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Hearing Sensitivity

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    Hearing Sensitivity

    Hi All,

    I don't post a lot, mostly just troll, but I am curious if anyone has sensitive hearing? I've not experienced this in the past however last night I had a severe headache, right sided facial numbness and severe leg cramping.

    Today I'm still having the leg cramping (I take 90mg of Baclofen daily) but what is really more of a concern is my hearing sensitivity. It's so bad every noise "hurts" if that makes sense.

    I'm not sure what to do, if anything. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? I'm thinking a flare may be coming on because, and I know this sounds weird, but I went to get a pedicure today, I've taken note that the onset of flares has a correlation to in my sensitivity feet. The scrub stuff they use (sugar scrub) nearly puts me in tears this come after putting my feet in the water which causes intense itching in my feet like skin crawling sensation.

    Since this hearing sensitivity is a new symptom for me I was hoping someone out there may have some suggestions for me. Sorry for rambling, but I feel like my family is already getting tired of my MS and we're only a couple of years into this.

    Thank you all for listening and helping.
    Melissa (dx. 3/22/2011)

    Hi Mlissa,

    Sorry to say the sound sensitivity can be part of MS.

    Mine comes usually with a flare. Best advice to deal with it is get earplugs. If it gets really bad (as in the dog walking across the floor seems like a horrific sound that causes you to jump) use noise cancelling headphones so you can't hear anything.

    Proper name is hyperacusis, and you should at least alert your neuro if it's a new symptom for you.

    Here's a link to a previous thread on the subject...hope your sound sensitivity passes quickly:


      All kinds of wierd hearing symptoms were my first sx of MS. I still have sensitivity and an occasional wierd sound or beep. Much more so when tired.

      More fun and you are not alone.

      Diagnosed with MS spring 2010; Still loving life


        Hi Mlissa, I wish I could add a more positive note to your question but I have had hypersensitive hearing for at least 15 years. It is not usually as bad early but gets worse all day long the more tired I get, the worst it gets. Everyone is attacked differently by the MonSter though so hopefully yours will just go away and stay away.


