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anyone said NO TO screenings?

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    anyone said NO TO screenings?

    I just read Katie's post above, and she said she was so done with preventative screening tests.... I SO AGREE, and wonder how many of us with this disease agree? Anyone disagree?

    I am sick of mammograms, colonoscopies, etc, etc, etc. When I said that to my General Practice Dr. he got more than a little irritated at me.

    Would like to hear your thoughts and reasoning.
    You are in the driver's seat, but God is holding the map

    My time, my money, and my body! I know that so many things, caught early, can be corrected/treated/ cured, but honestly I don't have the energy, money or even the desire to take on any new battles.

    I have periodontal decease - caused by dry mouth as a direct results of meds I take. So the last several years I have spent a small fortune at the dentist. Now he wants to do a root canal - on a tooth the I have already paid several times to fix . He says the only alternative is to pull the tooth. AND? Pull it already!
    Really considering dropping the periodontal treatments too. I cant stop taking the meds causing the problems with my teeth, and even if I did the damage is done.
    Kinda a darned if I do and darned if I don't thing .

    Mammograms - been stopped going. Flu shot - not since bad reaction several years ago. Colonoscopies - nope. Annual physical exams (wellness visits) - I see my PCP every 3 months for my diabetic meds so NO I don't make another visit to chat with him.
    I DO still do the yearly eye exam. In fact I have an appointment later this week, and will go ahead and schedule having cataracts removed then.

    Now days I ONLY make doctor appointments for problems that I already know about or rather things that are bothering me at this time.


      I postpone MRIs

      I keep reading that damage that shows up in brain/spine scans doesn't correlate well to one's own experience of MS. It's true for me!

      My symptoms worsen constantly but for many years now I keep being told my MRIs are unchanged from the previous scans. Well, the co-pays cost me a bomb and my treatments are based on symptoms, not scans, so why would I keep getting scanned?? I still do it, but not nearly as often as I'm told.

      That's always what I ask the doctors: why would you want me to do this? There's never a real answer.


        When a doctor brings up all of those screenings I just say, "this is a very personal decision but I have decided to stop all cancer screening and unnecessary testing. I hope you will respect my wishes"

        When you put it to them that way, they have no choice but to respect your wishes. I hope it works for you.


          I stopped doing screenings years ago. Every year I opt out of the routine letters and phone calls from my medical group that remind patients to do their screenings. I only do MRIs if I have a new onset of significant symptoms, and the last time was almost two years ago. I won't be doing anything but tests that are necessary for maintenance of my happiness. That excludes doing anything where I intentionally go looking for more trouble.


            Originally posted by jreagan70 View Post
            I won't be doing anything but tests that are necessary for maintenance of my happiness. That excludes doing anything where I intentionally go looking for more trouble.
            This is a sound strategy provided you don't plan to treat any of the trouble that might come looking for you. If someone is going to want to treat a condition it is usually best to diagnose early.

            I'm not big on heroics in general especially now since I already have MS and imvho most any other terminal illness would be preferable to pass from or at least quicker.
            He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.



              All of you have said something I haven't said out loud to my family. I'm done. Last mri they found another non-cancerous tumor in my head. I couldn't care it it grows or multiples. I've had enough.


                Originally posted by Jules A View Post
                This is a sound strategy provided you don't plan to treat any of the trouble that might come looking for you. If someone is going to want to treat a condition it is usually best to diagnose early.

                I'm not big on heroics in general especially now since I already have MS and imvho most any other terminal illness would be preferable to pass from or at least quicker.
                You've got it, Jules A! No one will say it but MS is indeed a terminal illness.
                Yes, I know, so is life, but MS (for me) has meant the "best" years of my life spent worrying, even when things were pretty darn good, then incrementally getting endlessly worse, having unpleasant tests and taking awful drugs.

                I will not have any more "precautionary" tests for anything. You want me to have a Pap smear? Mammogram? What for?

                I knew two ladies in their 80s who had mamograms, cancers were found, they had mastectomies and spent
                the last months of their lives in utter misery.

                Now, I've had MS for 18 years, and I'm kinda done with it.

                I'll do tests/ treatment for illnesses that are painful (really, really painful, hello KatieAgain), otherwise, well...

                If you are young and okay, then yes, have those tests. Look after yourself. That's the twist with MS - it's a long slow road, and It might all work out fine.

                There is light at the end of the tunnel, not that I've ever seen it, and it probably is an oncoming train.


                  to each his/her own

                  I agree to a certain extent. It is a personal decision. Based on age, degree of your MS. And, your family history.

                  I have a strong family history of Cancer, and, I know what cancer can do if it is not caught early. Brain cancer: I would have to make that decision when the diagnosis comes.

                  Already had mastectomy due to breast cancer. Had I not had the mastectomy the cancer would have been far worse then my MS. Had a hysterectomy due to other issues. I feel the best I have for years.

