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Practical jokes...

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    Practical jokes...

    Anyone else run into this issue. Had a friend play a practical joke on me today that caused me to burn half my day's energy on a wild goose chase!

    Needless to say I did not see the humor in it but knowing his intent was to pull a harmless prank I laughed it off... Since friends and family never fully seem to get it how do we deal with this?

    I'd love to hear similar situations and how they were handled.

    I usually appreciate a good practical joke.

    Recently, when a guy at work went on vacation, some of my coworkers sealed off his cubicle with clear packing tape and filled it to the top with balloons. I thought that was pretty good. But those kinds of things need to be carefully thought out--can someone get injured or have their feelings hurt? I don't know what he did to you, but it sounds like he should have asked himself what could go wrong first. Sorry it was hard for you.

    People usually don't do things like that to me because they think I'm mean. Don't you dare tell them otherwise.
    Dx 07/13


      Originally posted by J-Bo View Post
      Recently, when a guy at work went on vacation, some of my coworkers sealed off his cubicle with clear packing tape and filled it to the top with balloons. I thought that was pretty good. But those kinds of things need to be carefully thought out--can someone get injured or have their feelings hurt? I don't know what he did to you, but it sounds like he should have asked himself what could go wrong first. Sorry it was hard for you.

      People usually don't do things like that to me because they think I'm mean. Don't you dare tell them otherwise.
      What he did is my friend is aware that I have a love for a certain old truck, I own two of them and they are rather rare so if I see one I aways want to check it out. He told me there was one in a local auction yard and discribed it to me, telling me he was there and looked it over already. This lead to me driving over to the auction yard and walking about 1/2 a mile only to discover the truck wasn't there. I asked him later and he admitted he was just pulling my leg!

      I guess if I was healthy I might have got a chuckle from it but my friend should have known that much walking would cause me a lot of pain.


        I must have high standards when it comes to practical jokes because I'm failing to see the humour in it, in fact, it borderlines mean.

        I thought you were going to arrive at the auction only to see one of yourtrucks on the auction block (prearranged of course), so when I finished reading what he did to you, it was lunch bag letdown!

        Let's hope these kinds of practical jokes never arrive on your doorstep.... I'm sorry this happened to you.
        RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
        "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


          I would hope that your friend that played this prank on you just didn't give your physical comfort much thought. I would mention to him that his prank caused you extreme discomfort and sucked your energy level down. I am sure, if you explain yourself in a calm and polite way, he will understand your situation. Good luck


            I agree

            I fail to see the joke part of that "joke". Your friend needs a humor transplant.
            Dx 07/13


              Many practical jokers are "bullies" that use the jokes to hide how mean they really are
              Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


                My friend is a good guy, he helps me a lot with heavy lifting etc. I really think he just never thought about it. I did have a talk with him and he felt bad I could tell.

                Thanks everyone for your input .


                  So glad you were able to "clear the air".
                  RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
                  "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


                    Glad you could patch things up, Dale. Sometimes it's best to just talk about it instead of stewing and sometimes it's not. It's often hard to know which to do.
                    Dx 07/13


                      Originally posted by J-Bo View Post
                      Glad you could patch things up, Dale. Sometimes it's best to just talk about it instead of stewing and sometimes it's not. It's often hard to know which to do.
                      Yes well as you know this terrible MonSter can really mess with a person's head and I know I sometimes over react or maybe in this case I missed an obvious clue that it was a pratical joke... Who knows?

                      I just know I often think things over later when my head is clearer and often come to the opposite conclusion then what I thought in the moment.

