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    For those diagnosed with MS how often do you have to have MRI's?
    I have mine about once a year, is that about the norm?

    I'm PPMS so now on every two years unless something weird happens.


      Depending on what medication you take, every year is the norm, unless you have a big exacerbation, then they might do more than that just to check. I am on Tysabri and some folks get checked every 6 months or more often if they are JCV positive. I get checked every year just like regular since I am JCV- still.

      Hope you are doing well.

      Take care
      Moderation Team
      Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
      SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)



        I had one with initial attempt to discover what was wrong in '85 and then had my 2nd one in 2011 with a new I've only had 2.
        Susan......... Beta Babe since 1994....I did improve "What you see depends on where you're standing" from American Prayer by Dave Stewart


          Originally posted by 22cyclist View Post
          Depending on what medication you take, every year is the norm, unless you have a big exacerbation, then they might do more than that just to check. I am on Tysabri and some folks get checked every 6 months or more often if they are JCV positive. I get checked every year just like regular since I am JCV- still.

          Like everything else MS, there is no norm.

          My first MRI was in January 2004. I will have my sixth MRI in the next couple of months. That's certainly not one a year. I actually have gone about three years since the last one.

          If you're loaded with cash, sure, have one every week. Or maybe you savor the melodies of the machine. Otherwise, ask yourself what you really have to learn from one, and if the results might change the way you attack the disease.


            Each MS Center or Neuro will have a standard of care that they apply to MS patients and then tweak based on the individual case. Doctors will want to monitor some patients more and some less.

            My first Neuro (regular neuro) did them every 6 months and anytime you had a new symptom.

            My MS Center does them once a year unless a big relapse happens and then they will do another one.

            The "average" standard seems to be 6 months to a year. Of course this will vary by neuro/Center and with patient input.
            Diagnosed MS 11/2012
            2nd Opinion DX RRMS 9/2013
            1st Avonex Injection 10/13/2013
            .....just keep swimming...........


              I usually get one every year
              MS World
              PPMS DX 2001



                My MS Specialist also requests I get an MRI once a year (I'm on Tysabri), unless my symptoms warrant them more often.

                “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck


                  Since my dx I've had two annual MRIs (brain & c-spine) and no new sx or significant changes in the MRIs. This year my neuro & I agreed that it was not necessary to scan, since nothing has changed.
                  1st sx 11/26/09; Copaxone from 12/1/11 to 7/13/18
                  NOT ALL SX ARE MS!


                    My neuro says every 3 yrs if no problems so that's the schedule I'm on. Since I have to pay for them myself he has to give me a very good reason for needing one.

                    Thankfully my MonSter is still "mild" so they aren't needed often.
                    DX 10/2008
                    Beta Babe 12/2008-07/2013
                    Tecfidera 07/2013-01/2018
                    Aubagio 01/18-09/20

                    Ocrevus 09/20-present


                      When I had my first attack, there was a giant lesion in my neck and they initally suspected cancer, so I had one every three months. I was supposed to have one annually after that, but after paying $700-1000 copay for each, I told my doc I needed a financial break and we decided we would discuss any new ones and not just have one because the protocols say so.

                      I have had two recently, one in October with a big relapse and one last week for starting tecfidera.

