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@ Rest Area 51, Newbies Lounge Aug 19 '12

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    @ Rest Area 51, Newbies Lounge Aug 19 '12

    Welcome to Rest Area 51's....
    ......................Newbies Lounge
    a special haven for our family of newbies Dx'd w/MS in recent days or years and old-timers that are newbies at
    heart, or just want to help. Just follow the green arrow to our Newbies Lounge.

    Being a newbie can be just as scary and lonely as being in limbo. I know because I have been there and done that.
    When I first got my formal MS dx, I felt lost, alone and tossed into a sea of hungry sharks.

    Remember we are your MS family away from family. The BIG question answered means many more new questions and decisions. For those still working on, seeking a formal MS Dx, I highly recommend you check out MinivanMama's Limbo Island.

    ....... we understand like no non-MSer ever could.

    Take a well deserved break from your travels on the MSuper highway,pull into a nice cozy shady parking spot, Unwind in our (always perfect weather) Newbies Lounge, pitch a tent or just lay out a blanket and enjoy the crisp cool fresh air . Help yourself to fresh Cider and donuts. The camp fire is roaring in the open pit ready for hot dogs, marshmallows and smore's Feel free to share your ideas, experiences and support to your fellow newbies. Relax, you are among friends, friends that understand. We have a virtual soap box, feel free to vent anytime.

    Remember this is YOUR lounge
    , so enjoy it, hey doc's have their own lounge and this one is OURS! (We have better fresher coffee anyway...ha ha.)

    PLEASE.... Let US know how YOU, a member of our MS newbies family is doing.

    Have a QUESTION? Please don't be shy........
    The only dumb stupid the one NOT asked.

    How was your Week?........
    ...Good I hope, Any Dr.apts tests etc?

    ....Any Dr. apts. tests etc.

    Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot

    ==== Moderator Note ====
    This replaces the Aug 10+ Sticky

    Happy Sunday everyone. Got home two days ago from a week of camping. It was hot, at least for me it was hot (upper 80s-mid 90s) but I managed alright. While camping, there was a wildfire about 15 miles away and moving the opposite direction, although there was talk of possible evacuation of the campsite. Thankfully that didn't happen.

    Now to start the getting ready for school grind. Two weeks and two days until the big kids go back to school. Yay, sort of. Not ready to start getting up early but I am ready for those that are going to school to go and excited to have our eldest home doing school online.

    That's about it. Hope everyone has a great week.


      Happy new week everyone!

      No tests this week, thank goodness! I'm about tested out.

      My younger son starts college tomorrow. His high school years were rough -- his dad (my husband) died in his 10th grade year, his grandfather (my FIL) in his 11th grade year and he ended up having a breakdown in his 12th grade year. He's all well and strong and healthy and we are SO looking forward to this new phase of his life. Although it makes me feel a little bittersweet for my baby to be old enough for college. Seems like I was just changing diapers last week! The older one starts back to college next Monday.

      I have many thoughts in my head. I was just wishing I had my mom around to help me sort them out. My logic and analytical abilities aren't the best and she was always spot on at spotting flaws in logic.

      I've been doing some supplements and I think I might have a little more energy. I'm a little afraid to say it out loud!

      I read just about everything all of you writes during the week although I often can't pull my thoughts together to respond. You're an awesome bunch of people and I'm so happy to have met you all!!!

      Here's hoping for a FABUTASTIC week!



        Testing on Thursday.

        My Neuro's think that there may be some type of seizure activity going on in my head. Upon awakening, (it's amazing the work your brain does while you are sleeping...) this morning a thought followed me out of my sleep. I am on Neurontin which is an anti-seizure drug that is often given to augment the activity of anti-depressants.

        So, after two cups of coffee I decided to look up my medications. I am on Neurontin 1,200 mg. per day and also Trileptal 900 mg. per day. That's 2,100 mg. of ant-seizure medication. One would think that would be sufficient to cover any seizure activity.

        I called their office and left them a message re. my medications. I don't think that they had them in mind when they started talking about seizure activity. I think they were thinking about my bipolar activity. So we shall see what comes out of this new enlightenment.

        I am still going to go to my Neuro/cog/psych/speech testing on Thursday just because I want to see the difference between 2008 and 2012. I am dreading it because it is a lot of stress and pressure plus it takes four hours.

        I am a hurricane tracking buff. I see that there is a hurricane developing out in the Atlantic and the "smart computers" are showing a track toward the Gulf Of Mexico. Hmmmmm... The Republican National Convention is to be held here in about nine days. I wonder what happens if the two happen to coincide???

        For the RNC our city has beautified, added sculptures, landscaped even the dumps, planned on closing the schools and businesses have boarded up because of possible riots. Wonder what it will be like if you stir a hurricane into that bowl of ingredients. What a mess I think.

        Dave Tampa, FL


          Cane in the pool?

          No I was not on a ladder Gomer ! Yesterday I was watering plants near my pool. I didn't have a "TIA or epileptic blip." No weakness, dizziness - I just caved over onto my right side - into the pool.

          I hit my ankle on the jaccuzi, left hip in the edge of the pool, my rib cage on the first step, my hip on the second step, my thigh on the third step an my head DID NOT hit my head onthe bottom. It was floating afout six inches from the floor of the pool. I am sore and houised up today. ( guess it was a sort of ladder however I was on on level ground.)

