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Good News One Day...Bummer a Few Days Later

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    Good News One Day...Bummer a Few Days Later

    I'm not a frequent poster but do spend time lurking...for as long as I can stay logged in. That's' another story. LOL

    The short back story is while I believe I've had MS for 20 years or more, I wasn't officially diagnosed until 2008. It took years to find a competent neurologist after a debilitating relapse in March 2013. I went to bed one night and woke the next morning unable to make the right side of my body work/operate. I couldn't even lift my hand or was a devastating period for me but after five days of IV steroids, I slowly got my life back with just a few residual after effects.

    Fast forward to December 2013. Since our insurance deductibles/out of pocket expenses start all over again Jan. 1st I asked my neuro to order a MRI of the brain, C&T spine. Earlier MRI's showed several lesions on the brain and a couple on the spine. He thought it a good idea, had it done on Dec. 16th, met with him Dec. 20 and heard the good news. No new lesions, no activity and the two on the spine were no longer there. Yay Me! Forgot to add I'd started Copaxone in May.

    Christmas Eve, just four days later, my entire right side is tingling and numb. I can't hold onto anything with my right hand. My right arm, leg and ankle are swollen from the inflammation. My neuro is out of town until 12/30 so on 12/27 I see my Internist and we decide I have nothing to lose with another round of Solumedrol. Monday 12/30 will be the last day and I'm hoping to see my neurologist to let him know what's been happening.

    My point is...I got such great news one day and four days later my world is once again rocked. My biggest fear is I've gone from remitting/relapsing to more of a progressive type. I never saw this coming. And I'm scared.

    Hello, ZSP. My non-medically-trained opinion is you're having another flare. Again, read disclaimer above, lesions and symptoms do not necessarily correlate.

    My MRI from 8 years ago is more or less identical to the one I had last year. Eight years ago, I was pretty much fine. I could run (not fast), I could dance (not well), I just got a bit tired and had tingly fingers.

    Things are different now (dance, let's try stagger), but those scans still look basically the same.

