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Foot Surgery Coming

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    Foot Surgery Coming

    Ok folks! I want to say thanks to all of you for the kind comments and support regarding my bunionectomy surgery that went bad. I am having another surgery on Tuesday to correct/repair/reconstruct/whatever needs to be done to get my foot in better shape. I am going to a new foot/ankle ortho in Columbus. I am hopeful that this will go well. I certainly will not return to the one that perhaps didn't do his "best" work on my foot.

    Take a minute sometime to say a prayer that this will go well. I will be in touch when I get back home. We are staying overnight so I won't have a 3+ hour drive immediately after the surgery.

    Having hope and moving forwards...


    Good luck, lydialou! I will have you in my prayers and hope for the best so you are back to having "happy feet"

    Keep us posted
    1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
    Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


      Well, we are done and I'm home again. The orthopaedist told my husband that it went well and there were no complications. My husband didn't ask any questions (unlike me who does ask things) so I am clueless about what exactly he did. Generally my daughter is with me and she's a family practice doc and they give her the whole scoop and she talks to me about it. But she is in a sports medicine fellowship in NC and can't get away. So I will have to wait until my follow-up appt to see what went on.

      But anyway, I do know that he did more than what he anticipated doing. He told me that he would have to see the condition of my tendons before deciding whether to fix 3 of my toes or just two or just one of them. Since I have three external rods sticking out from my 2nd, 3rd and 4th toe, I know he had to fix all of them. I knew there was a problem with them structurally after my first surgery because the orthopaedist told me he "thought my foot was not done". When I asked him why, he mentioned that my foot had structural problems. That was news to me!

      I will say that my pins have the cutest little green caps over the ends which are turned up at an angle. I am not sure how long I will wear them-it depends on how the bones heal.

      The pain was the worse the first two days but has gradually tapered off since that time to the point where I take some pain meds at night before I go to bed and then maybe mid-morning.

      My husband is exhausted. He is not accustomed to being a care giver to someone on crutches who can longer stand on her feet to cook for him.

      Thank goodness I could go downstairs tonight so I can use the computer. I was beginning to go stir-crazy from sitting in the sunroom reading and napping. This might be a l-o-n-g recovery if I have to stay at home until my pins are out! But then again, I don't picture myself venturing out on crutches with the pins sticking out of my foot.

      Thanks for your well-wishes....



        Owww! Pins in your toes? It sounds terribly painful (even w/ cute little green caps ), but glad you had this done and hope you are recuperating well!! I keep thinking one of these days I need to have my feet looked at, but I'm scared of what doctors might say....

        Hope you can throw the crutches away soon! Be well~~
        1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
        Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


          Oh my goodness, I missed the start of this saying you were going to have this done, and now it is done! Glad for that for you.

          When I had knee surgery many years ago, my roommate had foot surgery and had the pins that you describe. They were pretty scary looking

          Best wishes on a fast recovery, do let us know how it is going as you go thru this!


            Well, ten days out and I finally feel like I am turning the curve to getting well. Today I am beginning to feel more like myself. I am still on the pain meds at night. I had been trying to get by without them but finally called for a refill and have been happy to have them. I now have slept for three nights in a row. Yea!

            My husband is doing pretty good with taking care of me. He is not terribly handy around the house-I guess I did not train him well. But he has learned to cook for us with my instruction, do laundry and shop for groceries. We have survived.

            I have a follow-up appt on Tuesday. I am thinking I will only lose this big surgical bandage on my foot. It will be nice for it to be gone-I think. Part of me wants to see what my foot looks like and part of me is nervous about what I will see. The pins are with me a while longer, I think.

            It is odd to see the pins sticking an inch out of the end of my toes. Doesn't really hurt-just looks kinda odd. And they are green capped.....So I guess I have alien toes for now.

            Thanks for your well wishes....



              Well 15 days out and feeling better. I had a check-up yesterday and had good news. They removed the surgical bandage which was so nice. It was kind of gross in a way. Nothing worse than dried blood on gauze. But the good part was that it did't hurt and the nurse was so gentle that it didn't pull or anything. And my foot was happy for the fresh air. It looks really good. Well actually it looks like a frankenstein foot because of the sutures, pins, and multiple incisions. But it is straight which I can't ever remember seeing. The PA, who is well aware that this was a second time, told me that it looked really good. Yea. She also laughed and told me that I should have come to them first. We have laughed about the situation before. (BTW, wouldn't it be nice to know ahead of time so you would do the "right" thing?????)

              She left in the sutures for another week and when I go back next week, they will take out the wires. I will take pain meds before that. I am going to save my pins-which is a common thing, I understand.

              I made pics with my phone while they were unwrapping my foot, cleaning it up and so forth. So I have a good record for me. Then I sent a few off to my family and grandchildren who were anxious to see the results.

              I now have a surgical boot which I wear and probably weighs like 5 pounds. It completely covers my foot and allows no movement but I can walk better with it. I don't have to worry about doing the wrong thing. The ortho said it would help my ability to get around a lot. At first it was hard to figure out the balance thing but it's ok now.

