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"You're Disgusting"

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    "You're Disgusting"

    All of my students at one point or another will ask why my hands shake. I used to say I drank too much coffee because, well, I thought that was the truth. Sometimes it would become like a little joke, "lay off the coffee Ms. M."

    Since I got dxed kids of course continue to ask. A few I said that I was sick and my body was mistaking my nerves for a virus or bacteria, that it was confused. This explanation stopped everyone from asking except one girl.

    She asked me on Monday if I was going it D-I-E. I said no. Today I was fumbling with some keys and she walked up. There was meanness in her eyes and she said, "your hands aren't shaking!" I held the keys between my thumb and forefinger and said, yup, still shaking. Then, she said it, said "you're disgusting" and walked away. I was so stunned I didn't say anything, it seemed to embody a viciousness for anyone at any age that makes me want to give up on humanity.

    That's terrible. I'm sorry.


      So sorry dyin myelin; Kids can be so rude. Only makes me wonder what kind of parents raised such a mean kid. The kid probably doesn't have a clue she is socially being entirely unacceptable. fed


        Originally posted by dyin_myelin View Post
        Then, she said it, said "you're disgusting" and walked away. I was so stunned I didn't say anything, it seemed to embody a viciousness for anyone at any age that makes me want to give up on humanity.
        It's obvious to any normal person how callous that is, but I'm going to guess it's even worse from a pupil to a teacher.

        I'm no teacher, but I have to think it would be good for both of you to ask her exactly what she finds offensive. It's seems likely she has some serious misconceptions about you...
        1st sx 11/26/09; Copaxone from 12/1/11 to 7/13/18
        NOT ALL SX ARE MS!


          Oh how lovely. Only reply I can think of is expletives deleted. I'm so sorry this happened. She is a bee-atch. People can be cruel, and either you educate them, if you think they'll listen, or eff 'em.


            You did not say how old she was. Kids are naturally inquisitive and it sounds like you handle most of their questions appropriately.

            But as a parent, I would want to know immediately if my child had done this. It is not a behavior that most parents would approve of. A sincere apology and an appropriate punishment/learning opportunity would follow.
            "Yep, I have MS, and it does have Me!"
            "My MS is a Journey for One."
            Dx: 1999 DMDS: Avonex, Copaxone, Rebif, currently on Tysabri


              Originally posted by KatieAgain View Post
              You did not say how old she was. Kids are naturally inquisitive and it sounds like you handle most of their questions appropriately.

              But as a parent, I would want to know immediately if my child had done this. It is not a behavior that most parents would approve of. A sincere apology and an appropriate punishment/learning opportunity would follow.
              I agree. I think her parents should be notified of this exchange so they have the opportunity to
              a. review the example they have been setting for her, and
              b. correct the behavior.

              I would probably also ask my administrators, with union representation present, if perhaps it might not be best for all parties involved if the girl was transferred to another classroom. Professional or not, I would have a hard time grading her work objectively from that point on.


                Depending on her age of course I was thinking I would want to talk to this girl. She may have some underlying issues maybe even a parent that is an alcoholic and she thinks your making excuses. We don't know what she was thinking but. She may need help dealing with a situation. As much as I know it hurt you again depending on her age I feel there was something she is hiding that needs help. Good luck


                  Originally posted by Thinkimjob View Post
                  Oh how lovely. Only reply I can think of is expletives deleted. I'm so sorry this happened. She is a bee-atch. People can be cruel, and either you educate them, if you think they'll listen, or eff 'em.
                  I agree whole heartedly. I really think educating her would be must appropriate depending on age. Under 12 talk with parents. Over 12 sit down with her and kindly educate her. She apparently has some issues maybe you could help her with. She maybe be bullying other students and that needs to be addressed.

                  Best of luck to you!!!!!
                  ISSUES LONG BEFORE
                  REBIF 1 YEAR


                    It doesn't matter...

                    ...what age the student is, it is time for a student-teacher meeting. At that time, I would ask the student to be my helper so that none of the other students would think I was "disgusting".

                    You may make a more caring person out of this student if you model "compassion" for her.
                    All sunsets are beautiful, but the most amazing sunsets have a few clouds.


                      Originally posted by KatieAgain View Post
                      But as a parent, I would want to know immediately if my child had done this. It is not a behavior that most parents would approve of. A sincere apology and an appropriate punishment/learning opportunity would follow.
                      ITA. I would be livid if one of my children even came close to the expressed sentiment, let alone just blurted it out like that.

                      I would also mention this to your principal. If she has continued to have issues getting past this, it is probably not in her best interest to continue in your classroom. The educational process has been interrupted, and she would do better with a teacher she doesn't have issues with. Plus, you have handled this with an amazing amount of grace, but I think that probably ends for most of us. Having a person in your environment who treats you that way is not healthy, fair, or necessary.


                        Wow! I'm offended for you. If my child (at any age) was that mean, I would want to know. I'd fail the kid!!! Sweet sabotage!

                        RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
                        "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


                          What a brat

                          It's too bad you can't 'accidentally' extend your leg out when she walks by and trip that kid!! How rude. I'm sorry you had to hear that comment, kids can be so mean. But to disrespect an adult like that is unbelievable. Hang in there...
                          Possible MS 1993, RRMS, Dx 2007, SPMS 2013. Avonex - Oct '07 - Jul '12, Gilenya - Sept '12 to May '13, Tecfidera - June '13 to present. You see things as they are and you ask why..I dream of things that never were and I ask 'Why Not?!'


                            The only thing disgusting here is this student's behaviour. You say "there was a meanness is in her eyes" which leads me to believe she was not a small child. She was intentionally cruel and downright disgusting (herself). Dyin Myelin, this needs to get reported both to the principal and to this student's parents. If this is allowed to go unreported and unresponded to then it is setting a precedent for this person and their behaviour in the future. If this is how she behaves towards a teacher, I dread to think how she must be behaving towards other students. The word bully springs to mind.

                            I don't tolerate fools gladly and even less so bullies. What this person needs is a good lesson. And a good teaching. As you say, this was done with cruelty. This needs to be stamped out her and fast. If it is not dealt with now, at this age, I dread to think what she will turn into when she is older. God knows what she does to those who cannot speak for themselves i.e. small children or animals. If nothing else, then this needs to be addressed for other people with disabilities who this person might have the misfortune of coming across and confronting.

                            I can fully understand wanting to lose faith in humanity when something like this happens. Please don't. Thank Gd, such a person is the exception and not the rule.
                            Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ... Dr. Seuss


                              I wouldn't be offended that she asked about dying but to say you are disgusting is unacceptable and agree her parents need to be notified. I also wonder if something horrible has happened to her to make her so mean spirited.

                              Have you told it is MS? If not a vague explanation involving the words virus, bacteria and attacking might be frightening you young ones.
                              He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.

