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Donation Suggestions

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    Donation Suggestions

    Hi All!
    I am in need of some suggestions for donating money that will be raised by a fundraiser. I am a school secretary and have progressive MS. The school district is holding a fundraiser in my name. I would like to donate the money to a more specific MS cause.

    I am from Iowa and would like to keep it close to my surrounding states, because I don't think Iowa has any type of services where I can donate the way I would prefer. If there is, I am open to any suggestions!

    Are there any nutritional studies geared towards MS? I have changed my diet by going preservative free, gluten free and have switched over to all natural skin care, shampoo, etc. So my questions is, do you know of any research I could donate these funds to for studies with natural remedies.

    Or, my other idea is to donate to a summer camp? A place where MS patients can go to enjoy quality of life through therapeutic activity.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
    My sincere thanks!
    Fall down seven times....get up eight!

    My Donation Suggestion

    How wonderful that your school district is doing a fundraiser for you. I am impressed.

    You might want to consider directing some of the funds raised to support the research of Dr. Terry Wahls at the University of Iowa. She is a professor of Internal Medicine and is the creator of the Wahls Protocol Diet which so many MSers follow. Her current research compares the effect of the Swank Diet and the Wahls Protocol on MS-related fatigue. This research is also receiving support from the NMSS.

    Hope this gives you a place to start.


      After a quick Google search, I found that the upper Midwest states have their own chapter:

      If you click under the services and support section in the list to the left, there is a place to click on for research and clinical trials. Maybe there could be something you are looking for in there.

      There is also a MS youth camp in WI with contact information:


        Oh my goodness thank you!!!! I must have MS Brain!! I qualified for Dr. Wahl's clinical study a few years ago, and couldn't make it work into my schedule due to the failing health of my mother!!!!! I have actually changed my lifestyle to eat the Wahls protocal.........what was I thinking!!!

        I will split between the two suggestions. Since I work with kids, I will also donate to the MS camp in Wisconsin!

        These are the exact suggestions I was looking for!!

        Blessings to you both!!!
        Fall down seven times....get up eight!


          Originally posted by IowaGirl View Post
          Oh my goodness thank you!!!! I must have MS Brain!! I qualified for Dr. Wahl's clinical study a few years ago, and couldn't make it work into my schedule due to the failing health of my mother!!!!! I have actually changed my lifestyle to eat the Wahls protocal.........what was I thinking!!!

          I will split between the two suggestions. Since I work with kids, I will also donate to the MS camp in Wisconsin!

          These are the exact suggestions I was looking for!!

          Blessings to you both!!!
          Yay! Btw, love your signature line


            Ok What a wonderful position to be in!!!

            There is no question what I would do if I were in your situation. When I was a little girl, my aunt came down with PPMS. It progressed very rapidly so her story was a sad one. My little cousin, her son, became very attached to her. She could not speak but he sat by her bed. Only he could understand her. He listened to her teachings.

            Many years after her death he still holds her deeply in his heart. When I became diagnosed with MS, he started contacting me. We have communicated a lot the past few years. His dream is to build a place where people with MS could live together. Those who do not have spouses would benefit greatly.

            Our vision, me with my architectural background and him with his engineering and building experience, is to create a community set in a quiet rural setting where each MS person would have our own little bungalow. There could be a place to garden because it is so therapeutic be around plants, a collection of pets like bunnies and hamsters, chickens etc. could be kept in separate area. Everything would be handicapped accessible and residents could walk or scooter around to socialize with each other.

            There could be a common dining room with a kitchen that residents could use if they wanted to prepare meals together. And, most of all, there could be a comprehensive staff of caregivers on site 24 hours a day so that all levels of care would be available to residents on a shared basis.

            To build it is one thing. To maintain it is another. We believe that if it met qualifications for Medicaid, it would all work.

            We have lots of other ideas but this is the basics. I know it's easier to donate an organization already established, but those funds usually go into administrative costs and the people they claim to help, never see the benefits of the well intentioned charity.

