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Lack of Confidence in Doctors

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    Lack of Confidence in Doctors

    I am so disillusioned by doctors telling me there is nothing wrong. I could really just scream. I have no primary care for the last 3 years because I was accused of being a drug seeker when I had kidney stones that were deemed non-obstructive (therefore unable to cause pain in the kidney). This is just the latest of doctor disappointment. My neurologist still is convinced I don't have MS (after being diagnosed in another state) but will continue to keep me on my protocol because maybe it is treating the symptoms. I take Adderall & Nuvigil. I was taking Copaxone but I have discontinued it because I am not sure it helped. I don't know what to do.

    Hello sowhatifidid2 and welcome to MSWorld

    How were you originally diagnosed with MS and why does your current Neurologist say you don't have MS?

    was taking Copaxone but I have discontinued it because I am not sure it helped.
    What were you expecting Copaxone to do?

    Off hand I have never heard of anyone taking both Adderall & Nuvigil, but maybe I'm wrong
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      WOW you actually take both stimulants? Hopefully not at the same time and under a doctor's direction. Nuvigil made my bp go way up and adderall is amphetimines for add/adhd, if you don't have either of those, which I don't then it is a stimulant. Please be careful with those medications.


        What I find most alarming is that your physician has said they have concerns about your current regimen but are willing to continue them anyway. I can only hope it is due to it being the first time they met you so they are attempting to establish rapport and trust before telling you the regimen is ridiculous, if that is in fact what they are thinking.

        Not talking about this case but in general the number of terrible, often unsafe cases of polypharmacy I have seen over the years disgust me especially because in many instances I suspect they find it easier to just give a patient more medication or what the patient insists on rather than what is appropriate. I appreciate providers who have the courtesy and backbone to be honest, judicious and prescribe appropriately even if the patient will get upset.
        He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


          Did your new neuro review your MRIs and other tests that were originally used to diagnose you? It is possible for lesions to disappear. Some time lapse MRIs have shown this. So if you had a new MRIs and different results, then you may want to show the old ones. Likewise, if you had an MRI in old state on a T3 machine, and new state only 1.5, small lesions could be missed.

          As for Nuvigil and Aderall, my neuro gave me the choice to try one when Provigil stopped working, but not both. My primary didn't even like me on one! Please be careful taking this combo? How long have you been on both?
          DX 01/06, currently on Tysabri



            My Primary care MD rolled his eyes at me when I told him I was taking Nuvigil for MS fatigue.

            I added that to the list of why I needed to change MD's. ( which has been done).
            DX'07 MS- on Tysabri-

