not a good combo.

        I'm wondering if this happens to you or anyone else who has taken steroids for these things . . . it seems the day I taper a dose, the symptoms flare up again, then within the next day or two, they die down and I can taper again. Strange?

        Maybe I'll ask in the med forum.
        It's not fatigue. It's a Superwoman hangover.


          That happens to me too luscious, with the steriods. I've only had them twice, so more research might be needed, lol. It is a scary time, for about two weeks then back to the norm.
          You can't stop washing your feet just because you're afraid you'll fall in the shower.


            B-12 and other "cures."

            Happy, happy Turkey week end to all. Don't know if I shared here or how many get over to "Area 51 Lounge" but my Neuro has been increasing my B-12 as it was fairly low. My latest level is 78. I understand 50 to 100 is good for us MS.ers.

            I seem to be about a month into a relapse. The B-12 seems to be helping. All my symptoms are much less except the cog.That seems to be rapidly declining. Thank God for spell and grammar check or this post would be incomprehensible.

            So far only ON "looking through the screen door effect" along with pressure, throbbing pain and sensitivity to light. The screen door affects my good eye also during ON. So I just wear my black eye patch - (that gets me a lot of attention in public and assistance.) Not necessarily good but rest on the ON eye sure does help with both eyes.

            Cog. I have a lot of confusion, forgetfulness, word search, stuttering, blanks during word search in my sentences. I know it's stupid but as a Ret. Psych RN it is irrational but I feel stupid in public. So I seclude myself during these episodes as they end in aphasia.

            As I get anxious I get worse. Then my good friends try to search for my word for me or fill in the blanks. That only makes me feel worse and the symptoms get worse so I just stay home in hiding until it blows over.

            So far the B-12 has kept the pain symptoms, shocks, numbness etc. at bay. We shall see how well this B-12 experiment works. I will keep you all posted. Happy Thanksgiving week end.

            Last night Wifey and I sat out in the nippy air - 60 degrees here in Tampa around an early Christmas present to my wife and me. Its a fire pit. So we had wine and I had an Agave' Margarita. Didn't do much for the ON but did help overall. If it works I'll let you know as a cure for MS... You never know when you may stumble upon a cure. Tequila my be just the thing. Wonder if they have tried that in research.
            Happy, happy.


              Hi everyone

              lusciousleaves - I hope that you are feeling better. The same thing happens when i tapper down off of pred. I call it the crash and brun time.

              I am glad that you had a good Thanksgiving day. Only one of my brothers was able to come. The day was good but after is was over i was so tired.

              Lots of (((hugs)))

              alishape - Good to see you. I hope you are feeling good and doing good. Lots of (((hugs)))

              journeyman - Good to see you. I hope you are feeling better and that your flair will pass soon.

              Glad you are working on the B-12 and it is helping you to feel better.

              Enjoy the fire pit and lots of (((hugs)))

              Ok i will start the new thread in the morning. I will check back in later.


                Yes, I am feeling much better. "Back to normal."

                Two weeks ago I went out to a restaurant for dinner with extended family members. I am an aficionado of Margaritas. At the restaurant they had listed an "Agave" Margarita. The essential ingredient was Agave. A sweetener derived from a cactus. Thick and like honey.

                Well it bound all the other ingredients together and made for a very delightful drink without the "boozie" taste. I felt wonderful after my dinner drink.

                During my flair I fixed one for myself at home and Wifie and I sat by our new fire pit in the cool night air. (As cool as it gets in Tampa.)

                I tell you all this because I think I have found a "cure" for flairs. LOL. At least you feel better !


                  Journeyman, I too tend to the reclusive side during a flare. Mostly it's because I plain feel like crud. Now, after the steroid dump, all I want to do is sleep. I can't even muster the interest in reading much, or watching TV. Forget having a conversation.

                  Our turkey week ended with a bang. Literally. Someone set a bomb off near the next door neighbor's house as a prank. It rattled doors and windows all the way around the block. The people on the other side of the block thought it was a gas explosion. I saw the kid running away from the blast in the flash of light, so at least we have a description of body size and shape now. This is his 4th prank, and every one is bigger than the last. Are kids getting dumber or what?
                  It's not fatigue. It's a Superwoman hangover.


                    journeyman - Glad you are feeling better.


                      sorry hit the wrong thing before i was done.

                      journeyman (((hugs)))

                      lusciousleaves - Wow! I hope he gets caught soon. Sorry that you are feeling so fatigued. I hope it will pass soon. I have been fatigued after i was done with my pred.

                      If it does not go away soon you need to call the doctor and let them know.

                      Lots of (((hugs)))

                      Well time to start the new thread. See you soon.

