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Vent. I want drugs and I want them now.

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    Vent. I want drugs and I want them now.

    I kept forgetting to press submit. We, I, kind of need auto save.
    Doctor still won't let me have any 'roids. My BP is now a relatively normal 126/82. I am seriously considering just going to the ER, because she doesn't seem to grasp just how bad this is. I'm not a sook, either.

    I think maybe, like most doctors, she didn't like me asking for a particular course of treatment.

    I can't walk more than ten steps without resting, the numbness is creeping up my legs like an incoming tide, and now I've got double vision. Could, of course, be worse.

    I think she's trying to force my hand. She's a big fan of Tysabri, and she wants me to quit work. Yes, that's paranoia, but just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you're not being followed.


    I always follow your posts because of your humour!!

    I find I have to "work" my doc. I never ask for anything directly and never the first time I mention it. You are right about some Docs not wanting their patients to choose a course of treatment.

    I always kind of ease my way into new drugs or treatment..

    Being married for 33 years teaches one the joys of gentle manipulation!! I always make them think it was their idea!!

    A little paranoia is good by the way.. Keeps you on your toes!

    Diagnosed with MS spring 2010; Still loving life


      Tij; my goes out to you! I follow your posts and have read of your current situation!

      You NEED drugs and now! I sure hope you don't get much worse before the doc gives you something. Friday is tomorrow morning...Who you gonna call???

      Happy Halloween! fed





          Are you JCV Negative? If you don't know, you might want to get the test.

          I was scared to death to go on Tysabri two years ago...even though I am JCV Negative. I even made a big Hoopla a couple years ago on the Tysabri Forum because I was so scared. But, I really had to bite the bullet this year after the vicious cycle of flares I was in, and a very dangerous lesion popped up.

          I just had my second infusion and am out of my flares. And Boy Howdy! Do I feel good.

          I am not saying to go down the Tysabri Path...because I know the risks involved and it is such a personal choice, but at some point you are going to have to have that sit down with yourself and decide what is best for you and that maybe your Neuro is trying to guide you in the right direction. Could that be possible?

          Additionally, I was forced into retirement at age 46. Did I like it? Not a bit. I am 50 now. But it has given me the unique opportunity to focus on myself, de-stress and do what I need to do to TRY and keep this evil disease at bay. Plus not having to set the alarm clock is a huge plus!

          You told me to be brave, so now I am telling you. Be Brave my Aussie Friend.
          "Yep, I have MS, and it does have Me!"
          "My MS is a Journey for One."
          Dx: 1999 DMDS: Avonex, Copaxone, Rebif, currently on Tysabri


            Hello, Katieagain my dear. Ah, t'would but courage alone could get you through.
            It's okay. Can't feel a, begins with "f" ends in a "g", thing from the thighs down.

            This too shall pass.
            At least it's an interesting life. Imagine the boredom that comes with being completely healthy.


              Hi Think,

              Sorry you're going through a bad flare w/o the help of steroids.

              I, too, am on Tysabri. My MS Specialist still suggested it years ago, when for medical reasons I couldn't have a MRI. He even offered to do spinal taps every 6 months to check for the JC Virus. Don't think "brave" is the right word, but I've been always been willing to try just about everything to fight this disease. But, I just couldn't do that!

              Of couse, it didn't help when my dr. told me he'd do a CT scan if I had any symptoms of PML, but unlike a MRI, the results wouldn't be very accurate for brain surgery! Thank goodness I can finally get MRIs again & for the JCV blood test now. So far, I'm JCV-.

              Understand about docs not wanting you to suggest a treatment, my PCP had me a bit peeved when he wouldn't prescribe Tamiflu as a precautionary measure the other day. I got my flu shot a week ago (so it hasn't had time to take effect if it would help), and, wouldn't ya know it, my son & DH came down with the flu! I've told my PCP how heat intolerant I am & about my nasty pseudo relapses with even a low grade fever ... Obviously, he still doesn't get it! (Yeah, yeah, his father-in-law has MS ~ um, haven't gone there, new doc for me, but obviously, he doesn't understand MS as well as tried to lead me to believe)

              Originally posted by Thinkimjob View Post
              Imagine the boredom that comes with being completely healthy.
              Think we'd all prefer to be bored!

              Hope this flare passes soon for you.

              Take care (best you can right now).

              “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck

