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Can not feel my tongue

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  • Mamabug
    diguilio -- I've read some of your other posts. Welcome to MSWorld. I agree with Pennstater. It could be either a replase or a flare. Please call your neuro. It's important that they remain aware of new or recurring symptoms.

    Regarding whether it is MS related, my perspective is usually that anything COULD be MS, because MS is neurological and the brain affects everything. But not everything IS a part of our MS, so we also need to look for other possible causes.

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  • pennstater
    If this is a new symptom and lasts 24-48 hours, you should call your neuro. Do you still have relapses, or are you SPMS with flares? It could be a relapse.

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  • diguilio
    started a topic Can not feel my tongue

    Can not feel my tongue

    Hi everyone, when I woke up this morning I can not feel my tongue. My question is this normal? Is there anyone gone this and what has your doctor helped you?