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Loss of Bowel Movement sensation

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    Loss of Bowel Movement sensation

    Hi all- it has been quite some time since I've been on. I can't even call myself Kris from Ohio anymore, I moved to New Jersey.

    I was diagnosed back in 2003. My symptoms have been relatively mild and manageable. My most frustrating symptom continues to be extreme fatigue and balance issues. Until now....this might give that one a run for it's money!

    This isn't a new problem- started about 2 years ago. I found that when I had a BM I had lost some sensation or ability to "push". It wasn't that I was losing control or having an accident, I just couldn't push or when I did I would get done and be shocked looking in the toilet and thinking 'I didn't feel that much coming out'. Sorry to be gross. I have had some episodes with urinary leakage- I'll just go the bathroom and then find I leaked not long afterwards. No indication I have to go, it just leaks out. I can live with doesn't happen very often.

    I don't have any trouble "holding it" when I have to have a bowel movement, but I can't hold it for long. I have resorted to using a suppository most nights to be able to go. I feel like I need to go, but can't push.

    My neuro says its not common with MS folks. My reg Dr says talk to the neuro- what the heck?? My only real concern is it being something else-

    Anyone else have similar problem? I am so sorry for the long rant- I probably just need to get an appt with a gastrointestinal doc, right?

    Thank you all for your input- and patience in the long thread!


    Hi ohiokris! There are a lot of people with MS who are experiencing the same problem. There was a very good thread posted on here entitled "is it really constipation or something else?" there is some great information in that thread about how various people have tried coping with this problem. I feel your pain, as it truly is the biggest
    pain in the *** (no pun intended) that I have had to deal with thus far.

    I've been to my neurologist, a couple of GI doctors, gynecologist, etc. and I basically came to the conclusion that I must manage this issue myself.

    Good luck finding what works for you (high fiber, plenty of water and Miralax nightly for me!)


      I have this problem also. My drs are no help either. So far I haven't found anything that helps me. Its frustrating and miserable.


        Originally posted by CougarMama View Post
        Hi ohiokris! There are a lot of people with MS who are experiencing the same problem. There was a very good thread posted on here entitled "is it really constipation or something else?" there is some great information in that thread about how various people have tried coping with this problem. I feel your pain, as it truly is the biggest
        pain in the *** (no pun intended) that I have had to deal with thus far.

        I've been to my neurologist, a couple of GI doctors, gynecologist, etc. and I basically came to the conclusion that I must manage this issue myself.

        Good luck finding what works for you (high fiber, plenty of water and Miralax nightly for me!)
        Yep as CougarMama said...good thread on the's the link:


          Thank you so much for sharing the link. I had looked for hours before putting my post up and didn't find anything that quite matched what I was looking for- this thread does- exactly. Thank you all for your kind help.


            Good luck ohiokris! If you find something that works for you consistently let us know. I'm always looking for new ideas.


              Same problem for me too. I've been using Phillips Magnesium capsules. Taking one at night has done the trick for me the last couple months. No cramping. Just sit on the pot for a few minutes in the AM and wait. Things will happen with no straining. Good luck.


                I have just the opposite problem. I not only dont realize when I have to go, but also cant keep it from coming out once I DO go.... same with my bladder. Im seriously concidering assisted living or something. Changing my diapers 3 or 4 times a day has seriously gotten old. Not to mention my fine motor skill are somewhat lacking atm. So even though Im not in the same boat exactly, I know how you feel.


                  I have the same problem and sometimes I even feel like I am not done but nothing else is happening . My doctor's suggestion was to increase my fiber intake and see if that helps . I now eat a fiber one bar every morning and it seems to be helping somewhat.
                  I will follow this thread to see what other suggestions are offered.


                    Originally posted by OhioKris View Post

                    I found that when I had a BM I had lost some sensation or ability to "push". It wasn't that I was losing control or having an accident, I just couldn't push or when I did I would get done and be shocked looking in the toilet and thinking 'I didn't feel that much coming out'. Sorry to be gross. I have had some episodes with urinary leakage- I'll just go the bathroom and then find I leaked not long afterwards. No indication I have to go, it just leaks out. I can live with doesn't happen very often.

