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Fuzzy vision in one eye

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    Fuzzy vision in one eye

    Well, after about 3-3.5 years with MS, I'm having my first vision symptoms.

    Last week, I noticed a fuzzy aura around my otherwise excellent vision in my right eye only. I thought it was eye strain or something. I'm trying to finish up my PhD and this is really crunch time and I'm spending hours a day working on the computer. But, after about 48 hours, I realized this wasn't getting better. In fact, the fuzziness was creeping in more and more. So, I called the neuro.

    He started me on 5 days of IV steroids on Friday. Needless to say, I'm jittery, anxious, thirsty and starving ALREADY.

    I am going to see the neuro tomorrow afternoon and I just have that pit in my stomach. I just was there abotu 3 weeks ago for my one yer checkup. I had a flair this time last year and made the decision to drop Beta and move onto Copax. I've been great for a whole year. He was happy, so was I. And, we scheduled a routine MRI just to check on things.

    Then, it just seems so unfair, that so close after a good checkup that things can go downhill so quickly.

    I am blessed with VERY good vision my whole life. At this point, I am confident I can still pass an eye exam and that despite having this fuzziness, I'm still OK overall. Even if these symptoms don't resolve fully (and don't get worse!( I will still be able to drive and stuff. But, its still scary. For some reason, the vision issues just seem harder to cope with than some of the others I've had.

    I've managed to modify my life so I continue working on my PhD (in marine science- I want to be a marine biogeochemist!). But, vision issues would be a real deal breaker I hope the steroids will get me through this quickly. I've responded well with them during other flares. So, despite the icky side effects, I'm trying to remain positive.

    I'm really anxious for my appointment tomorrow. Describing all these weird eye symptoms has been hard and I just want the doctor to look at my eye and give me some explanation.

    Does optic neuritis onset with fuzziness in one eye, but more around the outside of vision? I don't have any graying of vision. I have a bit of pressure behind my eye, like the socket is sort of "full" but overall, the fuzzy is on the outside of my field of vision in this eye. Any insight would be great!

    Thanks for letting me vent too!
    Symptoms Oct 2009, Dx Feb 2010. betaseron 2/10-2/12. Copaxone 3/12- present.


    I had fuzziness in my eyes last week and the doctor told me that it could be caused by eye dryness, especially if you've been working hard at the computer.

    She gave me samples of eye drops that you can get at any pharmacy.

    I'll add here that she's also scheduling me for more vision tests.

    Your problem could be different so it's a good thing that you have an upcoming appointment with the doctor.

    I hope it all works out for you. Let us know what happens!

    Good luck!
    When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!


      I'm so sorry your having trouble with your vision. It's so fun! I've had several episodes of optic neuritis and see a neuro-ophthalmologist regularly for permanent vision damage in both eyes.

      My doctor said that many people get fuzzing of their central vision but optic neuritis can affect vision anywhere to any degree. Optic neuritis blurriness spreads but it doesn't really "move around." If yours lasted 48 hours it sounds like it could be optic neuritis instead of say an ocular migraine.

      You should really be seeing a ophthalmologist for a good eye exam and a visual field test to record where your blurred vision is and how bad it is. Your neuro doesn't have the training or equipment to do your eye exam which means he should refer you immediately to an ophthalmologist to get a proper eye exam and document everything now while its happening. And because your neuro can't dilate your eyes or really examine them the right way what you have might not even be optic neuritis! Only an eye doctor can tell you what the problem is.

      I think if your neuro doesn't refer you to an ophthalmologist immediately he's giving you incomplete care for your MS. Your neuro can't take care of your eyes!!!!! If your neuro doesn't send you to the ophthalmologist you really should insist on a referral or just go to an ophthalmologist yourself. I wasted time on a neuro who didn't know anything about eyes and it was a major mistake. I should have been at the ophthalmologist first thing.

      Your already on steroids so the eye doctor might not change anything. But its important to do things the right way by seeing the right kind of doctor for your eyes. When it comes to eye exams your neuro is really an amateur and you deserve better than that.


        Cranberry Sauce,

        I understand what you mean about your vision issues causing alarm. I usually try to "muscle" (hah) through issues when they arise but when my vision is changing, I call the neuro.

        The stress of your PhD could understandably be causing all sorts of physical troubles. My biggest flare that started me on the dx road came as I was writing my Master's Thesis. I can only imagine the strain of a PhD.

        I admire your strength and fortitude to tackle that.

        Your neuro will probably schedule you with a neuro ophthamalogist. Perhaps an early morning call to your doctor's office could get the ball rolling on that and save you some waiting time.

        When I am having vision issues, the IVSM works fairly well. Maybe the extra energy that comes with the steroids will be helpful with your research. Hopefully, you can take precautions to help with the crash as you come off the steroids.

