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Tender Spots in Head

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    Tender Spots in Head

    I was diagnosed in november and have 5 lesions (two are very large ......3.1 cm each) I am on Tysabri (only drug i have ever been on) and just had 3 infusion. I wonder if anyone has experienced pain at the very spot where a lesion is located. I will have a dull throb where I know these lesions are located.......and my scalp is tender to the touch in these two locations.......anybody experiencing the same issue or know what it is?

    Hi scared, I am only in the midst of getting dx, so i cannot really help you,but wanted to offer thoughts and prayers too you.
    I know someone will come along with info for you.
    Good Luck, and hang in there...
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.


      I've read a lot of posts in forums over the years from people who think they can feel their lesions. But I think that's just people being overly aware of what's going on and psyching themselves out. Brain cells can't feel pain so it isn't possible for the lesions themselves to hurt.

      What your feeling isn't your lesions. And there's no connection between the inside of your brain and your scalp right over them so the tender spots your feeling aren't your brain lesions "radiating" their pain outward. It's like you know where the lesions are so you can't help but keep thinking about them and connecting everything to them. But you know if you touch your scalp in a different place a little forwards or backwards or up or down or left or right your still "right over" in some direction where you know your lesions are. So I think maybe there might be some imagination in where people think "right over" is on a round head. It seems like a lot of people think that as a way of trying to understand what lesions do but that isn't it.

      From everything I've read about how headaches work its other things in the brain that hurt like blood vessels and membranes but not the brain cells themselves so its not your lesions that hurt. So it sounds like whatever's causing your dull throb is something else. Maybe you could ask your neurologist about it? I hope you feel better soon.


        Hi Scaredintn,

        I'm totally in agreement with MSer102 and the comments regarding brain lesions. And certainly agree the we can psych ourselves out with over thinking.

        That said... initially after mucho MRI scans of everything. My neuro said this (or something very close).... "you have one lesion on your upper spine.... I'm surprised you cannot feel it"

        I responded that (at that moment) I knew where it was, or thought I did. He proceeded to put his finger on the spot.



          I told my neuro about the tender spots on my scalp, and how they usually accompanied pain and headaches. I even started a thread on here about it, once. He didn't think it was a neurological thing, but did write me a script for the headaches (plus a script for a stomach relief pill; the migraine pill/pain pill is apparently strong enough that it can mess with your stomach). Oddly enough, I am still waiting for the rx to be filled. Turns out that one of them interacts with one of my other meds, so the pharmacist was waiting to hear back from my neuro about it.

          Strangely enough, my mom and my brother both have the same type of headaches and tender spots on the scalp. We only found out that we shared that odd symptom when I brought it up around Christmas. Neither of them have MS.

          Oh, and my tender spots (to my knowledge) are not located where my lesions are.