                    I don't have any trouble "holding it" when I have to have a bowel movement, but I can't hold it for long. I have resorted to using a suppository most nights to be able to go. I feel like I need to go, but can't push.

                    My neuro says its not common with MS folks. My reg Dr says talk to the neuro- what the heck?? My only real concern is it being something else-

                    Anyone else have similar problem? I am so sorry for the long rant- I probably just need to get an appt with a gastrointestinal doc, right?

                    Thank you all for your input- and patience in the long thread!
                    I wanted to comment on this because your neuro said it's not common. Bullfeathers!!! As you already know, from the link to the other thread, it's common. But today I went for the results of a test I had this week, and what I've been feeling (the no muscles to push feeling) was confirmed via test.

                    Been having some urinary issues, and the urologist decided to repeat the urodynamics test. Last one I had was about 5 years ago, but they've come a long way in the technology with that test.

                    This was some high tech version of the test I had last time, and included an analysis of not only the urodynamic part, but also some kind of cystomety test that measures the muscle function in the pelvic floor, front and back. I won't go into details, but they rig you up with all these leads, sensors and probes, and then proceed to do the test. During the test they ask you to do things like cough, or bear down like you were pushing while having a baby. It measure the pressure you are able to exert both in your bladder and from your anal/rectal area, among other things.

                    Got the results today, and good news was my bladder was in pretty good shape not a lot of retention, but he remarked that the test showed I had absolutely no pushing power in any pelvic floor muscles (like I didn't already know that, LOL.) But nice for him to confirm , via the test, what I was feeling because I really hadn't discussed that aspect with him, I thought it was just a bladder test.

                    So just wanted to let you gals know that it is not only common, they now have ways to test and confirm the issue.


                      Thanks for the info rdmc! I had a test done that showed my muscles were not working in a coordinated fashion. They still had strength, they just didn't work together. I did try pelvic floor PT and it helped. You might want to see if you can get a script for pelvic floor PT and see if it helps you. Didn't resolve my issues completely but it made me more confident that I was being as proactive as possible and was a big psychological boost for me.


                        Thanks CM,

                        I'll talk to my urogynecologist about the PT. Another thing women w/MS should be aware of is that we are more susceptible to prolapses because of our MS. MS is listed as one of the risk factors for prolapses. I went a round with multiple prolapses and the best specialist to seek out if that presents is a urogynecologist...they're really knowledgeable. Mine knew bunches about MS and pelvic floor disorders. I had no other risk factors for prolapse, other than MS, yet I had about every kind you could have, and they appeared all at once. My urogyn chalked it up to MS and the fact that if the muscles to that area suffer and are affected by your MS, then you can end up with weakness resulting in prolapse and/or spasticity, which can cause pain, in the area. Good news about prolapse, they can be repaired, but it takes someone who knows MS because they can't use the normal musculature to repair the prolapses since that musculature is weak...that's when a urogyn is the best. Blessed MS, it seems like there's no area of our bodies that can't be affected


                          Hi rdmc,

                          You aren't kidding about the prolapse issues! I have had three children in 5 years and have experienced some problems with a rectocele and cystocele. I visited 3 doctors and got 3 very different opinions about the severity of my problem. I mentioned to all three that I had MS but it didn't really seem to register for them (2 were urogyns.) I got frustrated and decided to take a break from trying to solve my problem.

                          One of the docs casually gave me a prescription for pelvic floor therapy with the helpful comment that "it probably won't work but here you go." Well, I can now function and can put off surgery until later down the road because of the PT.

                          I think I need the name of urogyn, sounds like they know a little about MS!

                          Take care and be well!


                            Thanks for posting this! I have NEVER had this problem before my recent relapse (end of Feb this year) I have been using Dulcolax suppositories and I honestly think they only help because It increases sensation "down there" because the stool that comes out is normal consistency and not hard.

                            Ive also noticed "pushing" doesn't work...only relaxing works for me.

                            I'm going to see if upping my fiber helps too.


                              thank you!

                              thank you for that info rdmc!

                              This is just one of the many symptoms of M.S. that it turns out I've been just "dealing with" for so many years when it turns out there are helpful things I can do.
                              Why don't the doctors TELL me there are things I can do about issues that I have?
                              Compassion, forgiveness, these are the real ultimate sources of power for peace and success in life.
                              Dalai Lama

