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    My B12 has dropped from 850 to 456 past several years. I am in my first major flare in 15 years. My first attack in 1998 had B12 level of 350. Took B12 injections for six months and levels stayed high for years.

    Three years ago level was 750. My attack started in June. Level taken in August was 456. PCP and neuro say they aren't worried since abnormal is below 425. PCP says B12 levels can fluctuate wildly day to day and that sounds wrong to me.Started 1000mcg B12 4 weeks ago sublingual.

    Am worried this isn't MS but is B12 deficiency.(or both).
    Due for MRI in two weeks--finally authorized by insurance

    Do you have comments about B12 issue?

    Hello poolwatcher, when I was in the process of finding out what was going with me they did tons of blood work and also found that my b12 and D levels were low especially my vitamin D levels. I started supplementing and they both raised but like you was still feeling horrible ( I'm sure it was a relapse since I'm still learning about ms and relapses and remissions, etc). Its just so hard to get a straight answer from docs. I was also told that the b12 would help make me feel a little better and have more energy. I don't know where that energy has been this whole time.

