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Section 8 Housing interview

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  • palmtree
    The Saturday has come and gone, now I call everyday to make sure I’m still on the list. It’s stuck at 191. I asked them what that means in time and they don’t know.

    The stakes are so high because I am juggling finances like crazy to stay afloat. I don’t know what I would do without the friends and family that help out.

    It could be another 3 years. I just hope I am healthy enough to benefit from it when it comes.

    Thanks to all for helping me ride this roller coaster!

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  • pennstater
    Hopefully your wait won't be too long. So does that mean you still have the interview on a Saturday then? And is it soon? Lots of luck.

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  • palmtree
    Originally posted by KoKo View Post
    That's good news! Thanks for letting us know, palmtree.

    Take Care
    Thank, Koko.

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  • KoKo
    Originally posted by palmtree View Post
    This whole thing is so confusing. I called the Housing Agency where I had accidentally applied online and on Monday a guy told me the thing was legitimate and my name had come up. I asked why was it scheduled on Saturday when you are not open on Saturdays?

    He said,well we had a special day when we were open on Saturday. There is a lot of relief that my personal information was not compromised. If I had lived in the jurisdiction where I applied it would have been better. But I am happy where I live. Have friends here.

    Called the local housing agency and they told me my name is still on the list. Whew! I just have to be patient.

    Thanks for all your concern.
    That's good news! Thanks for letting us know, palmtree.

    Take Care

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  • palmtree
    This whole thing is so confusing. I called the Housing Agency where I had accidentally applied online and on Monday a guy told me the thing was legitimate and my name had come up. I asked why was it scheduled on Saturday when you are not open on Saturdays?

    He said,well we had a special day when we were open on Saturday. There is a lot of relief that my personal information was not compromised. If I had lived in the jurisdiction where I applied it would have been better. But I am happy where I live. Have friends here.

    Called the local housing agency and they told me my name is still on the list. Whew! I just have to be patient.

    Thanks for all your concern.

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  • pennstater
    I am so sorry it was a scam - glad you made calls. I hope they didn't get additional personal information on you. Is there anything you need to do? Did they give you any idea how they would have come upon your name and contact info?

    Hopefully your name will come up soon legitimately.

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  • Mamabug
    Originally posted by palmtree View Post

    ... the local aging service said they thought I had been scammed.

    I was.
    Ohhh! I'm sorry to hear that. How disappointing. I guess your name is still on the waiting list then. Hopefully, it will come up soon.

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  • robert152

    What state do you live in?

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  • palmtree
    Well I don’t have to worry about what to wear at the Section 8 Housing interview. The letter didn’t say where the interview would take place so I started making phone calls. After the bureaucratic run around the local aging service said they thought I had been scammed.

    I was. The interview was on a Saturday and none of the Housing Authorities are even open in Saturday. If something seems too good to be true it(probably)is.

    I don’t know why but I get these feelings that since I could have such bad luck and get MS there will be something wonderful to balance it out. Keep forgetting life isn’t like that.

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  • palmtree
    You are right. That is why I laugh at myself when I fret about things like that.

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  • Mamabug
    Originally posted by palmtree View Post
    Good advice not to be nervous. I am fretting about what to wear. If I dresss to impress it might look like I am too well heeled to qualify. But I don’t want to look like a slob. The truth is I don’t have very many clothes.

    It’s all so silly but this is what I focus on when faced with a situation like this. Gotta laugh at myself. I will dress casually like I’m going to a doctor or something and bring a friend.
    Isn't qualifying just based on income and waiting lists? I don't think you need to worry about what you wear.

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  • palmtree
    Good advice.

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  • robert152
    Just shake it and wish them well.

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  • palmtree
    Thanks. That is nice to know about. At the moment I am living in an apartment that I love in a place that I love. And, fortunately, they accept Section 8.

    If I get this I might be able to make ends meet and not have to go into anymore debt.

    But I made the fatal mistake of asking my caregiver to help me fill out the application and overnight it. Now she wants a huge raise effective immediately. I don’t even have the rent help yet! She has stuck by me through thick and thin and is very indispensable. But this is going to wipe out half of my windfall.

    Never win the lottery, everyone will have their hand out.

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  • robert152

    Good luck on the interview however if for some reason you do not qualify I wonder if you have checked out low income housing through faith based organizations. My daughter helped a friend find a nice apartment through MEND.( in NJ ) his income of around $1800.00 a month is entirely from social security disability And his apt rental I believe is just under $500.00 a month.

    By the way, you don’t have to be religious to be helped.

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