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Newly Diagnosed

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    Newly Diagnosed

    Hi: I was told 5 1/2 years ago it was Fibromyaligia, Psoriatic Arthritis and Celiac Disease. Now they tell me it's MS, Psoriatic Arthritis and Celiac Disease. My MRI was positive for MS and I have been diagnosed with Optic Neuritis. My neurologist still wants me to have an LP. I spent the first week crying and I've spent the last week in a sort of denial. My meds are being approved by insurance (Copaxone is what she wants to start) and we are looking for a one story house. I am reading a lot of books. But I am completely overwhelmed and feel so lost. Any advice and guidance would be incredible. I spoke to the local person with the National MS Society and she was next to worthless. Thanks.

    Welcome. Copaxone is a good med to start with as it has very few side effects. I took it for many years. Are you looking for a one story house due to your arthritis? Is your MS that bad already?

    I live in a 2 story house and use a walker. Have one upstairs and one downstairs. You don't have to immediately move from your home. Just take a breath and let the diagnosis settle in.

    Were you diagnosed with RRMS? If so, better days will come.
    I know when I was first diagnosed I was freaked out. When I got my first wheelchair I was freaked out. When they made me get a scooter this year I was freaked out. But, I can still navigate my house, the grocery store and anywhere I want to go.

    It is not as bad as it first seems.

    We are here for you.
    Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
    SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


      Don't give up on the NMSS and the MSAA. They are good sources of information. It is great that you have found this site. There are lots of ideas from many people like yourself / myself. This is a crappy disease and no one blamesz you for crying. I cried when I was dx'd. But , if there is a way to beat this, I will find it or die trying. Good luck


        There is a light at the end of the tunnell... I was dx'ed a little over a yr ago and it has been an up and down battle. Did the LP just to be sure since they had been wrong b4 coming up with MS. I was upset at 1st but began to realize that in a way it was good to finally know what was going on with me. I am currently on Copaxone and am quite happy with it. It is not the 1st med that they put me on but due to horrible side effects, I was switched to Copaxone. It was very easy to adjust to and Shared Solutions was really great. Would also recommed using their peer councelling that they offer with Copaxone. It was nice to talk with someone who had "walked a mile in my shoes" and could relate to the things that I was going through. It has helped to have someone to call that knows exactly what I am talking about. Good luck and fight!


          You guys are great!

          Oh my gosh! I can't believe you guys really wrote me back! I talked with Shared Solutions this week and they did make me feel better. NMSS also had the local person call me back and we talked for a long time and that was also very reassuring. I am feeling better about things. I am anxious about starting the Copaxone, I won't lie. I am hoping with everything I have that it works and doesn't give me any trouble. The thing I am most worried about is digestive issues with the medication. I have a history of stomach ulcers and Celiac Disease and IBS. Like really severe stomach problems. So that is my biggest concern. If I can not have those reactions, I am good to go So please cross your fingers for me. I plan to start it the Thursday after Thanksgiving. That way I will have the 4 day weekend to figure out if I can tolerate it before working Monday morning. My Neuro RN told me I would know within 3-4 days. So, if anyone has any experience in this area, please let me know. Those folks at Shared Solutions are amazingly helpful!

