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    Well, you guys have convinced me of the importance of having a timeline of symptoms and such, and I am going to be working on that.

    One of my problems, though, is that my memory is shot. I'm like an Alzheimer's patient that can't tell you what she had for breakfast yesterday but can tell you every detail of what happened 10 years ago. So that severely compromises any timeline I try to do of when my symptoms first began and worsened and such. Sadly, the only person who could have helped with that would be my husband and he's too busy leading his rock band in Heaven. So...

    Obviously, knowing the value of timelines, I can start keeping track of stuff daily now but what's the best way to go about the earliest symptoms and progressions? The docs always ask and seem to not like "I can't remember" as an answer!

    Thanks much.


    I understand exactly what you are trying to explain and everyone probably has a similar problem. It should not be a surprise to your neurologist that you don't have any idea because, as my neurologist explained to me, everyone finds a way to compensate and make minor adjustments. I don't give it much thought and I worry about the progression from the time I was officially dx'd.
    I think if you know where you are today and can document what has changed in the last year or more, that's about good enough. I would keep exact medical notes and notes on whatever physical disabilities you have experience, so far. For me, I just work every day to keep what I have. Good luck


      Why not just keep either a daily or weekly journal?

      Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


        Will document from here on out

        Gomer, your idea is a good one. My problem is the various doctors and techs I see want to know about when old stuff started and they get really frustrated when I can't remember.

        My kids found me one of their spare notebooks to start keeping up. (I'm a school supply buying fool. I love them and always buy too many!)


          Shelby, I do understand the memory issues but unfortunately for me I can remember absolutely everything pertaining to my MS. I have only had it for 7 years but I even remember exact dates! MRIs, tests, flares, medicine, employment, progression... every freakin thing! But can't remember what I had for breakfast.

          Gomer is right, keep a journal going forward.
          RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
          "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


            I am having the same problem right now. I see my second neurologist next month and I'm trying to be proactive but it is hard to remember. Possible MS didn't come up before last August and I think I've been having symptoms since 2007. I've been trying my best to pinpoint but my memory problems make it very difficult. I even went back on my Facebook timeline as far as I could to try to jog my memory.

