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testosterone tell me

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    It has taken a year of bi weekly injections to get my level normal and now it at monthly maintenance levels and I can tell the difference after I get the shots, I was getting the shots before MS DX I now wonder if the low T was MS related


      I was on Androgel for a month last year (with t levels ~230) to test its effectiveness. It didn't raise my t levels at all and the alcohol in the gel was irritating some neuropathy in my sternum/ribcage area so I'm glad I stopped usage of it.

      I had researched and noticed that most saw the best benefits from injections. However, on follow up bloodwork this fall, my t levels were barely within the normal range - 330 (normal 300-1500 i think) - so my dr decided not to let me continue with any t treatment. I have thought about using tribulus but am not sure. But I have started on vitamin d, cod liver oil. I'm going to get my t levels check again this week so I'll see where I stand now. Tim Ferriss' book 'the 4 hour body' claims that supplementing with vit d3/cod liver oil raise t levels.


        I am also on the Gel been on it now for 6months and doc say's it is coming up but i keep telling her nothing else is.She refuses to give me shots say's it is to low okay whatever lady.


          My levels were so low it was practically gone. I tried the patches, and gels to no avail. I finally went with a bio-identical hormone replacement theraphy. I get pellets sub-q about every 5 to 6 months. My levls are back up where they should be. It isn't the most pleasent three days of my year ( a bit sore and bruised on the hip the two days after) But I prefer it to having to put on that gel or trying to get a patch to stick every day.
          DX: Nov '11


            I was on the patch last month, don't recommend them. Itching, falls off and a rash wherever they were. Ick. This month I'm on Axiron, kinda like a roll on. Takes a while to get used to the application of it, but once you do it's much better than the patch
            In limbo, 9 months and counting...


              I also had this problem.What,if any,Dmd's are you on?I am a 38 year old man who was diagnosed in 07.Initially I had no "problems" downstairs but at the time of my initial diagnosis my neuro put me on Rebif.Within months I started having sporatic problems with turgidity and the ability to maintain erections.
              I just chalked it up to M.s and it wasn't until later that It even occurred to me that I may have low testosterone.I got the blood test and it turned out that 12 year old girls had higher T levels than I did.I started out on the androderm patches for some of the same reasons as JS813 I didn't want my wife absorbing it.My levels went skyrocketed up to a 14 year old girl's.

              Needless to say neither my wife nor I was impressed.

              This went on for 4 more years.

              Eventually I stopped taking the Rebif because it turned me into a zombie.I was having major cog fog and fatigue that I again attributed to the M.s.(go figure).After trying every other drug I could try to combat those symptoms I switched to Copaxone(due to the lower reported side effects).

              Now I still feel like crap but it's a better grade of crap.

              During this time I had also stopped taking the Androderm because not only wasn't it working but it's expensive as hell and not covered by my insurance.

              On a whim during my next blood test I had my neuro test my T.

              It came back normal.Not high or low but respectably in the middle range for a man my age.

              I still don't have the libido I used to Pre M.s. But it's hard to feel horny when you're in pain and exhausted.That being said when my wife and I do become the beast with two backs IT WORKS!I feel like a kid with a new toy.

              Sorry so long but I hope this helps someone.

