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pinching/throbbing pain in left front rib area

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    pinching/throbbing pain in left front rib area

    I've been having a pinching/throbbing pain in left front rib area for a few days. I've had it on the right side before and tend to rub at it (always worried it's gall bladder on the right side). Since it's on the left side now I'm guessing it's not gb. Anyway, I did a little internet search and from what I read I'm thinking it might be intercostal muscle pain which describes what I'm experience even to the intermittent pains.

    Does anyone experience anything like this? If yes, do you think it's MS related? It's not debilitating or anything but a bit uncomfortable to be sure. Sigh...if it's not one thing it's another with MS and "getting old".

    Appreciated any feedback and how I might treat this. Wondering if I should just take an analgesic/anti inflammatory med or start on my Gabapentin (Neurontin) which I've weaned myself off of?

    Sorry for all the questions. Am in the process of trying to find a new neuro so am on hold with seeing the doctor at the moment. Would call my "old" neuro in an urgent situation...which this is not.

    Thanks all.

    Eph 3:20-21

    I was in the hospital last week and along with a bunch of other issues this was one of them. I am not sure what exactly helped. I am on gabapentin on a regular basis but, I think it was the muscle relaxers that was the answear.

    I don't even know if ms was the cause. They say I was not having a relapse, but I did stay for 5 days with lots of anti-biotics, pain meds and I don't know what else. They say it may be some virus. Well, we all should know by now that that in it's self causes a relapse.

    Good Luck and Best Wishes!!!!!!



      I have a pain similar to this right under my bottom right rib. Is yours this low ?? Mine Is just a lot of pressure. I have has my gall bladder out as they believe they thought that was the cause. However it did not help. Is your pain that low ? I have not yet be diagnosed


        I used to get pain under the rib cage, either left or right side. My pain ended up being because of my intestines. The large intestine when irritated or spastic is felt under the rib cage.

        I associated this pain with IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It's important to speak to your doctor and find out if this is the case for you.

        Knowing what MS does, I'm not surprised that I used to suffer serious intestinal issues. I had a spastic colon, and having ms can exacerbate this.

        You need to let your doctor evaluate you.

        Good Luck!
        When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!


          I think you should get it checked out by your doctor. Throbbing pain isn't usually associated with MS. My doctor told me that throbbing is often associated with blood vessels and the throbbing is caused by the heart beat pushing the blood. That's not what happens in MS so it sounds like it should be checked out by your doctor just in case. Not everything is MS!

