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Looking for someone willing to "mentor" a newly-diagnosed person

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    Looking for someone willing to "mentor" a newly-diagnosed person

    Hi everyone,

    I work with a non-profit organization focused on uniting and inspiring people affected by neurological challenges through a common passion for the outdoors.

    One of our programs matches people facing a new neurological challenge (Travelers) with someone who has experience with a similar diagnosis and shares a passion for the outdoors (Guides). We link spouses, parents, children and other family members and friends (Supporters) with someone like them as well. These one-on-one relationships inspire hope, instill passion for maintaining outdoor lives and enable our Travelers to receive support from someone uniquely familiar with their experiences.

    We have a newly registered member in Colorado looking for 1-1 support from an experienced person with MS. His wife is also looking for 1-1 support from a supporter/caregiver.

    I would really appreciate the opportunity to tell you more if you're interested in helping us and our new Travelers out!

    Much thanks, here's to living big!
