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Received my MRI results, had some questions

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    Received my MRI results, had some questions

    Hi all,
    I had my MRI 5 days ago and just received the report and a CD with my images on it. I asked the technician what type of MRI machine it was and he said 3 Tesla. I don't really know what kind of difference that makes. I had MRI of brain and cervical spine. Here is what it says in the report:

    Findings: There is a punctate focus of increased FLAIR signal seen along the right limb of the splenium of the corpus callosum.

    Impression: A single punctate focus of increased white matter FLAIR signal is nonspecific and normal for age. No enhancement.

    I understand from reading that this is normal in "healthy" older adults (I'm 54 and have been having symptoms for 4-5 years). But I consider myself NOT healthy because of my neurological issues. Here are some of the things I experience -
    Burning in my feet and back of thighs
    Internal vibrations in my legs
    Intention tremor in right hand
    Loss of balance
    grey cloudy spot in left eye
    Cognitive issues
    Hot flushes
    Tingling in fingertips
    "cramps" under my ribs
    There's more but I can't remember anything else.

    Then, doing research about that area of the brain, I run across plenty of theses statements: "Inflammatory demyelination and axon damage in the corpus callosum are prominent features of multiple sclerosis (MS) and may partially account for impaired performance on complex tasks."

    So, my question is - Do my MRI results signify this is NOT MS? Or since it's common to have damage in that area in the older population, they're just assuming it's because I'm getting older. I guess the radiologist probably doesn't look at my neurologic history but just interprets the MRI?

    If anyone can help me out, thanks!

    A radiologist is looking at the MRI. Sometimes, if MS is suspected, and the results support it,they may word it that the results are consistent with demyelination.

    When you review with your neuro, he should explain.

    The criteria for diagnosis requires disemination in time and space. Basically, lesions in two different places in the CNS that occurred as a result of two events. From that standpoint, the MRI doesn't support it, at least from what was posted.

    There is a diagnosis of clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), that a neuro may use if only one location or one event detected, if the MRI is suspicious for MS. But that is a determination that only a neuro can make using the MRI, your history, his clinical testing observations, and results of other tests to rule out MS mimics.

    Hope you get some answers.
    DX 01/06, currently on Tysabri


      The MRI in conjunction with other testing gives a more complete picture for the Dr. There is no single test, by it's self, that can give a definitive diagnosis of MS. There is also no symptom exclusive to this disease. Many other conditions, medication side effects, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, and mental health disorders can cause similar symptoms as those seen in MS.

      You had brain and spine MRIs, but only one report. There should be a MRI report for the brain and another one for the spine. You only posted the brain MRI, which appears to have only one lesion and is non-specific. That would not account for the multitude of symptoms you have.

      At 54 it is possible for some of your symptoms to be perimenopause or menopause. Perimenopause is the decade or so before you hit menopause.
      Diagnosed 1984
      “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


        MRI results

        Hi Snoopy, I was supposed to have brain and cervical spine MRI. Would I have a different report for each? I only have one for the brain. Maybe they didn't do the cervical spine
        I don't think I'm in menopause because I had a hysterectomy over 20 years ago. Hopefully I get a call Monday from the neurologist to discuss the results. I guess the next step is a lumbar puncture maybe.

        Hi Pennstater, thanks for the reply. Can my neurologist read the MRI too or do they just go by what the radiologist reports? I've tried to look over the 400+ pictures of my brain but obviously I don't know what I'm looking for, lol.


          Hi Lundungurl.

          Would I have a different report for each?

          Maybe they didn't do the cervical spine
          When you have a brain MRI the technicians put your head in a "cage" to help you not move. When they do a spine MRI you do not need that "cage." So, if you had MRIs without your head being held immobile with the "cage" then you more than likely had a spine MRI. You can call the facility where the MRIs were done they can tell you if you had a spine MRI.
          Diagnosed 1984
          “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


            MRI results

            Ok, I guess they didn't do the cervical spine then because I had the head cage on and that was never taken off. The cervical spine was added as an after thought after the brain MRI was already scheduled because as I was having a "flare-up", I called the neurologist and asked for a cervical spine and thoracic spine MRI done at the same time, and he said based on my symptoms he would aprove the cervical spine but he didn't think it necessary to look any lower than that. Maybe I should call the hospital and see if I should have to go back to do the cervical part?
            Thanks for the reply


              Yes, your neuro should be able to read the MRIs. Take the discs with you to the appointment. If he doesn't, ask if he can show you what the radiologist was referencing.

              I can never make sense of the images either, but there are a number of people on here who do! It amazes me.

              Definitely get the cervical MRI.
              DX 01/06, currently on Tysabri


                MRI results

                Good idea taking the discs with me. I will definitely ask him to show me what the radiologist saw. I called and got the cervical spine MRI scheduled for Dec. 1st. I see the Neuro on Dec. 10th and should have the results back by then.

