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Pleading for advice

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    Pleading for advice

    Hello, I am new to this forum and apologize in advance for asking something that is probably covered daily here. I am sure there are already great answers to my questions that have been shared. I guess I just need to rant, lol!

    I am 42 and started my autoimmune disease journey in my early 20's w/hoshimoto's thyroiditis. Since then AI disease has effected my ovaries with premature ovarian failure and menopause, my bladder and colon. Also Raynauds, arthritis, and mixed connective tissue disease.

    I recently visited my PCP because of a numb/tingling/buzzing sensation I was having. It started on my left shoulder blade area in a small area and seems to have spread covering a larger area kind of over both shoulders, the right side of my scalp and various other spots like the end of my tongue. There are also many other very weird things happening. I honestly feel like I am on the brink of losing my mind!!!!!

    Weird sensations/feelings in my hands and feet, vibrations in my lower abdomen pelvic area, jerky over exaggerated movements/reflexes to name a few. PCP sent me for an MRI of my neck and brain. He did mention MS saying he didn't really think I had it but didn't like my autoimmune story and wanted to rule it out. The results were arthritis in my neck showing minimal invasion of the spinal column and an"artifact" in my frontal lobe after contrast.

    PCP said nothing to worry about, we will repeat MRI in 6 months. Ok, obviously it isn't that I want to have MS however not knowing what the heck is happening is beyond frustrating!!!! I don't know what to do!! I would love to hear thoughts and suggestions from those of you here that may have similar experiences. Thank you immensely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ** Moderator's note - Post broken into paragraphs for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print. **

    Just keep swimming

    You are in a place where we've all been. Heck, I still go there from time to time. It's frustrating not to know what's going on with your own body. Have you tried the newbies or the limbo landers thread? I know the sort of advice you are seeking, but I don't know that anyone will be able to give it to you. The best thing I can tell you is to try and relax. Stress is not good for us because it tends to exacerbate our symptoms. Of course, stress really isn't good for anyone, lol.

    Just think, you probably don't physically feel any different than you did before he told you. If you feel good today, enjoy today. If you're thinking of going out of town next month, then do it. I try to plan my life as if I'll be healthy in the future because sitting around worrying about what I might not be able to do can be paralyzing. I just came back from Puerto Rico where I went on a cruise. I was afraid it would be to hot for me, or that my energy level might not be what it used to be. I almost cancelled it out of fear. It turned out to be a wonderful vacation, even though my energy level was a little low.
    You can't stop washing your feet just because you're afraid you'll fall in the shower.


      welcome lucky, i too am in limbo and only found ms world a short time aog, with huge number of symptoms and abc list of diagnosis, so know you are not alone.

      believe everyone here knows how frustrating the watch wait and see, test and retest, doctor after doctor routine can be. am going through bit of a meltdown over it.

      i try very hard to aim for balance, not allowing my challenges to be the all of my existence. and laughter the best medicine of all. At this point am not worrying about giving whatever i have a name, but being able to have better quality of life and spend time and energy productively.

      have found great info in the forum section called the wellness room, may want to take a peek in there. also, so many welcoming and helpful people here. helps me remain positive and keep hope alive.

      (next lifetime, will swim in deeper end of gene pool, lol. wading in the polluted shallows didn't work out so well)

      sad you are here for this possible reason, but glad you found your way.
      Share the chocolate and no one has to thumb wrestle for it.
      Besides, chasing you down isn't an option, my bubble wrap suit isn't built for speed.


        Thank you!

        I am very grateful for your replies Flow and Ali, thank you! Typically I am a glass half full kinda girl, obnoxiously so. But I guess you have to release it all sometimes.

        Flow, I am so sorry you are having such a hard time right now. I can relate to your story in so many ways!! I will def take your advice and appreciate it grately! Your comment on swimming deeper in the gene pool next time made me belly laugh out loud, too funny. I am right there with you!!

        Ali, wow three simple words like "just keep swimming" couldn't of done more for me. My new mantra I think!

        Your trip to Puerto Rico sounds amazing! Funny you mention travel. I am going as a chaperone next spring on my daughter's 8th grade trip to the east coast. I hesitate to sign up as a chaperone because I was worried about managing my colitis, arthritis and bladder issues but have always tried to be determined to not let my health dictate my life. Then when these other crazy things started happening I began to really worry if I could do it. But I am going for it, it will all work out somehow!!

        Again thank you for the supportive replies. While I don't know what exactly I am dealing with the symptoms have really made me question my sanity. I mean when your body all of a sudden starts feeling buzzing vibrating sensations and other weird things....

        Hope you all have a great day and I am off to snoop around these boards and see what I can learn.

