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Yeast infection

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    Sissy, yeast can grow anywhere on the body, but especially in dark, moist areas, like the bikini area. I only took the one diflucan, and it seemed to have taken care of the problem. But perhaps because you're diabetic, your doctor wants you take take more to be sure the infection is gone.

    I hope you get some relief soon. You might want to try the vinegar suggestion voodoo made in the meantime.
    Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
    Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


      Thank you Shashi, I just talked to my Dr and he has called me in 2 new med's. Lamisil Pills and Cypro. I do not have any lymph nodes in my lower half ( due to cancer) + the immune thingy from MS and Gilenya. So I am making it really hard for my body to fight off this kind of stuff. Oh yes I am doing the vineger thing too!

      I also just read that you can drink some applesider vineger and cinnamon to help boost the "inside".


        With you there, Voodoo. Mine was oral, thank God. Gargled with vinegar. Not good for teeth, but very good for killing thrush.


          to DianeD and Sissy

          I too have had the intense itchiness. Diane- I have also had it on the arch of my foot. My itchiness is a night too.
          I have been so afraid to bring this up with my dr. that I actually stopped going to my annual exams. I am going next monday and I am so glad I read this post.
          I have the mirena iud which can also cause an increase in discharge.
          What I have done is put vaseline on all of it. That seems to help keep the discharge off the skin so it doesn't continue to itch. I need to find out what it is though.
          Mine doesn't itch all the time. I go through periods when it stops. It's so confusing and embarassing! I am going to try a probiotic as suggested above.
          ~seeuinct (Connecticut)
          Dx the first time: 10/25/11
          Avonex 1/12-10/12
          Revaluation of Dx 10/12
          Rediagnosis 7/14


            Hello all. I have been through the rounds with vaginal infections, so much so that I actually built up a resistance to Flagyl. I occasionally get Yeast infections but seem to be more prone to BV(yeah, the stinky one). It would take the whole week of the antibiotics to work and then it wouldn't completely kick it out of me. So, I went "natural" and used yogurt(suggested by a friend). Now, while I was ingesting it(pill form-always refrigerated BTW)-I was also 'inserting' it. I know that sounds gross, but it works!!!! For both BV and Yeast. The thing you have to make sure is that there are no added sugars and just plaing(preferably Organic). This worked for me for almost 4 years and then I got another doozy of a BV infection that needed help with the meds again...The time off from them(4 years)really helped and they worked again.
            I still prefer to go natural though and plan on doing so if I need to again soon(knock on wood. lol.).



              How do they test a DH? Then what do they give him if positive? I've always suspected that my DH is at fault with this problem.

