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Introduction and help :)

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  • DanielleMc
    Thank you guys both for your help

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  • tracibk
    I am now taking Tec......I was on Rebif for years. I like Tec so far....way better than taking the shots! Fingers crossed it is doing its job! There are a couple of other meds to try and help with fatigue. Definitely look in the medication forum! Good luck!

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  • KatieAgain
    You might want to post this in the medication should get more answers there.

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  • DanielleMc
    started a topic Introduction and help :)

    Introduction and help :)

    My name is Danielle, I am a 28 year old female diagnosed with ms in 2010. Upon the onset of symptoms I had been having, in June 2013 a new MRI was ordered and a new lesion on my neck was discovered. My neurologist put me on a steroid infusion. The infusion was done at the end of June. At this time I am still experiencing extreme fatigue, which is keeping me from working and spacicity in my right leg, shaking (spasams) happens mostly when I drive. The pain will sometimes be so extreme it will keep me from sleeping. My neurologist pescribed me Amantadine for my fatigue. I seem to be having an "adverse" reaction to that medication. It made me feel loopy, extremely light headed and kinda dizzy. It also made me fall asleep and it is suppose to give you energy.

    Any ideas on things I can do to help with the fatigue and spacicity?

    Also any opinions on Tecfidera vs. Avonex?

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.