          For a flash I thought how easy it could have been "over." My wife was terrified when I told her and showed her my body. I am not sure it was my old body or the trauma and what could have happened that upset her the most. I could see "babysitter" written all over her face.

          Nobody, nothing and not even a babysitter could have stopped it except bed rest. I guess when God punches your ticket you have to get on the bus home. Apparently not my time.

          I have no idea what caused the fall but I guess when I put on my bathing suit I will have to include my cane.

          Oh well...another day in the life of (MS, Seizure life, clumsy,
          Limbo land). ???

          Dave Tampa, FL


            That sounds painful Journeyman. You fell down a ladder starting without even being on a ladder. The craziest $#!% happens to us. I have succeeded in feeding myself without cuts or burns for about a week now, but my girlfriend still watches me like a hawk to make sure I am OK. It really gets on my nerves too.

            This year is the first year I've kinda had a stepson. I have no kids of my own and I didn't realize a lot about child raising. For one thing back to school is expensive! he can't even fit his pants from last year. That was in May! Plus he didn't make the football team and he feels bad. I don't know what to say to him. Boy I feel terrible at parenting. I already can't remember anything, so I try to put together a feel good speach for him, then forget the whole thing and end up stammering like an idiot.

            How do parents do it?
            You can't stop washing your feet just because you're afraid you'll fall in the shower.


              Dang it Dave...........

              Man you are not even up on a step and you take a downward JOURNEY.... Glad you were not seriously hurt. Sounds a bit like my great fall of 07. I lost it on flat level surface just before hitting the porch steps and fell hard, tearing my left rotor cuff. (I was holding a box of camera gear)

              You do not need a baby sitter, you need a padded BUBBLE! What next Dav, a padded rubber room?Now if ya wife has to put ya in one of those, no cloths allowed, so ya can't hurt yourself. Maybe a walk-around thingy, like for babies not yet walking, big, round, with seat and wheels and make the top ring a float in case ya get even close to water more than 1 inch deep.

              Now get well, heal and BE CAREFUL ...

              Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


                " clothes allowed... ! "

                That brings back bad memories. You'll get a chuckle out of this. When I was a teenager we lived back in the woods when I was growing up. We always went skinny dipping. About a distance of about two blocks away was a bridge.

                It was about mid-night and I was swimming with some friends. They saw the cop on the bridge looking around with a light. They ran and guess who got arrested?

                The cop hand-cuffed me and loaded me in the car in the buff. When I got to the police station I got my official orange jump suit. I was assigned to a cell until my Dad could come and bail me out. There was a guy in the cell with me and I watched enough videos to know how to open a conversation. "So...what are you in for..." I am never at a loss for conversation.

                My Dad said nothing but snickered all the way home. His only comment was, "You owe me some money!" I think he figured that I had been punished enough. The rules on swimming were changed that night.

                When I went to the court the Judge just laughed and said, "Case dismissed." The "arrest" has followed me all my life and employers get a great laugh out of it. It has never inteferred with my being employed.

                Thought you (all) could use a laugh for the day. My advice is - if you think of it doing it - don't do it. You never know who is looking. And it will follow you to your grave.

                Dave, Tampa, FL


                  Thanks for the LOL Jman.

                  Parents can only do their best, and when you do, it shows even when you think otherwise. Do not under estimate your efforts.

                  Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


                    Thank Goodness for raised garden.

                    Finished my raised garden in ankle deep water in my back yard. My garden was the only dry place. Started pouring on me - no lightning, just warm rain so decided to finish it. It's still raining and has been for four days now.

                    The Republican National Convention is supposed to be here starting Sunday. Tampa spent a huge amount of money getting all dressed up for it thinking that 50,000 people would be here for it. Lots a $$$. But in the past few hours Tropical Storm Isaac has decided to show up here for the convention. People are cancelling reservations and even the protesters are leaving town. This is of course not to mention that Isaac has a bad sister developing right behind him.

                    I've been tracking hurricanes for about 55 years and have noticed they pick a target and then send them all into that spot for that year. So... With our ground so saturated and two hurricanes headed this way we may be evacuating. We used to be the third zone to be evacuated but they decided to change it last year to zone two.

                    I don't know about anybody else but my symptoms get worse with a low pressure or extended rainy periods. (probably not enough sunshine Vit. D). But as much as I am interested in hurricanes they just about kill me. I get bed-ridden and sinuses fill up. Arthritis like pain gets all my joints. Maybe I am just getting old and am in denial.

                    ( posting same on "Limbo" )

                    I hope all of you are dryer and feeling better than I am although the garden gave me a great sense of accomplishment. Its's been in the planning for three years.

                    Take care.
                    Dave, Wet, Tampa, FL


                      Hurricanes these days are HUGE. Back in the 80s coast areas evacuated to inland areas like Lakeland or Orlando, now they are so big one has to head for Ga and beyond.

                      I rode (mean) Jeanne a few years back (the 4 in Fla in one season), my first and hope last ride.

                      Ya wanna buy my inland place?
                      I need to unload it. With my marshmallow acting up I can not afford to get down there now.

                      Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot



                        Neuro-cog. testing done thank God. What next?



                          We are out of the cone of possibility and he is headed out of town toward Mobile Bay. Storm is playing havock with all my joints and sinuses. They tell me its an "Atmospheric Allergy."
                          Or MS or epilepsy. Or whatevery. Staying in bed today.

