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Self Cathing

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    Self Cathing

    Hey folks,

    So, I had a urodynamics study done this week, and it turns out not only am I not emptying well, but the bearing down I do to pee? It's not how you're supposed to do it...

    So my doc says I have to learn how to self catheterize. Any tips ya'll can give me? Whenever they do it, they always tell me it won't hurt, but it does. I'm wondering if everything I've read saying this doesn't hurt is true or not.

    Tips, tricks, reassurances?


    I self cathed for a short period. I would recommend getting a mirror to make the insertion easier. While I wouldn't necessarily say that the process was painful, it was uncomfortable.


      I would agree about getting a mirror to begin with, and then sit backwards on the loo! It sort of gives you a bit more room- you'll see what I mean when you try!


        Thanks guys I realize that eventually this will be no big deal, but at the moment it's a little terrifying.


          Good luck with it Keri, I used self-cath for a while but gave up as it wasn't helping - I had an overactive bladder rather than retention.

          If you find it extremely 'stingy' when inserting the cath, you can ask for a slightly smaller guage one, they come in different widths and even the tiniest size difference can make a huge difference in terms of comfort. Once I got a slightly smaller one there was no discomfort when inserting it at all.


            Thanks Guzzy! I'll definitely be sure to ask about that should I need to. I'm seeing a pediatric urology clinic, since I was referred there by my spina bifida clinic, so I should hope they'd have some experience with that too


              Me too

              I've been self cathing for 3 years. Of all my symptoms, it's one of the least bothersome. It's not painful or anything.

              My tips would be to get a little carrying case, relax when you do it, sit back a little on the stool so you can see better, insert until urine comes out. I discovered I became a little haphazard after becoming 'good' at it, so be aware of that. You still want to be gentle with your body!

              Good luck!
              Dx in May 2008 at age 44


                Thank you so much for this thread!!! I have urine retention as well. Started out just in the am (first of the day) The past 3 days have been just horrible I tinkle, tinkle, stop and I feel like I never empty my bladder at all. I have been so worried about the self-cath too as I have had caths in the hospital that have hurt like ####!! So I've been waiting to go to the doc because I've been scared that they will want me to do this.

                Love, Laugh, this order
                Dx'd 2-24-11 - Baclofen 60 mg/day 5-11, LDN 4.5 mg/day 9-24-11, Cymbalta 60mg/day for pain 11-11


                  Self cathing is quick and not uncomfortable like a cathether that stays in. They are awful!

                  I use a catheter and separate lubricant at home, but when I'm out that's aggravating in a public restroom.

                  We travel some, and there's nothing more annoying than getting into an airplane bathroom and not be able to go, or not go enough. Or stopping on a car trip and nothing happens.

                  Look at Speedi-Cath. It's a little self-contained lubricated catheter that you just pop open and use, then throw away. They are expensive, around $2.50 to $3.00 each, so I only use when I need to. You can just stick it in a pocket.


                    Originally posted by kmallory1 View Post
                    Self cathing is quick and not uncomfortable like a cathether that stays in. They are awful!

                    I use a catheter and separate lubricant at home, but when I'm out that's aggravating in a public restroom.

                    We travel some, and there's nothing more annoying than getting into an airplane bathroom and not be able to go, or not go enough. Or stopping on a car trip and nothing happens.

                    Look at Speedi-Cath. It's a little self-contained lubricated catheter that you just pop open and use, then throw away. They are expensive, around $2.50 to $3.00 each, so I only use when I need to. You can just stick it in a pocket.
                    Thank you so much for the info. So great to know that it's not like the caths I've had before!! Now I'm not so scared if I end up having to use one!!
                    Love, Laugh, this order
                    Dx'd 2-24-11 - Baclofen 60 mg/day 5-11, LDN 4.5 mg/day 9-24-11, Cymbalta 60mg/day for pain 11-11


                      I've been self cathing for about 4yrs now,it does not hurt at all. For travel I always have my ureo put a " Foley Cath" in,for a few days all I have to due is empty the bag & go on. So easy even in the air! Keep us posted,God Bless, Nona Judy


                        Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to the boards, I've been feeling pretty awful recently. Thanks so much for all the advice and assurances guys, I have been cathing for the past three weeks or so now, every four hours.

                        I will say that I have experienced some pain, but I think it's actually some sort of spasm? Sometimes when the flow ceases and I go to pull the catheter out it's basically like my muscles grip the catheter in a fist and I have to put a little effort into getting it out. It wouldn't be too big of a deal, except for the fact that every time it happens I pee pink for the rest of the day, lol.

                        I'm seeing my uro on Monday, so hopefully he'll have some ideas to help.

                        As for the catheters themselves, I've settled on Speedicath but not the compact. For some reason the compacts are too short to actually reach my bladder, which is a crying shame b/c they were absolutely perfect otherwise. For anyone who hasn't tried hydrophilic catheters, I'd definitely suggest giving them a chance. They are a lot easier on me than regular with lube.


                          I don't know if it's a spasm but I know exactly what you mean about removing it. Every once in a while I have that happen. I swear I can feel the little eyelets raking down the inside of my urethra. If it feels like it's hard to remove, try rotating it a little as you gently pull it out. That helps.


                            I also found speedicath were a little short, but there is a "speedicath plus" which is an inch or so longer and work fine for me. They look just the same but are simply a tad longer. Good luck!


                              Originally posted by kmallory1 View Post
                              I don't know if it's a spasm but I know exactly what you mean about removing it. Every once in a while I have that happen. I swear I can feel the little eyelets raking down the inside of my urethra. If it feels like it's hard to remove, try rotating it a little as you gently pull it out. That helps.
                              Thanks for the tip! I actually spoke to my urologist today too, and explained a bit. He said, basically, when your bladder is empty it collapses and smacks into the catheter, causing a spasm. He told me to try pinching the catheter closed for a bit before trying to remove it. Don't know if it works, but thought I'd share.

                              @annedocuk Thanks for the heads up. I'm going to see if I can't get a couple samples of the Pluses.

