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Anxious and Scared

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    Anxious and Scared

    Hey guys,

    I'm sorry to post here, since I haven't been diagnosed or anything, but I'm starting to freak out and need someone to talk to.

    So, at the beginning of last month, I woke up with serious pain on my chest wall, it started out small, and then spread. I went to urgent care and they told me it was just some sort of virus effecting my nerves and I'd be fine. It lasted about 5 days, I thought it was weird, but didn't think much of it. About a week later I woke up with the same thing in a different spot, but less severe and it only lasted about a day. On Monday, I was driving and got out of the car and noticed my knee was asleep, I figured it would wake up but instead it spread down my leg and continued to feel asleep all day, now it's been numb for three days.

    I didn't really think much of this, I have Celiac, another autoimmune condition, and it pretty much destroyed my immune system so I am sick often. I went to the doctor for a routine checkup yesterday and told her about my leg and she was like "obviously, it could be MS, but probably not." (What does obviously mean???) Anyway, I am getting tested for B12 and Vitamin D deficiency to see if that is the cause, and if it's not she left it up to me on whether or not I want to see a neuro.

    Yesterday, I was fine. I realized that the neuropathies were weird, and that in the last month I have been dead tired no matter how much I sleep, and my stomach issues have worsened, but I did some research and it looked like MS is much more severe than my symptoms, so I let it go. This morning though, I woke up and I was totally dizzy and off balance for about an hour, and I realized that wasn't the first time. Now my leg keeps tingling and reminding me to think about it, and I'm just getting SO anxious. Also, I can't talk to my boyfriend or my parents about my anxiety, because my mom was already crying yesterday.

    Anyway, I'm sorry for the long story, I'm just so anxious and needed someone to vent to, and you guys seem like a very supportive community. I'm not sure how I'll handle it if my tests come back negative tomorrow, I just need it to come quicker!

    ok slow down a second. why would your doctor even mention MS when you have one symptom and no tests to prove/disprove that you may have it? i mean, obviously it could be a pinched nerve or any number of other things.

    and MS is not necessarily worse. ive had MS symptoms for almost 9 years now and i have no pain. my worse symptoms are heat sensitivity, fatigue and insomnia (wonderful combo right? lol)

    i also have a weak right hip which make my leg come down fast and hard, so to keep from tripping i had to train my left leg to walk at the same pace. now, the girl with MS, walks faster than her friends. sometimes they need to run to catch up.

    dont appologize for not being dxd yet. you had questions that needed to be answered. no harm in that
    Learn from yesterday
    Live for today
    Hope for tomorrow


      Thank you for your reply! I thought it was really weird that she just threw MS out there too. I have had three different problems with my nerves this month, and I've been extremely fatigued (sleeping 11 hours some nights and still needing a nap) which has made me really unmotivated and sad. I've also read that once you've had one autoimmune disease you have a bigger chance of developing another.

      Like I said before, I'm generally a sick person, so I'm used to random symptoms and I really wasn't expecting her to suggest MS since I thought it was much more serious. I've been in kind of a tailspin ever since.

      I'm glad to hear you are doing well with your MS, that's great! It makes me feel a little better too, thank you for your help!

