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neurological burning (@ back of NECK )

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    neurological burning (@ back of NECK )

    I have been following/reading all I can about that dang "burning sensation" that many of us get. The reason I started this thread, is because it is hard to do many of the things for burning sensation on back of neck (I.E. heat=makes me HOT -being an "MS'er" and all). I take Neurontin/Gabapentin, but it does nothing for it.

    Any other suggestions? Also suggestions for other who may have it in "sensitive places" (like the neck or face or ?).

    Peace to all my MS-buddies
    Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.

    I have the same problems . Except that part of my problem (beside the spinal ms ) is that my neck is messed up also. I've got stenosis, ddd, nerve compression, multi- herniated discs,bone spur and spondylosis.
    Like you I take 1800 mgs a day of the gabapentin,6-8 norcos,and a soma as needed for it. Sleeping on cold gel packs helps . That is after they defrost from be as hard as rocks . I've made home made gel packs before using dish soap and rubbing alchol placed in ziplocs ( double them) and freeze. The gel doesn't get so hard but stays cool pretty long. The only thing is I wouldn't sleep on these.
    I believe that the heat causes us to have more burning sensations . It just stinks that these problems go on and on for months at a time. Then we get slammed with the hard relapse on top of all this. Some how we press on.
    dx.SPMS (baclofen,gabapenin,norco)
    started tecfidera 7/10/2013
    rituxan 11/13/2012 stopped due to side effect &it didn't help me (for RA and MS)
    copaxone started 4/2012 but stopped due to bad allergic reaction
    Matt.19;26 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


      I don't have any remedies to your problem, but I am so sorry that you are going through this. I hope that this symptom goes away soon. A cool cloth sounds like it might be soothing.



        I am going to try that cold pack with the dish soap and rubbing alcohol. THANK YOU for sharing!


        How sweet your post was, THANK YOU!
        Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


          I have Lhermittes Sign. Is that what you mean? It's when I look up or down, the back of my neck burns and shoots pains either down my spine or up the back of my head. It's horrible. When it first started my neuro sent me for another MRI and I had new lesions on my cervical spine. She sent me for a week of IV steroids which only helped for a few weeks and then it came back with a vengeance.
          I definitely won't agree to a week of SoluMedrol again to treat it, the side effects of that are far worse than just dealing with this, IMHO.
          Good luck!
          9/08 Dx RRMS
          Current Meds: Tecfidera, Adderall, Baclofen, Neurontin, Cymbalta, Buspirone,


            limpy doo,

            No, I know what L'hermettes feels like and this is NOT that.

            Thank you for your information!!
            Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


              I use the gel ice packs you can find some that have the wrap for it. I put the gel pack in and wrap it around my neck, back ...whatever area is burning. It works great especially when you are trying to sleep.
              ~Brittan~ Over 15 years w/ symptoms & Recently diagnosed w/ Chiari 1 Malformation - it has a lot of similar symptoms to MS. Easy to dx by MRI. See videos CM info - how to dx via MRI: CM symptoms: FB group: Chiari Is For Real

