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fears--and venting...and scheduled for mental health exam by social security

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    fears--and venting...and scheduled for mental health exam by social security

    My youngest son (28) is moving with his g/f and my granddaughter to Arizona...and I'm so sad (even though it's only one state away, I know it's not that bad...but I'm still very sad). I'm going to say 'goodbye' tomorrow, and I hate to cry (especially in front of my son). All of these memories from raising him (and my oldest, who is 30 and lives in town...but doesn't really call much) are on my mind.....and although I'm sad, I'm glad he has a family and is going to experience life! I'm an only child (and not married, etc.) and my parents have been deceased for it's a lonely type of feeling. I will be strong, though, and not let on about these fears with him....I'm sure he has his own feelings he's dealing with.

    I also received a letter from social security directing me to go to a 'mental exam' with a psychologist. I'm stressed about that, mainly nerves from when I went for my neuropsych eval/testing in was exhausting, and I'm nervous that the 'mental exam' with a psych is going to be the same type of situation. Has anyone else gone for this type of exam for social security? I'm not sure why they are sending me; they already have all of my medical records from my neuro, etc. With the other issues I'm experiencing (yes, I'm depressed and being treated by my primary doc; worked for mental health people for 20+ years, so don't go to a therapist), I'm afraid I will burst into tears when asked the first question.

    Thanks for letting me vent a's horrible to be alone and 'overthink' things that may not be as scary as they seem, and I'm grateful to have this forum.
    Rule of Feline Frustration: When your cat has fallen asleep on your lap and looks utterly content and adorable, you will suddenly have to go to the bathroom.

    Regarding the Social Security exam, I recommend that you tell them in advance that you are not claiming a mental health disability. Tell them that your own doctors are providing the necessary documentation and you will not be attending their exam.

    I hope that takes some load off of you. Dealing with SS on mental health issues is crazy making! You don't need that and you don't have to put up with it.

    About your sons, my heart goes out to you. I have a 30 year old son who it moving to Arizona this summer to start his own business. Right now he is living at the beach being able to surf after work everyday.

    He is going to miss,the ocean and I'm going to miss him. Hope,.it will all work out,,for you and for your sons. A little at a time.


      Ahh, Social Security exam- it's been years now but I remember it well. Why? Because I just had to do my first "review" to confirm if I'm still disabled. Uh YEAH! It's only gone downhill since approval and don't they have access to all of our records anyway?

      What I really wanted to say is think twice about not going to their exam. Are you working with an attorney or doing it on your own? If you have an attorney ask them about it.

      It took me SIX years and 2 denials before I finally went the attorney route. Some of my doctors and the welfare dept. (had to go on welfare finally to support my kids after spending all savings, retirement, etc.) were all convinced it was because I refused to "claim the mental route" as it usually doesn't take more than 3 to 6 months for approval in Wa. State if one claims mental health issues.

      That's why I finally got an attorney. The only thing causing "mental" issues was PHYSICAL losses, repeated denials, losing my financial security from an inability to continue working- ALL physical and all physical issues documented by dr.'s dating from an injury when I was 24 and had been told then to go to SS because my injury is permanent.

      The MS came later. I understand you holding out to be approved on physical grounds, I did. I just want to warn you that it can take longer and be harder to get that way. I have no idea why.

      OOps, it was 2 denials and about 4 1/2 years when I got the attorney- it took over 1 1/2 years for the Judicial Review appointment. So yes, a little more than six years to approval.

      Are you being pressured by anyone to change your claim? I felt like I was and it felt like a lie to me because I had so much documentation of the physical issues I had at the time. However my understanding is that the mental eval is just another requirement they have, I did it too.

      Good luck to you and try to relax! Easy to say, I know. I get exceptionally uptight whenever I think someone is trying to pick my brain!

      How soon is your appointment?


        Psyc eval

        The psych evaluation is standard for disability. Please don't worry about it. One test asks you to identify "faces" over and over and gets very confusing and frustrating, but that's the point. It's checking your ability to remember....a difficult thing with short term memory loss in MS. You pass the test if you have trouble remembering....get it??? I was a counselor before disability and knew about most evaluations and I still got frustrated to the point of tears, but that proved I needed to go on disability. I was 64 and only used disability a few months.

        Take heart. You'll do fine....uh....poorly???

        Live long and prosper.

