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Balance ball exercises

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    Balance ball exercises

    I went to an MS event last night and I heard a girl say she used a balance ball to help her walk. Unfortunately I never got to hear the details on how this helped her or what exercise she did using the ball. Does anyone know of exercises I could do using the Ball - I'm having problems walking and need help!

    I also have walking issues linked to spinal lesions that have destroyed the nerve passageway to my right (and to a smaller degree left) leg. Unfortunately, my chances of recovering the ability to walk normally are slim to none; my only hope is to slow down the progression. Recovery really depends on what is causing your weakness in walking. I have found a few things that have helped, and I discover more with each passing day.
    The only thing I use a therapy ball for is sitting at the computer; it forces me to use my core and helps with balance.
    I had PT for three months and came away with a water exercise routine that I continue to use to this day. It has lots of walking and hip flexor exercises.
    I recently started doing a couple foot drop exercises you can find on this website. Although I don't have foot drop, these exercises strengthen the ankle and hamstrings and do help with walking.
    I recently purchased a book Exercises for Multiple Sclerosis, and the author has a chapter on gait analysis where he encourages people to perform a couple simple walking exercises to challenge your memory to relearn how to walk. They have really helped.
    I continue to have a mild progression, and when I go to town shopping, I wear a HFAD. If does help, and I can make it through a 6 hour day with ease.
    Just some suggestions; hope these help. I'll await any news on using a therapy ball to help with walking. I'm always on the lookout for new ideas!


      I've found lots of exercise info at, including video demonstrations for MS exercises using a balance ball.

      Also, google search using search term exercise ball for MS. has good MS exercise info, and NMSS site may have exercise info too.

      I found a piece of equipment that I've started dreaming about, a combo of balance ball and recumbent stationary bike.

      I've used an exercise ball, purchased at Burlington Coat Factory outlet store. It came with a DVD to exercise along with, resistence straps that attach to a 'stabalizer' that the ball sits in. It was very affordable, around $15. I've seen them at other outlet stores, Marshalls, Ross, etc., all very affordable price range.

      Best of luck finding an exercise that fits your needs.


        You guys are so much braver than I am. The only thing I could do with a balance ball is fall off and hurt myself.



          i recently got told by my eye dr she thinks i haave ms due to a recennt problem with my eyes.. ggrayness pain doubling.. twitches in my eye lidds ..there was further conversation but i just am scared and need someoone with ms to give me an opinion or advicedd i am terribly scared to go to the specialist and i jusst wanna say i wish everyone witth ms happiness in the long trip.


            Hi emily06,

            I would suggest you work with a Physical Therapist who can show you the proper use of balance balls.

            Balance balls can help increase core strength which helps to support you ability to walk.

            The only thing I could do with a balance ball is fall off and hurt myself.
            When using a balance ball it is best to be near something to hold on to so you don't fall over
            Diagnosed 1984
            “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


              I recently started doing yoga. its not a typical yoga session but also works on toning muscles as well. The program I am following is called DDPyoga (.com for website). On the main page there is a man who has to walk assisted by double arm crutches. It then shows his progression to being able to walk/run again. I figured if it can assist him in being able to walk again, I am hoping it can help prevent any disabilities if my M.S. progresses.

