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MAS (multiple autoimmune syndrome)

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  • pennstater
    Amazing how many have MAS. My total admiration in dealing with it all.

    Me - only one, but like others, multiple family members with an autoimmune. Celiac's, Chrons, Ulcerative Colitis, Addison's.

    My nephew is getting tested for MS at 30. I pray he doesn't have it. He has Meniere's , but they suspect more going on. He is a healthy eater, into rock climbing, marathons, kayaking. He made me cry because he said if he does have it, I showed him you can keep on going and have a great life with it. Really praying it is not MS.

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  • Daisycat
    I didn稚 know this was a thing, but I guess I know what I知 reading about tonight since I haven稚 been sleeping great since I stopped working out as much.

    But I知 the only one in my family that has anything wrong health wise. I知 definitely the loser in the genetic lottery in my family.

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  • Mamabug
    I just have one.

    But in my family (2 siblings, 2 adult children, 3 adult nieces and nephews), between the 8 of us, we have 8 autoimmune diseases.

    -Two have 2. (4)
    - Four have 1. (4)
    - Two (the two youngest) have 0, and might develop some. (0)

    4+4+0 = 8

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  • gomer
    I am also blessed with multiple issues;= Multiple Sclerosis, a strange variant of Diabetes, TYPE-1 (1B), and now Addison's.

    I have to deal with all of them and more (CK-3, RHD, etc) 24/7.

    Go Figure?

    Note: I have problems typing n MSworld's editor....

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  • roxy118

    Originally posted by MyGirlsMom View Post
    Roxy, yup. I have several autoimmune diseases and I think that makes my health and care difficult for both me and my doctors.
    Thanks for all your responses. Yes having more than 1 autoimmune disease is a daily challenge. I知 always worried about an eccerbation(ms, uveitis, lichen planus, hoshimoto). I知 definitely keeping Medicare busy. It gets to me sometime and I just get so angry. My nephew has 3 autoimmune and sister has 3 so I do believe in genetics.

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  • KoKo
    marti and MyGirlsMom

    Sorry to learn that you also have several autoimmune diseases to deal with.

    Wishing you strength, and hoping you have some long periods of relief from symptoms.

    Take Care

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  • KoKo
    roxy118 - Thanks for sharing your experience with us, and bringing the subject of MAS to our attention. I'm sorry that you have other diseases, besides MS, to deal with.

    Originally posted by Jules A View Post
    It seems so unfair that having one miserable disease isn't sufficient.

    While I knew the propensity for more or autoimmune disorders to run in families I wasn't aware of MAS. This link is interesting especially because it looks at the heritability factors of some of the different AI conditions.
    Jules - Thanks for sharing the article about multiple autoimmune diseases with us. Very interesting, and I learned some new things.

    Take Care

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  • Jules A
    It seems so unfair that having one miserable disease isn't sufficient.

    While I knew the propensity for more or autoimmune disorders to run in families I wasn't aware of MAS. This link is interesting especially because it looks at the heritability factors of some of the different AI conditions.

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  • MyGirlsMom
    Roxy, yup. I have several autoimmune diseases and I think that makes my health and care difficult for both me and my doctors.

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  • marti
    I don't know anything about MAS, but I do have several autoimmune diseases. I always heard that if you have one you tend to get several of them.

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  • roxy118
    started a topic MAS (multiple autoimmune syndrome)

    MAS (multiple autoimmune syndrome)

    Does anyone else suffer with mas. I thought ms was the only autoimmune disease I would get. I develop a new one every few years (ms, uveitis, lichen planus) Developed antibodies for hoshimoto disease. I feel like every part of my body is giving up. Does anyone know if reasearch on mas? Thanks for any info. Roxy118