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22 Years with MS - now Migraine and Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome??

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    22 Years with MS - now Migraine and Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome??

    And the fun just keep on leaving!...............
    In between relapses I've been getting Zigzig visual disturbances followed by vomiting and severe headaches. i've had optic neuritis several times in the past 20 years so I was terrified that this indicated further damage to my optic nerves. Suprisingly the vomiting actually relieves the headaches????
    Been told by my GP that I have Migraine and whats called Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome caused by the same. VERY happy and relieved that its not ON!!! My GP was on Holiday so I saw a locum who glibly announced that Migraine is common in people with MS - didnt I know that?
    Well, no I didnt and Im not best pleased. Did anyone else know this or am I just being a dummy?

    Gosh I am so sorry you have this! What did they give you for it?

    Moderation Team
    Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
    SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


      I didn't know this either but recently went through something similar (but not as severe)

      I was having glittery patterns, floater-type scenes, & various visual disturbances that my neuro said were migraines (I too was surprised by the diagnosis) I googled it & saw that women with ms have a higher rate of migraine.

      Unfortunately I'm struggling with other issues
      & I'm not sure migraine is the only cause. Time will tell.....

      I hope it gets better for you!


        Migraines are my main symptom that I deal with.. If they don't subside after I take prescription migraine meds, then its the start of my flare.. I too had optic neuritis before, that was my original symptom years ago. I also get eye pain and pressure in the flares..

        I am not surprised the vomiting relieves the migraine. Even when a person is sick, vomiting usually relieves the migraine..

        And yes migraines are a symptoms of MS. There are other symptoms that the internet do not mention..

        Good Luck!!


          Me Too!

          Hi there I am new to boards, and awaiting dx soon.
          I just wanted to share with you that I experience exactly what you describe, even the vomiting part helping headache.
          Til I read your post, I thought I was just having simple migraines.
          But after your post, I see I may have that cyclic vomiting, I vomit everyday. sometimes with headache, some times not.
          Some time meds help, some times they dont.
          I see PCP today will go in discussion with her, and report back what she says.
          Just wanted to let you know you are not alone.
          Good luck with finding some relief soon. I am fasting this morning as she is doing physical today, and cant eat til after she draws blood and urine.
          Hang in there and take care..Sheryl
          God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.


            also confused about migraines

            It seems that so many symptoms of complicated migraines are similar to MS, and migraines can leave lesions, too. So I wonder how to know the difference? My neurologist is hesitant to even label me with CIS. I have two lesions,one is small and one is larger. My doctor is concerned that my left side numbness does not appear to be going away, as it would do with complicated migraine. My MRI ruled out stroke.

            I just had a migraine today. I took my Imitrex and took the migraine nap. When I woke up, the pain was much better but the numbness on my left side is much more noticeable, accompanied by pins and needles. Still having muscle twitching in the same place on my "good" arm on the right side. Having trouble finding my words and still crazy sleepy.

            So still not sure if the migraines are part of developing MS, or if it's all the migraines.

            It's frustrating, I know, when doctors dismiss something and act as if you should already know what's up.
            CIS DX 2013


              Hmmm, I keep getting conflicting answers about what I call my "perma-migraine" being part of MS or not. One doc says no, another says yes and round and round we go. Honestly though, I'd just be happy if they'd kill the pain!

              Good luck.

