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Medication schedule

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    Medication schedule

    I know this will vary a lot, but I was hoping to get some ideas about how you all take your meds. Especially the ones that can make you dizzy or sleepy. I know you're not doctors and are not trying to prescribe anything. I just would like to hear your stories.

    I am taking Copaxone (sometimes), Baclofen, Neurontin, Xanax, Clonazepam, Miralax, Librax, Synthroid Omeprazole, Ambien, Lidoderm patches and Restasis. Now, I'm not taking all of these every day. Many are taken as needed. I'm just always afraid to take too much or to take a combination too close together. My pharmacist tells me that the small amounts I take are safe, even in conjunction with each other. The doctors and the pharmacist know that I usually take half doses.

    I'm just having a hard time working up a schedule to keep myself from making any mistakes. I write down everything I take and the time, but sometimes forget one.

    I know this is a lot to ask, but I was hoping that some of you could give me an idea of how and what you are prescribed. I know that a lot of people take a lot more meds than I do. The Synthroid and Omeprazole have to be taken on empty stomachs and about an hour before eating. I will soon be adding something for Osteoporosis which will muddy the waters even more.

    Thanks for trying.

    The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.

    Hi Marti: For your medications: You should be taking the following in the morning one hour before breakfast:

    Baclofen, Neurontin, Miralax, Librax, Synthroid Omeprazole.

    Take: Lidoderm patches and Restasis in the morning when you get up.

    Xanax and Clonazepam should be taken as needed as prescribed.

    Lunch: (One hour before lunch) Baclofen, Librax (if prescribed), whatever else is prescribed t.i.d.

    Neurontin and Lidoderm patches should be taken as prescribed during the day.

    DinnerOne hour before dinner) Librax and whatever else is prescribed t.i.d.

    Ambien, Neurontin, Baclofen, and whatever else you take at night.

    None of these have interactions except the Xanax and Clonazepam at high doses. You don't seem to be on high doses according to your pharmacist.

    Take care,
    Moderation Team
    Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
    SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


      Originally posted by 22cyclist View Post
      Hi Marti: For your medications: You should be taking the following in the morning one hour before breakfast:

      Baclofen, Neurontin, Miralax, Librax, Synthroid Omeprazole.

      Take: Lidoderm patches and Restasis in the morning when you get up.

      Xanax and Clonazepam should be taken as needed as prescribed.

      Lunch: (One hour before lunch) Baclofen, Librax (if prescribed), whatever else is prescribed t.i.d.

      Neurontin and Lidoderm patches should be taken as prescribed during the day.

      DinnerOne hour before dinner) Librax and whatever else is prescribed t.i.d.

      Ambien, Neurontin, Baclofen, and whatever else you take at night.

      None of these have interactions except the Xanax and Clonazepam at high doses. You don't seem to be on high doses according to your pharmacist.

      Take care,
      Moderation Team

      Lisa thank you so much. I've never been sure about taking certain meds daily, such as the Baclofen, Librax and Neurontin. I take them as needed right now, but need them more now. I have been fighting a groin pull for many months now and seem to need more "pain" meds for that so I'm taking more Baclofen than I ever did before. Not a lot, but more than usual for me. I think they are 10 mgs, 8 hours apart. What is "t i d"? My Librax is for IBS which doesn't bother me every day, but in "attacks". So I wonder if I should be taking that routinely. I am also going to start taking probiotics. It's so hard when you have several illnesses and some of the same meds cover many of them. I just don't want to over-do any of this. Not a fan of medicine. Do you have any suggestions for this groin pull? It seems like I can't do anything without aggravating it and it's on both sides now. Thanks again.

      The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.


        For remembering, how about a whiteboard or sheet of paper with a grid of all your meds and times of day and then check off the list when you take them?


          Hi Marti: If you don't want to take your Librax every day, a probiotic is a great idea! You could just take it in the morning. T.I.D. means three times per day. Sorry about that.

          As far as your groin pull goes, I think you should get a PT referral. They do the best with those kind of injuries. You want to get ahead of it to begin with and then you can do the exercises at home. Take lots of baths with epson salts. Those are my suggestions. I hope you feel better soon!

          Take care
          Moderation Team
          Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
          SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


            Originally posted by 22cyclist View Post
            Hi Marti: If you don't want to take your Librax every day, a probiotic is a great idea! You could just take it in the morning. T.I.D. means three times per day. Sorry about that.

            As far as your groin pull goes, I think you should get a PT referral. They do the best with those kind of injuries. You want to get ahead of it to begin with and then you can do the exercises at home. Take lots of baths with epson salts. Those are my suggestions. I hope you feel better soon!

            Take care
            Moderation Team

            Thanks again. I have already been thru PT. They couldn't do much for me. I tried water aerobics and overdid that. I've done some exercises but seem to keep injuring myself. I'm beginning to wonder if it's the pelvis instead or in addition to the groin. Had xrays... nothing broken. Very painful. I do use Epsom salts in the bath. Seems to only work as long as I'm in the bath or for just a short time after. I've met people with a groin injury who are 2 years out and still having problems. Yikes! I used to do everything fast... walking, working, moving... everything. But this MS has slowed me down a lot. And I have thoracic disc bulges and Spondylosis. So... lots of aging aches. I've lost a lot of weight due to Graves Disease and intestinal surgery. I keep thinking I'd feel better with a few more pounds on me. But I pretty much stay where I am, around 93 lbs. Anyway, appreciate your time and advice. Be well.

            The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.


              I take my medications only twice a day - morning and bedtime. I just tell my docs that I won't remember a tid medication - I work full-time and will always be too busy to take a mid-day medication. So almost all my meds are ordered twice daily, and the ones apt to make me sleepy are mostly at bedtime.

              If something is ordered "prn" - "take as needed" for a particular symptom - I will remember to take it when I feel that symptom, so that is different for me.

              I keep my medication bottles at the bedside. I lay out my morning medications at bedtime when I take the night time meds. First thing when I wake up, I take those morning meds that are sitting there waiting.

