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Wandering around a thrift shop

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    Wandering around a thrift shop

    My husband has been in the hospital all week so today I decided I'd get out on my own a little here in town. Went to a thrift shop that was crowded and congested and just couldn't stay in there. My eyes have been hurting for weeks... feel extra tired. But I almost lost my focus in there. So I left and went to another one. This one is better organized, but still the amount of stimuli with all the items and booths made me feel so unbalanced. It's just no fun going thru them anymore.

    Can this be a balance issue from the MS? This week has been extra exhausting for me, but really, I'm not doing that much. I've only been to the hospital once. I've had plenty of time to just stay home alone. I have a tendency to wander around the house when I'm alone and of course, anxiety is always with me. Guess I'm just screwed up.

    The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.

    Marti, I am so sorry to hear that Sam is back in the hospital. I am sure that the "me time" is a welcome break for you.

    I used to enjoy browsing thru thrift shops too (you never know what you may find in there) but ANY shopping now days is a chore and not something that I enjoy. It may be balance issues, but for me I believe that it is just too much stimuli. Music, people talking and too much to look at - all while I am trying hard to just think .

    And I have discovered that thinking is often more exhausting than physical stuff. I really miss my mind. Anxiety has to be exhausting. I wish I could offer you some suggestions to help tame that, but thankfully I don't stress too much.
    That drives my husband crazy - he is always like 'why aren't you worried about this thing that might happen?', and I explain to him that I have enough to deal with with what is happening RIGHT NOW that I don't need to borrow any more problems, which BTW aren't even problems yet (if they ever will be).

    I hope that you can enjoy the rest of your 'break'. Read a good book, watch a favorite movie or any other activity that is just for you and will occupy your mind for a while.


      Originally posted by msgijo View Post
      Marti, I am so sorry to hear that Sam is back in the hospital. I am sure that the "me time" is a welcome break for you.

      I used to enjoy browsing thru thrift shops too (you never know what you may find in there) but ANY shopping now days is a chore and not something that I enjoy. It may be balance issues, but for me I believe that it is just too much stimuli. Music, people talking and too much to look at - all while I am trying hard to just think .

      And I have discovered that thinking is often more exhausting than physical stuff. I really miss my mind. Anxiety has to be exhausting. I wish I could offer you some suggestions to help tame that, but thankfully I don't stress too much.
      That drives my husband crazy - he is always like 'why aren't you worried about this thing that might happen?', and I explain to him that I have enough to deal with with what is happening RIGHT NOW that I don't need to borrow any more problems, which BTW aren't even problems yet (if they ever will be).

      I hope that you can enjoy the rest of your 'break'. Read a good book, watch a favorite movie or any other activity that is just for you and will occupy your mind for a while.

      Thanks so much. Guess I was looking for someone who understood. You always do. Yes, there are many nights when I can't turn off my thoughts. Just when I should be tired and ready to sleep my mind starts running down roads and won't stop. I think about past things and people and can't quit. Thinking really is exhausting!!! Thanks for that.

      Those thrift shops can be so crowded with stuff that it becomes claustrophobic. This place I went to has all these little rooms with little skinny walkways to get to them and everything looks like it's going to fall down on me. It closes in. This was the first time I had this kind of experience... this severe.

      Heading to the hosp with my daughter. He might come home today, might not. Thanks so much. I love hearing from you.

      The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.