        My doctor also rxd Elavil along with the IVSM and the taper. It helps with the crash, the crankiness, and the over feelings that I get with the steroids. My family appreciates it as well.

        Good luck at your appointment and with your continued work on your PhD.

        Take Care,


          my wife had this happen to her but she went blind about 11 or so years abo then again last year but in one eye our optomatrist sent her for checks then when they found she had MS both times her vision did return from what I read about MS it effects everyone differently but vision issues seem to be the norm I am sure like her your vision will get better and good luck on your exams


            Well, today's appointment was interesting. I found out that I have a definite greying of my vision in the affected eye. He'd asked me the other day if I'd noticed that when I looked at a red object, but I hadn't.

            Today in his office, he had me looking at the red square on the eye chart and covering my eyes and stuff and it became very apparent. I was very taken back how startling the color vision difference was!

            He also did an OCT (optical coherence tomography) scan today in the office where he could measure some damage in the affected eye. He said we will continue to use this method to watch progression.

            He's also sending me to the ophthalmologist. There is only one neuro-ophthalmologist in my area so he's trying to get me in there first.

            And, we're doing an MRI ASAP. But, basically, he thinks it may be time to try a new drug since i'm at the 1 year mark with copaxone So, I have a few more tests to do and then some thinking about whether its time to switch...

            Anyone had an OCT scan done before?
            Symptoms Oct 2009, Dx Feb 2010. betaseron 2/10-2/12. Copaxone 3/12- present.


              I've had several OCT scans but my eyes were already pretty damaged by then. They're so far gone already that there wasn't any point in doing any more scans to follow anything. My ophthalmologist said that since people so many people with MS already have abnormal OCT scans the first ones only act as a baseline to compare against later. He said they aren't much use in diagnosing optic neuritis but neuros are starting to use them because they want to be doing something new even if they don't really understand what it all means.


                yeah, my neuro was definitely involved in some OCT research work before moving to my area to start an MS clinic. Its hard to know if its of any use. My vision is still really good despite the issues, I'm just lucky to have started with good vision

                It stinks being in a more remote area with not many providers. I was lucky to get my current neuro that specializes in MS. Before that, I was seeing a general neuro. Same with the neuro-ophthalmologist...there's only one here. I guess sometimes we have to take what we can get and do our best to be our own advocates too.
                Symptoms Oct 2009, Dx Feb 2010. betaseron 2/10-2/12. Copaxone 3/12- present.


                  I live in a big major city (and with a medical school) and there just aren't a lot of neuro-ophthalmologists to begin with!

                  My MS started with optic neuritis but weirdly I still had 20/20 vision. It was more like someone smeared Vaseline over my eye. After getting blown off by many eye docs / optometrists, my GP finally had me get an MRI which showed old, new, and enhanced lesions.

                  I had the IV steroids. But I will tell you that when I went on Tysabri my vision got much sharper (kind of like having new glasses). It's very strange!

                  Glad you are seeing an eye doc. I would hate to see you bombard your body with steroids for nothing.

                  Good luck with the PhD. I have one and so e times the stress around academia can be a bit much. Make sure you are getting enough sleep!


                    I really hate the decision to go on steroids has to be made so quickly. I have enough personal experience to know I need to start them ASAP but its hard when it might mean I don't even get into any doctor.

                    My neuro said "I don't want to mess around with eyesight, so if you are willing, I think you should start the steroids ASAP".

                    I just wish this was a quicker disease to get answers. I do hate steroids but I think I do OK with them overall. Though my PhD is stressful, I do have more flexibility than a lot of people so I'm able to hole up and home and work for the 5 days while I do the IV. I try to count my blessings

                    I'm glad to know specialists are in short supply in big cities too. I used to live outside Baltimore but now I'm on the gulf coast of Alabama. Once I got MS, it was hard to wonder if I'd be better off somewhere with more medical options. But, on the other hand, i'm happy here so that must be worth something too!
                    Symptoms Oct 2009, Dx Feb 2010. betaseron 2/10-2/12. Copaxone 3/12- present.


                      Originally posted by cranberrysauce View Post
                      I really hate the decision to go on steroids has to be made so quickly.
                      The whole point of the steroids is to try to shorten the length of the relapse and get recovery faster. If you wait to start them then it just lengthens the relapse and that pretty much blows the purpose of shortening it.

                      My doctor told me - and I've read in many places - that steroids have to be started within 2 weeks of the start of the relapse to work their best. After that the damage is already done and the steroids don't help. Some doctors won't even prescribe them after 2 weeks - mine usually won't. Since they don't affect the final outcome anyway the reason to take them is to try to shorten the relapse. And you can't lengthen the relapse and shorten the relapse at the same time.