              It was also good to get out of the house. I have been inside for 2 weeks. I have read and napped and read and napped and watched mindless tv. My computer is downstairs so it is an effort to get to it. I have only done the wooden stairs three times. I scoot down on my behind one step at a time.

              Yea. I am getting better!



                Glad to hear things are moving along, and now you have a walking boot. My DH just got out of an aircast. Nice to hear them say it all looks good, when you are thinking Frankenstein Didn't see your report until today, thanks for checking in!


                  I'm so sorry,I've been there done that! I had those pins,not cute green like yours,just long silver ones.
                  I sat propped on a pillow for 2 weeks,I even slept there,ate there.My DH carried me to the bathroom,as I was warned NOT to use my foot at all.
                  The worst was when he pulled the pins out!!I have never felt such PAIN! I even embarresed myself by throwing up from the pain. But now I have nice stright toes!
                  NEVER AGAIN! I need my other foot done,but I'll live w/what I have,crooked,curled under& all!
                  Keep us posted w/how you're doing,God Bless.
                  Nona Judy


                    Good news, lydialou! Glad to hear that everything is working out for you and you are getting up and out now!! I bet your husband is happy you're up and more able - are you now the main cook in your home again? - lol
                    1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
                    Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


                      Let's see. It's been 3 weeks today since my surgery. I am still not driving or bearing weight on my foot. Crutches and rolley chairs are still helping me get around. My husband is still the cook, laundry lady, grocery shopper, fetcher and driver. But we are survivng. The isolation from the world is still a bummer. Being able to go when you want is really different from my current situation.

                      My computer is downstairs and sometimes it is a day or two before I venture down to check email so I apologize for tardy replies.

                      I go Friday to have the pins removed and the stitches and have x-rays. I have a list of questions to ask so I am ready.

                      NonaJudy-thanks for the info about the pins. I hope that I don't embarrass myself by throwing up or fainting. I guess they have already seen everything that could possibly happen but I would like to be a "big" girl and get this done without problems. My daughter told me to take a vicodin first. It wouldn't hurt she said. My other foot is great so I don't have to make a decision about additional surgeries.

                      I do believe that if I ever have something happen to my foot/ankle area that I will not use the local ortho even though he has the training required of a foot/ankle specialist. And I am afraid that I could never recommend him to anyone. But I know others out of town which works for me!

                      Thanks for your support!



                        Hey! The pins are gone! The stitches are gone!


                        The nurse took out the stitches first. A few were kind of sensitive. The PA took out the pins. She and I talked a bit before hand because I find when you are feeling terrified, it helps to let them know. Anyway, she gripped the toe with one hand and pulled on it as she took pliers and tugged out the pin with the other hand. The first one-my 4th toe-came out before I could even look away. She had to tug a little more with the 3rd toe and had to tug more with the 2nd toe. They bleed immediately but then stopped with pressure. She laughed and said that my 2nd toe wanted to keep the pin. yea-right.

                        The last pin was 4 inches long. I kept them. When I look at them, I think Oh My! I laid them on top of my foot and wondered at the marvels of modern medicine and how someone figured out this particular procedure.

                        My doctor told me my foot looked exactly the way he wanted it to look. That made me feel good. He will make x-rays in three more weeks to check out the inside. He doesn't do that until the calcium callus forms at 6 weeks. I told him that I wanted to see the inside of my foot and he said he would make sure that I did. He thought I would find it interesting.

                        So right now I have three more weeks of crutches and the short boot. My foot is so tender right now because of the pin removal. I have even had a few vicodins.

                        Hopefully, things will continue to progress as well a they have so far.

                        The next big hurdle is when I can walk on my foot and we check out how the new foot works.

                        Moving forward....



                          Hi! Sorry I didn't get back sooner, my 'puter is out & I'm borrowing mt DG'Daughter's.
                          I'm so glad everything went well. For all of modern medicin big strides,why can't they make pulling pins & stiches painless?
                          I know you feel better. Yes DH can be so wonderful,I'm happy you are Blessed w/ a good one.
                          Keep us posted God Bless Nona Judy


                            Yay Lydialou! The pins are out! Are you going to do any physical therapy now - or soon? I have an appt this Thurs. with a foot doctor - finally! The pain I'm going thru is terrible and I can hardly walk, so hopefully I can find some answers. Take it slow and easy, now. Glad you dh has been so helpful -- mine has been too.

                            Take care!
                            1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
                            Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


                              Seasha-My doctor said that generally people did not need physical therapy following this procedure but he would not hesitate to send me for some if he saw that I needed even just a little. That was on my list of questions that I had for my original visit to see him.

                              I am sorry that you are having foot problems. When your feet hurt, everything hurts. Be sure to have a list of questions and you might want to read around about what is happening with your feet. I find it helps me be a little better prepared.

                              I sometimes wish I knew then when I first went to a foot doctor what I know now. I certainly would not have let that first ortho work on my foot.

                              Moving forward-3 more weeks on crutches!


