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eye swelling with drunk like feelings

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    eye swelling with drunk like feelings

    I have right eye swelling while feeling drunk . I have been dx but have not seen my specialist like. I, know this can happen but I don't know how serious it is. Any help

    Do you mean that the outside of your eye is obviously swollen to the point that you can see it in a mirror or do you mean that your eye just feels funny from the inside?

    MS does NOT cause swelling on the outside of the eye. If your eye is noticeably swollen on the outside that's not good and you should probably go to the emergency room so the ophthalmologist on call can look at it. It isn't MS and your MS specialist is NOT the doctor to see about it.

    If your eye just feels funny like its swollen on the inside its serious if you start to lose vision somewhere. It doesn't have to be blurry straight ahead to count as loss of vision if something is wrong somewhere in your vision. There's all kinds of things that could be wrong and there's no way for you to figure it out by yourself.

    If you haven't lost any vision and there's no swelling on the front part of your eye you might be able to wait until Monday to call the ophthalmologist. You'll have to pay attention to what happens over the weekend.

    Whether or not you've lost vision, the doctor to see about it is an ophthalmologist NOT your neurologist. You have to see an eye doctor who has the instruments to examine your eye the right way and knows how to use them. That person isn't your neurologist! You can see your neuro about feeling drunk but you still should see an ophthalmologist for your eye. A really good habit to get into starting right now is if you ever think there's anything wrong with your eyes or with your vision the doctor to see is an ophthalmologist. Second best is an optometrist who can rule out a lot of things and get you referred quickly to an ophthalmologist if you need to go.

    I hope you feel better soon.


      Thank you this happened three months ago I went to the opthmoligist he was very concerned and sent me to the neurologist and to my pcp for a MRI MRI said MS. I'm very grateful for this information and will call my doctor thank you again


        Hi new to boards, awaiting prob dx in May by neuro, I really have no answers for you, but just more questions actually, i have had visual disturbances last several weeks, double vision, blurry vision, have made optometry appt for next Friday to be fitted for glasses in effort to help.
        I only had what u are describing once in my life time around 22 years old.
        I completely lost vision in both eyes, and was driving company vehicle, how i made it back to work i dont know, Angels watching over me I guess.
        Once returned to work lay down in dark room for 4 hrs til feeling passed and was able to make it home.
        I chalked it off to a major migraine, I have never since had a vision disturbance this severe, ever.
        I do hope you get answers and follow some off the suggestions put forth in answer to your post.
        Good luck, prayers and thoughts are with you..
        God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

