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Is this an exacerbation?

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    Is this an exacerbation?

    Hello All! It's been a long time since I was on this board. It had actually fallen off of my radar, but I'm glad it's returned to my active conscious mind.

    Brief history: I was dx in 1/09 w/RRMS. I guess I have had a pretty easy run overall with no activity on MRI x 3 years now. Although, I also have been frustrated that there is no physical evidence of what I've been feeling.

    I have had a stressful year and I have a tendency to deal with my stress by shoving it into that little black ball that lives in the pit of my stomach. So, that's working well.

    A few weeks ago, I became ill with a viral infection. Probably my 1st real illness since dx. Since then, I have had new pains in my right wrist/hand, intermittent dizziness, loss of appetite, extreme body fatigue (extreme for me), I fatigue easily when working on my computer or phone....I could go on. I had pretty much decided I was just having a slow recovery due to the MS, but it has just gone on longer than I think it should have, if that were the case. I have an appointment with my PCP tomorrow, but I'm not certain whether I should start with him or my MS specialist. My concern is that the PCP will want to order more symptom-oriented testing and delay an eventual referral to the MS specialist and delay treatment if this is a flare.

    Ugh. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.


    Hi chipmunk5150,

    A few weeks ago, I became ill with a viral infection.
    Are you still sick? A virus, infection or flu can cause a temporary increase of MS symptoms, this is referred to as a pseudo-exacerbation and is self limiting . Usually once the flu/virus/infection is gone MS symptoms return to what is normal for that person.

    Start with your PCP to determine if you have a virus or something else that can account for your symptoms. If you check out fine then seeing your Neurologist would be a good idea.

    Hope you feel better soon.
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      Originally posted by SNOOPY View Post
      Hi chipmunk5150,

      Are you still sick? A virus, infection or flu can cause a temporary increase of MS symptoms, this is referred to as a pseudo-exacerbation and is self limiting . Usually once the flu/virus/infection is gone MS symptoms return to what is normal for that person.

      Start with your PCP to determine if you have a virus or something else that can account for your symptoms. If you check out fine then seeing your Neurologist would be a good idea.

      Hope you feel better soon.
      Yes; what Snoopy said.

      However, the reverse can also be true. Instead of triggering a pseudo-exacerbation, any kind of "stress" (physical stress from an illness, emotional stress or anxiety, even "good" stress that results from anticipating a happy event) can trigger a real flare.

      If you're still sick, it's hard to tell. But, once your flu is gone, if the symptoms hang around for more than 24 hours, it might be a real flare.

      Checking with your doctors, in the order Snoopy suggested, is a good idea.
      ~ Faith
      MSWorld Volunteer -- Moderator since JUN2012
      (now a Mimibug)

      Symptoms began in JAN02
      - Dx with RRMS in OCT03, following 21 months of limbo, ruling out lots of other dx, and some "probable stroke" and "probable CNS" dx for awhile.
      - In 2008, I was back in limbo briefly, then re-dx w/ MS: JUL08

      - Betaseron NOV03-AUG08; Copaxone20 SEPT08-APR15; Copaxone40 APR15-present
      - Began receiving SSDI / LTD NOV08. Not employed. I volunteer in my church and community.

