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Trying on shoes make you sick?

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    Trying on shoes make you sick?

    Does anyone have difficulty shopping for shoes? I just went to Kohl's to find a pair, and after trying several on, I decided I was going to throw up, or pass out! Something about bending down to put them on in an enclosed aisle just makes me feel awful, even hours after I've come home. I think I'll stick to ordering online!
    Adversity gives you two choices in life: either let it make you bitter, or let it make you better! I choose the latter.

    Yes, only one pair of shoes that works (a bit). Ecco Mary Janes. Strap over the top of my foot seems to help.
    I get dizzy just lowering my head.
    There is a good youtube video, where this man with MS spends ten minutes just trying to get his shorts on. He stands up, the shorts fall off, he laughs.


      Originally posted by 4boysmom View Post
      Does anyone have difficulty shopping for shoes? I just went to Kohl's to find a pair, and after trying several on, I decided I was going to throw up, or pass out! Something about bending down to put them on in an enclosed aisle just makes me feel awful, even hours after I've come home. I think I'll stick to ordering online!
      Yes, any bending over or looking up made me sick for years! Putting on shoes,getting clothes out of the dryer,stepping on an escalator,putting up dishes in cabinets, reading,etc all made me sick. I woke up one morning and it was gone for the most part. I still have a little trouble getting clothes out of the dryer sometimes or shaving my legs in the shower, but it is sooo much better than it was!
      Go figure....


        Yes for me too. Bending forward or tipping my head back has been terrible for me for years. After being newly diagnosed, I remember the first time I really noticed. We were at Home Depot and looking up at the racks nearly put me out. I learned very quickly that when hubby said, "look at that", to not look.

        Instead of bending over, now I pull my foot up to me to put socks and shoes on.


          I'm fighting with this symptom right now. Doctor told me I had an ear infection, but the antibiotic has not made any difference. I suspect this is another MS thing. It was one of my first symptoms 15 years ago.

          So my question is: what can we do about this? I've never found any suggestions.

          The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.


            I also have trouble with looking up and down. Vestibular therapy has helped some, but I have to keep doing the exercises or it quickly returns. The Exercises are designed to bring on the sensation and then build up a tolerance to it. It may be worth a try. If you are not familiar with vestibule therapy, it is a specialized area of P.hysical Therapy. Your doctor can write a prescription for it.
            DX 01/06, currently on Tysabri


              Originally posted by marti View Post
              So my question is: what can we do about this? I've never found any suggestions.
              Best answer I could ever come up with is that old joke ..."doctor it hurts when I do this. Dr says ... so don't do that ".


                I have that problem, too

                Not necessarily with trying on shoes, but I get very dizzy, very quickly.

                I have an Xbox game that my husband bought for me. I have tried several times to play it, but I get so motion sick that I have to quit before I get past the first level.

                Two nights ago my kids and I made a whirlpool by moving in circles around the inside of the pool. I had to get out. Seriously thought I was going to vomit.

                Not sure if it's related to my MS, but it certainly makes going to an amusement park challenging!


                  I don't have trouble with the whirlpool thing. I do water aerobics most days and we whirlpool and I'm fine. But if we do neck stretches (rotating neck in a circle while looking up and down) I'm in a funk, so I don't do those.

                  I'm glad to (well not for the misery of it for you) hear that others have this problem. My solution is just to buy online, and send them back if they don't fit!

                  This is one of the reasons I will never be able to go back to teaching in the classroom. I'm grateful for my job teaching teachers how to integrate technology. Looking straight ahead at a computer is much easier than bending over to help a student with a problem!
                  Adversity gives you two choices in life: either let it make you bitter, or let it make you better! I choose the latter.

