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Hi from the ER!

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    Hi from the ER!

    Hey guys....I am going nuts sitting in the ER, so thanks to my IPad, thought I'd say hi. Seems I may have either an appendix issue or a colon issue. Just chugged a gallon of contrast, now have to wait an hour for the CT scan.

    Next week is crazy busy for me, so I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes that I won't need surgery because there just isn't time in my schedule for it!

    Maybe you'll add your prayers and positive thoughts to mine! I can use all the help I can get!

    Love you guys!

    Success is a journey, not a destination

    Positive thoughts coming your way! Hope it's nothing major & you feel better soon!

    Also, I'm getting a kick out of picturing you with all of those body parts crossed.
    RRMS 1/16/13
    Ocrevus 2/19/18


      Prayers and positive thoughts to you for sure, Debby! Hope things turn out well for you. Keep us posted!
      1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
      Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


        Oh dear..having any pain?
        Thanks for communicating from the ER!!! Oh my
        I will be thinking of you and waiting to hear how you are doing. Let us know when you can..

        Gentle hugs, Jan
        I believe in miracles~!
        2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
        Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


          Hey Debby! Here is hoping everything turned out all right, and you're back home resting.
          Adversity gives you two choices in life: either let it make you bitter, or let it make you better! I choose the latter.


            Thanks all you sweet friends! I'm home with a diagnosis of inflammatory colitis, medication, and an appointment to see a gastroenterologist ASAP. Sigh. At least I didn't have to have my appendix removed....kind of what we thought the problem was. However, some of the things I may have to go through, according to the ER doc, may make me wish I'd just lost my appendix!

            Thanks for the positive thoughts, prayers and humor...and yes, I am talented enough to cross my fingers, toes and eyes all at the same time Cira!

            On a positive note, I made it my personal mission to make everyone I came in contact with smile and/or laugh! And I did it....even the scary looking fully-tatted dude who put my IV in, and the harried nurse who couldn't think straight cuz they were so busy, and the bald-pierced-also scary guy who showed up to take me to the CT scan "parking lot"!

            Anyway, sure love you all....thanks again. I know your thoughts and prayers made a difference!!

            Success is a journey, not a destination


              This sounds painful. Glad to know they figured it out quickly and hope you are on the mend soon.
              It's not fatigue. It's a Superwoman hangover.



                You certainly have MY prayers! In fact I said one just before I started typing this response. I think "prayer chains" are very "justified" and hope that God answers our prayers quickly.

                Stay strong, as we MS'ers seem to be quite a "strong lot".

                Keep your faith and don't forget to pray for even the "little things". He does hear our prayers and watches over us.

                His eye is even "on the sparrow" (from the book of Matthew)
                Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


                  doesn't that contrast taste wonderful-not! I know it has to be done, but just when your tummy is already feeling off they ask you to drink a litre (depending on the contras it might varey) of vile stuff- if you did not feel sick before hand you did after! stil you survived it with good humor and as you said at least there was no surgery

                  now i mean no offence hear, my beloved little cavalier spaniel was diagnosed with inflammatory colitis a few years back and i know when she has had a bout she has dreadful tummy pain (she will notmove off my lap til it passes!) But now we knw what it is she rarely has problems. For her, not having rapid changes to her diet was a big thing- that cut out the majority of the problems. the only time she seems to have problems now is if something has happened to make here anxious- last time it was moving house. Originally she was really bad and bleeding from the bowel, in constant pain- i thought i would lose her- thats the only reason i bring it up, is that once we found out what the problem was it was relatively easy to get it under control and some of the meds i have for her if she has a flare up are human meds!

                  good luck with the tests etc- and i really hope i have not offended by using my little pooch as an example


                    Glad you didn't have to have surgery and thanks for letting us know how you are doing. Colitis is not seeing a Gastro doc will be helpful. They will rule in or out lots of conditions as they have the tools to actually SEE what is going on. Don't worry, they put you out for it!

                    Good to learn what is going on for real. Remember, many ER experiences are to rule out life threatening issues, and such, they are not always 100% correct if they aren't able to run the very tests you need to know. So watch your diet and follow up with the gastro doc.

                    Rest up..

                    I believe in miracles~!
                    2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
                    Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


                      I do appreciate all your kind words and the warm fuzzies...even being compared to kebsa's cavalier made me smile! I have to admit...I've been looking up colitis - my paperwork says inflammatory/infectious colitis is the dx, and to see a gastro doc in 2-3 days...yet I am not fully understanding this issue. I can't seem to get clear answers anywhere.

                      The ER doc said I'd probably have to have a colonoscopy amongst other things (is that what you were referring to Jan?), and although I've had one before it still scares me. And what exactly are they looking for? Does anyone know? For some reason this whole thing is as clear as mud to me.

                      They did put me on strong antibiotics that kill the bad bacteria in the colon, and then I have to take probiotics to replace the good bacteria. I have some pain meds too for the pain, but for the time being it's down to a constant, dull ache.

                      And now we're expecting a HUGE storm with lots of snow Tuesday night through Thursday, so I likely will not make it to the gastro doc this week, and I don't know how concerned I should be? And my DD is supposed to be getting a root canal Thursday morning at 8 am....actually I have something scheduled for every day, so I'm kind of a wreck, between needing to see the gastro doc and not understanding the issue, and knowing the whole week is going to be turned upside down by this storm.

                      Okayee.....just gotta breathe, and relax. It's not going to help worrying about things I have no control over, right?! One step, one day at a time.....trying to do deep breathing...too bad I gave up my Xanax, I could use one right about now!

                      Success is a journey, not a destination


                        Just a quick update...saw the gastro doc Tuesday (before the storm!). He said that there are a lot of cases of this right now, especially with people who had the noro-virus (sp?) recently. I had it a few months ago. People who are very young or very old are being admitted to the hospital with this inflammatory/infectious colitis, but I should be ok. I already feel better, having been on the meds for 5 days now.

                        I'll finish up my antibiotic, and if it hasn't ended the bleeding from the colon, I'll have to go on another, stronger antibiotic. Of course I need a colonoscopy, but he said it wouldn't be a good thing to do now and irritate an already irritated colon. So I will have the colonoscopy in April, and they'll screen for the usual, but also give the colon a thorough going-over.

                        So that's the update of Saturday's ER drama...glad it doesn't seem to be too bad after all, and at least I still have my appendix, for whatever that's worth!

                        Thanks again for your prayers, kindness, sympathy and just all the warm's and hospitals scare me and create a flight or fight-type response - too many traumatic experiences from the time I was actively seeking a MS dx, and I still haven't mentally or emotionally recovered from what those experiences did to me. I really needed you all, and you were there for me! Thank you so much!!!

                        Success is a journey, not a destination


                          Glad you are doing better! Make sure you're taking pro-biotics with that antibiotic so you don't end up with different problems.

                          You gotta love all that life hands to us.
                          Adversity gives you two choices in life: either let it make you bitter, or let it make you better! I choose the latter.


                            Good luck to you Debby, I hope you feel better soon!

                            When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!


                              Thanks Brenda...I've been taking probiotics while on the antibiotic, but the doc said I'll need to take them for another 2 months, so.....I went for the the gummy bears version! . Decided I might as well enjoy a little "treat", and besides, I swallow enough pills every day I didn't want to add to the list!

                              Carole, thanks for the hugs and your kindness and support throughout this! You're such a sweetheart - always reaching out to everyone else even though you are suffering so much yourself. You are an amazing example to all of us here on the board, and I'm sure to the people in your life!

                              Success is a journey, not a destination

