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Nursing Home stay

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    Nursing Home stay

    Just wondering...I have a fracture in my "strong" leg. I was in the hospital for a week getting soldrmedol (sp?) also know as steroids and I've drug to clear an UTI. Then the doc recommends I come to a nursing home to regain my strength. Social worker says "1-2 weeks". I have been here a month! I am getting stronger but I am not where I was before the fracture and UTI.

    Has anyone experienced living in a nursing home? I am only 48. Is this what I have to look forward to since my brother is busy living his life and my mother has her own health issues.

    Needless to say I am depresses and will have the antidepressant dosage increased.

    Thanks for forum letting my "unload".

    I haven't had to stay in a nursing home but think it might make sense if you need continued care. Hopefully you will heal quickly and be home soon.

    I hate this miserable disease!
    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


      I am so sorry you are having a rough time right now. But my guess is that you are in the rehab part of a skilled nursing home, not placed permanently.

      When I was in the hosp for my 1st treatment of IV Solumedrol, they knew I lived alone and was a fall risk. I had to show them I could walk a certain length with my walker and up a few stairs. I have no stairs at home but one to get into the house. So thankfully, I got to bypass being placed in SNF.

      Hopefully you will continue to heal and be able to get out soon enough. I guess it would depend on when your "good leg" heals up. How long do they think you'll be in a cast?

      Again, count your blessings, accept the care and with your positive attitude your body will reflect by healing itself.

      Sending your healing wishes for a speedy recovery.

      I believe in miracles~!
      2004 Benign MS 2008 NOT MS
      Finally DX: RR MS 02.24.10


        Thank you for your reply and reminding me I am here so I can go back home and be safe. I live alone and love to be back to being busy living my life and not being dependent on others


          HUGS msastros!

          Get well soon?
          When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!


            I am frustrated for your situation. Hope you heal your way back to independence soon!
            Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


              i too feel for you but just want to give you a view of the kind of thing they are trying to avoid.

              i live alone and i am an amputee as well as having MS. I am wheelchair dependent and one night a few yrs ago i went to the bathroom before settling down for the night- i was tired. when i was transfering back into my wheelchair from the toile i lost my balance momentarilly and fell landing hard on my butt on that nice cold tiled floor! I got a sudden sharp pain in my lower back that took my breath away!

              won't bore you with the rest of the specifics other than to say it took me all night to slowly inch my way out bit by bit to the living room where the phone was to call for help. i would usually have had my mobile hanging round my neck for emergencies but i had put on to charge before going to the bathroom!

              Anyway, the paramedics scraped me up of the floor, gave me a warm blanket as i was hypothermic after sitting on a tiled floor all night and i was taken to the ED. I was diagnosed with crush fractures to L2/L3/L4- it seems some of my meds had contributed to osteoporosis. anyway i have had really bad lower back pain ever since! I still live alone bu i now have visiting home carers to help me with the higher risk things such as showering and they do the harder house work like the floors and changing bed linen. And i also have an emergency call pendant not just a mobile phone now - if i were in your situation i would hate it! but i would stay there till my leg was improved- you do not want to had another serious injury to your list of problems because you have gone home to an unsafe situation.

              if you leg takes longer to get back than hoped, can you get access to some home support services such as help showering etc - i live in Australia so i do not know how services work in the states but the general theory is that giving support to keep you home (as long as it is safe) is cheaper than institutional care - so i would imagine they would want you home too


                If you live in the U.S., it may be difficult to get home care paid for by the government. This is usually considered "custodial care" and we are expected to pay for it ourselves.

                Maybe there is a volunteer group that will provide some low cost assistance or ideas for help. Check with the social services departments of your local hospitals.

                Maybe when you get a little stronger, and if you demand it, you can get physical therapy at a neuro rehabilitation hospital. These places are huge, with a campus that includes
                physical therapists and neurologists that treat and help those with M.S.
                This type of hospital is better, IMHO, than the physical therapy that you would get at a typical nursing hospital.

                My FIL had a series of major strokes, and he spent 6 weeks there. They worked wonders. He was brought in on a stretcher, and left with a cane...walking.

                They also had occupational therapy, and adult day care.
                A bus would pick him up in the mornings and return him to us in the afternoons. They had a lot of activities, and got to meet others. They also had field trips...harbor cruises, plays, bowling, Target shopping during the holidays, etc.

                This arrangement was much better than the nursing home.
                BTW: The nursing home tried really hard to keep my FIL there. It wasn't that they were bad, it just was that they wanted the revenue.
                Get out of there as soon as you are able.
                Check out your options with the social worker or patient advocacy representative at your regular hospital.

                They can help you, but first you have to help yourself by getting organized and knowledgable about what is available to you.

                Good Luck!

                P.S. Remember, try Meals on Wheels when you eventually return home. At least you will get food and a visit from another volunteer.

