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Limbo, limbo, lib - MRI, MS and all those things

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    Limbo, limbo, lib - MRI, MS and all those things


    I just received a letter from the hospital that states I have ongoing inflammation of my brain, spinal cord and left sided optic nerve.

    I am absolutely scared it is MS (to be honest I am kind of agreed with that now), but I wonder if you heard of anyone who had inflammations and had not MS. I like having hope that it might be something different (even though it probably is what it is meant to be).

    Limbo sucks.

    Originally posted by peppercornland View Post
    I just received a letter from the hospital that states I have ongoing inflammation of my brain, spinal cord and left sided optic nerve.
    Hi peppercornland,

    The letter you recieved sounds pretty generic without any explanation. There can be many causes for inflammation but you really need a better explanation from your doctor to understand what might or might not be going on.

    Best wishes
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      Originally posted by SNOOPY View Post
      Hi peppercornland,

      The letter you recieved sounds pretty generic without any explanation. There can be many causes for inflammation but you really need a better explanation from your doctor to understand what might or might not be going on.

      Best wishes
      Yes, it is generic. On the other hand, lets be honest - what might cause multiple inflammations? I am happy to accept almost anything, just to do not have MS, but I can't think of anything.

      I am 24, male. Also, I had a problem with seeing in my eye once a year ago, no other problems since then; this is probably enough to be dxd with MS though. I am seeing doctor next 20 days. Till that time I have to cope with the Limboland.


        Limbo land is not fun

        I'm so sorry you are basically getting the run around. It just amazes me how prevalent this is.

        For myself I knew something was really wrong for 10 years before my recent diagnosis. Who has 2 inch by 4 inch patches on their upper leg for months that is completely numb? Tingly feet, stuttering, stumbling.

        This is all so frightening. I have to break down and admit I was glad to find out what was happening to me. As bad as the diagnosis is, just knowing what you're dealing with made me feel not so crazy or hypochondriac-like.

        What does this inflammation feel alike? I hope the best for you! You're so young. I feel for you, bless your sweet heart my friend.


          This inflammation feels nothing at all. At the moment I am not affected at all. No numbness or stuff like that. I had recently a period when my right ankle did hurt, but it was the time I was overworked and I had hardly any sleep. After I started having more time for relaxing it went away. I had nothing at all for almost a year now, absolutely almost no symptoms of ms I can think about; yet I know it is not a proof for being ok at all.

          Limbo sucks.

          Though it kind of helps to know that there are other people that have ms and yet cope with normal life. You are fantastic, guys.


            after a year of being symptom free I have an eye inflammation again (ON)