                  Flu shot, yes for me. The flu drags me down far more then the shot. And, a household of asthmatics. They can not handle the flu either.

                  Once again, it is a personal choice based on your life and your situation.
                  God Bless and have a good day, Mary


                    Take the Tests

                    Whether or not you decide to take the preventitive tests is certainly a personal decision. If you don't; however, I think it is really out of ignorance. I hear cancer can be pretty miserable. I had several polyps removed as a result of my first colonoscopy. They were precancerous and could have lead to obvious real problems.


                      I know since I've never had unprotected sex and I'm not that old the odds of getting an abnormal pap are low. . .and I can use all the "normal" results that I can. I'm also still working, so if I had a tumor with mets I would also want to know that because I sure as heck wouldn't be draped over this desk if I had 6-8 months to live. Conversely if it were a little-pea sized tumor that could be gotten out with a punch and a local that would probably score me some FMLA on the sofa so why not?


                        I agree to do away with all the preventive screenings. No mammograms, no more gyn checks, and maybe no more MRIs unless I have some sort of bizarre symptoms. I flipped out during my last MRI and stopped it because they kept trying to do the test over and over. I said, "I think I'm done!" I've also never had any changes on my MRI since my diagnosis 5 years ago. I'll keep taking my meds and that is all. Thanks everyone for your input on this subject!


                          My Plan IS Euthanasia and I'll do anything to PREVENT other disease's from taking ANY MORE FUNCTION from me!!!

                          I do as much preventative screenings as I can! If I have a little lump in my breast, I want it removed in outpatient services and resume my daily life the next day! IF that lump gets too big and spreads--just the darn treatment would kill me.

                          I have no fear of death but, I'd like to go with the ability to walk. With the tacchycardia and hypertension plus all my other issues; it would be a bummer to have a stroke I don't have the energy to recover from.

                          Ultimately, my standard of living and Euthanasia is centered around my life choices I made for quality of life and end of life care when 19 years old (I am now 62). If I can't wipe my ***, I am ready for Euthanasia, period! Although, it is my responsibility to do as much as I possibly can to live a fully functional life as possible! If I am depressed I call my doc, if the meds don't help-I go to psychiatry. I still have pre-cancerous skin tissue removed, mammograms and I CANNOT take a colonoscopy prep and make it to the hospital in the AM or afternoon, being up all night takes every ounce of energy and ability to control my bowels away.

                          I get flu shots, preventative vaccines--Pneumonia, shingles and flu when recommended.

                          I'd hate to have PREVENTABLE LIMITATIONS OF OTHER DISEASE'S due to a wish of death!

                          I WANT MY ABILITIES AS LONG AS I CAN! Preventative Care and doing all I can for my disease is my PLAN, until I CAN'T! I never want anyone else taking care of my personal hygiene with no hope of my improving. And I don't want any Bible Thumper telling me to "hang-on" and suffer just IN CASE--THERE IS A CURE!

                          There are quite a few threads here on this topic and I often leave the site for days-weeks, because I understand how everyone feels and we SHOULD have the right to govern our own bodies in life and the END OF LIFE. However, these threads are so DEPRESSING for me to read, especially when I feel the pain and understand how we ALL feel about this disease. But, I'd hate to have a pain in my groin of a blood clot and loose the leg and still be alive!

                          Many things that cause physical limitations of a disease, won't kill us. I am for QUALITY and I'd really hate for anyone here to lose a simple ABILITY that is a life changer!

                          Be pro-active as you possibly can, please?
                          I know its' difficult..but, more limitations can be worse than death! Just think about it! Fed


                            I had surgery in November and then again in July for the same issue. I have used up all but about 4 days of sick time and I told my hubby that I was NOT going to get an MRI this year--unless my neuro could give me a REALLY good reason to. He (my dr) actually agreed that we can go without the MRI for the time being.

                            But I've had a hard time making appts for myself because I just feel like I am so over the medical stuff. I was supposed to make an appt for physical therapy about 3 weeks ago...I just got around to it yesterday, but am not happy about going. I'm just SO tired of the appts.

                            I want to take care of myself and do all the preventative things that I can, but I'm just worn out from them. "Ignorance is bliss" and all that.

                            I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one.


                              lt's been 3 years since I've been to the gyno. If I could get around like I did 3 years ago, I'd go, but I cannot physically do so anymore. Getting up on the table thingy, laying down, and all that...stuff. And do that naked with only a flimsy gown on? No. Not gonna happen. To prepare mentally and emotionally is such a drain anymore. I just cross my fingers.

                              I went nearly 2 years without an mri. Until my neuro put his foot down. I can do an mri, but it's big chunk of money that I feel could be put to better use. The mri hasn't changed. I can him tell more than those films.

