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Is anyone on lithium?

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    Is anyone on lithium?

    Is anyone on lithium? How does it work for you?

    I need to get on something stronger than the 200mg Zoloft & trazedone that I take. What is the strongest anti depressant there is and can I take it with Tysabri?

    I don't know how these antidepressants work but how can they make me feel better when things are so bad? I guess I'm being a baby because I miss my pets so much and haven't been in my house in six months. I just cry all day every day. It's hard on all of us but feeling bad for making them feel bad just makes it worse.

    All I do is come n here and wail. I'm sorry. But I need a better drug than Zoloft.
    "It's never crowded along the extra mile." --Dr. Wayne Dyer

    Originally posted by RockysMom View Post
    Is anyone on lithium? How does it work for you?

    I need to get on something stronger than the 200mg Zoloft & trazedone that I take. What is the strongest anti depressant there is and can I take it with Tysabri?

    I don't know how these antidepressants work but how can they make me feel better when things are so bad? I guess I'm being a baby because I miss my pets so much and haven't been in my house in six months. I just cry all day every day. It's hard on all of us but feeling bad for making them feel bad just makes it worse.

    All I do is come n here and wail. I'm sorry. But I need a better drug than Zoloft.
    Hello there, finding a happy medium mentally with a drug can be such a task. I was on 18 different meds 15+ years ago until finally the right combination was found. I take 1200 mg of lithium a day and 50 mg of zoloft and honestly without the lithium I am not sure I would be here. The zoloft I have taken off and on over the years and been on higher doses but the lithium for me has been my saving grace. I very rarely get manic anymore and if I do it's not crazy and extreme as it was years ago. As for my lows I don't experience them either like I used to so for me its been a miracle drug. I was taking avonex for about 1 1/2 years and now am on plegridy and I seemed to do well with the combination.
    Best of luck to you and I hope you get to feeling better.


      I'm curious, why is Lithium rx? I'm on Xanax for anxiety, but I'm not experiencing optimum relief based on the rx'ed dose. I'm not sure if my dose needs to be increased, but I'm hesitant because also notice the 'slowing' effects, both physically and cognitively on my current Xanax dose.

      I'm extremely sensitive to many meds, which limits my rx sx options. I also don't tolerate stimulants, particularly Ritalin, my go to for fatigue. I love caffeine via a very strong cup of coffee, but my intolerance even for caffeine is making it appear that I'll have to give up my delicious and 'clearing the fog' go to cup of jo.

      Another med that always improved fatigue is my pain meds, but I'm finding the stimulant effects of pain meds a bit too much.

      Sorry, I realize this may be beyond your first hand experiences, knowledge of meds in general. Any relevant experiences/info shared greatly appreciated.


        Originally posted by from2344 View Post
        I take 1200 mg of lithium a day and 50 mg of zoloft and honestly without the lithium I am not sure I would be here. The zoloft I have taken off and on over the years and been on higher doses but the lithium for me has been my saving grace. I very rarely get manic anymore and if I do it's not crazy and extreme as it was years ago. As for my lows I don't experience them either like I used to so for me its been a miracle drug.
        Is lithium only for bipolar depression? Or manic depression whatever it's called? I don't have that, just plain old all-the-time depression, thank you.
        "It's never crowded along the extra mile." --Dr. Wayne Dyer


          You sound terribly sad, and you have a good reason to be sad.
          I'm not a dr but (can we make INADB a shortcut, mods?) it sounds to me like you have a case of perfectly "normal" reactive depression.
          When the farm, my family home, was sold I cried every time I thought of it; if I think of it now for longer than a minute, I cry again. Whoops there we go.
          I've had good results from Xanax and let's call it medical MJ. Still depressed mind, but I can make it through the day.

          Lithium as an rx is pretty specific.
          My elderly Nana had dementia, and the drs put her on anti-psychotic drugs, because the usual anti-anxiety, anti-depression stuff did not work.
          It was not a happy experience for any of us. Mainly because the drugs turned her into an even more bad-tempered and sadly incontinent zombie.

          Have you got a counsellor/therapist?
          Sometimes just letting it all out in a sobbing mess to a third party really helps.
          I understand. Trying to put on a brave face for your family is not possible, long-term, as you know.

          Listen to "Tears of a Clown". (Good song.)


            Rockys Mom

            My heart goes out to you Darlin'. But I personally would not want to take Lithium unless I had to. I have a kid taking Lithium and he has a hard time with it.

            I believe you stated before that if you lost some weight, you could get in a smaller wheelchair and into the house. Should that not be the goal instead of trying to mask everything.

            My reasoning is if you lose the weight and are able to get around the house a lot of that depression will lift and life will be easier and better. You know what else would be easier? PT. It would be much easier for you to lift yourself and do you exercises at a lighter weight. You could probably even get back to toileting yourself.

            I hope that all came out right. Your doc could help you with finding the correct diet to make sure you are getting all your nutritional needs.

            Don't give up on yourself. Make it your full time job to help yourself and let your hubby worry about the job and money.
            "Yep, I have MS, and it does have Me!"
            "My MS is a Journey for One."
            Dx: 1999 DMDS: Avonex, Copaxone, Rebif, currently on Tysabri


              Rockys Mom, talk about hijacking someone else's thread! So very sorry for the poor etiquette on my part.

              Being away from home must have your anxiety through the roof. I'm struggling with high anxiety too, and seeing it mentioned in your post set me off on my selfish prattle.

              What little I (think I) know about lithium is back in the day when it was probably rx'ed in horrid excessive doses to control behavior in institutional settings for the mentally ill. I'm not sure if it's rx'ed these days in smaller doses with better outcomes or not, or is considered appropriate treatment for MS anxiety.

              I'm going to google for more 'contemporary' info about present day usage and get back with you.

              I hope there is treatment for the level of anxiety that you must be experiencing, that would help you during this difficult.

              Take good care. Be kind, gentle, and not too harsh with yourself.

