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    Hi all,

    I haven't been officially dx'd yet. Another MRI next month and follow up with MS doc in May.

    Had an unusual symptom (for me) early this a.m. while sleeping.

    It was like a short, quick screech sound in my head. Immediately I thought of it perhaps being similar to the electrical shocks I've had in other areas of my body - but instead in my head.

    It's hard to explain, but if anyone has experienced this I'd like to know. I don't want to call my neuro if in fact it's not a big deal (for MS). I'm sure there will be other things I'll need to call him about in the future.

    Thanks for any input,

    Yes I have had what seemed to be loud noises that at first seemed external, but I realized they were internal. The most common for me was a loud "boing" like a giant spring being sprung. This was evident during a flare, and my hearing was also compromised.

    What we may have in common is that this symptom happened while drifting off to sleep, or being in a light state of sleep.

    I have alot of sensory symptoms, and I just figured this is another.


      I sometimes get weird "crunching"'s very freaky!

      Success is a journey, not a destination


        Thank you both for your feedback. It helps to at least know this is not so unusual.



          I never know what to make of the sounds when I am in any state of sleep. Before MS, I would be awakened by various sounds (that were not real) Even had one instance where I awoke to my name being called. THAT one was a weirdy!
          Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


            For several months I was hearing a low humming noise like an electrical transformer humming. I must of sounded crazy to my wife as I would ask her every night for months "do you hear that humming?" Of course she didn't, but that was when I was still in limbo-land so I had no idea what the heck was going on. Once I was officially Dxd, I finally put two and two together and realized that the humming was another symptom of this MonSter.


              Google, "exploding head syndrome". I also experience hearing sounds that aren't real, usually loud explosion sounds. It normally happens when I'm on the verge of sleep.


                I've had humming in my ear for so long that I don't remember when it started. I've get the loud bangs and hearing my name being called, or should I say screamed.w

                I've also experienced radio emissions when there is no radio in the house. Sometimes it's like the setting is between two radio stations.

                Sometimes I hear music, I call it celestial music because its so beautiful, no instruments, just beautiful voices.

                I'm the person who hears electricity and surges. For the longest time, I couldn't stand the sound of the electricity of the tv, even when it was off. My daughter is still bothered by this and refuses to have a tv in her house.

                This morning, hubby yelled from downstairs to tell me that I had company. I hurriedly got up but there wasn't anybody at home.

                When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!


                  Auditory hallucinations are incredibly common, even in completely healthy/normal people.

                  Dr. Oliver Sacks recently wrote a book called "Hallucinations" and the entire auditory chapter is on
                  ... early researchers found that hallucinations were not uncommon in the general population. Their 1894 "International Census of Waking Hallucinations in the Sane" examined the occurrence and nature of hallucinations experienced by normal people in normal circumstances (they took care to exclude anyone with obvious medical or psychiatric problems). Seventeen thousand people were sent a single question:

                  Have you ever, when believing yourself to be completely awake, had a vivid impression of seeing or being touched by a living being or inanimate object, or of hearing a voice, which impression, as far as you could discover, was not due to an external physical cause?

                  More than 10 percent responded in the affirmative, and of those, more than a third heard voices.
                  1st sx 11/26/09; Copaxone from 12/1/11 to 7/13/18
                  NOT ALL SX ARE MS!


                    Originally posted by CaroleL View Post
                    For the longest time, I couldn't stand the sound of the electricity of the tv, even when it was off. My daughter is still bothered by this and refuses to have a tv in her house.
                    Surprise! -- that's a 100% real acoustic noise that is often produced by electronics that involve high voltage.

                    Old "tube" TVs are the classic example, and once they got remotes, they were never really all the way off, either. The noise is usually at frequencies too high for most adults to hear (especially the ones who went to a lot of rock concerts ).
                    1st sx 11/26/09; Copaxone from 12/1/11 to 7/13/18
                    NOT ALL SX ARE MS!


                      Hey Carole...I also hear what sounds like radio transmissions at times! I chalked it up to auditory hallucinations that came as a result of medication side-effects. I STILL sleep with ear plugs, and it's been several years since the auditory issues...but they were so annoying, and sometimes scary, that I can't NOT sleep without the ear plugs!

                      I also had visual hallucinations (again a side-effect from medication) and I sleep with an eye mask to this day!

                      I might mention, while we're on the subject, that certain sounds really grate on my nerves- like the sound of the bathroom fan, music or TV when I'm trying to focus, gum chewing or ice crunching (not mine, only if it's other people!), the chewing of food, (again only when it's others), sometimes the quiet humming of a ceiling fan, etc.

                      Of course, I also have a low tolerance to the sounds of LOTS of voices - like at the mall, or the movies, or a puts me into a flight or fight response mode. I usually have to remove myself from the situation, or if I can't, I focus intensely on my husband's voice, or a book, or my IPad - anything where if I focus hard enough and intensely enough, I'm able to block out the noise (out of sheer desperation). I also use these same tools if I'm overwhelmed with too many people around. It's a matter of withdrawing deeply into myself, and forcibly blocking out all stimuli. If I can't do it, a full-on panic attack usually ensues.

                      Success is a journey, not a destination


                        When I wear ear plugs, the noise intensifies and I can't focus on anything else. When I'm sleeping and someone calls my name (auditory illusion) I jump out of my skin! That's how loud it is.
                        When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!



                          I also hear a humming or maybe more like gears grinding. It last for a few seconds and then passess. Very annoying and a bit worrisome in that I wonder if it's a precursor to a relapse or just a part of my 'normal' MS symptoms.

                          Take Care,


                            Originally posted by CaroleL View Post

                            I've also experienced radio emissions when there is no radio in the house. Sometimes it's like the setting is between two radio stations...


                            I tried to explain this phenomina to my girlfriend and she asked me if I was sure I didn't have a radio on. I HAVE no radio!

                            I didn't hear music, but heard what sounded like a "radio talk show". I could not hear anything specific, but the "talking" would go ON & ON & ON & ON! Drove me nuts!
                            Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


                              LOL! You and I must be listening to the same never ending radio talk show! And I don't even LIKE talk radio! now you know either you're not crazy, or a few of us are!

                              Success is a journey, not a destination

