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Problems transferring fromW/C...again!

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    Problems transferring fromW/C...again!

    Here we go again, this is my second bout of having difficulties transferring from my bed to wheelchair, or from wc to toilet. This is so frustrating.

    My lower limbs, mostly left side, refuse to do anything. I am getting lots of pain in my left lower back going towards the front. I'm also loosing muscle mass in my lower legs and I'm getting lots of leg cramps.

    I'm so scared of becoming totally bedridden.

    To make matters worse, my hubby has been dealing with visiting and diarrhea all night and he's very week and tired. I hate to ask him for any help when he's this sick.

    I need to maintain the ability to transfer on my own, this is very scary for me.
    When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!

    Carole I'm so sorry to hear that your having trouble. Now that you have a new doctor, maybe you can get a referral to physical therapy to build up your arm strength and get your muscle mass in your legs back up. I hope so!


      Oh CaroleL, I am very sorry to hear this. Hope hubbers gets to feeling better for HIM, as well as you!

      Gosh (in regards to your legs)... have you done some ROM (Range Of Motion) movement in with your legs? If you are unable to move them at all, you can have someone move them for you. Make certain they are moved in every direction, they would NORMALLY move. This keeps them stretched (might cut down on cramps), and keeps the brain "knowing" how to move those muscles.

      If you are unable to move, but HALF your body, then I would be concerned with possibility of a stroke. Your immobility puts you at higher risk. PLEASE discuss that with your doc.

      I HOPE HOPE HOPE, I have not frightened you. I just had some "red flags" going off, when I read your post.
      Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


        Carole, I have transfer problems also, the way I dealt with the bathroom transfer was to put a bedside commode over the toilet. This has arms like the wheel chair so I can hold on to both as I transfer, The only problem might be you need to support you weight with your upper body, I have a hospital bed with a trapess to transfer into bed. I hope things get better quickly Take care Dale
        Dale in NC, dx'ed 2000, now SPMS


          There's always
          I have learned a lot about transferring while alone from searching their video's.



            Thank you all for your responses!

            Hubby is up and around today and feeling much better!

            My left hip is locked, it's been seized for a few years. Physio didn't help. Up until last month we were still trying to figure that one out. The last spinal MRI came out ok. That's why I was expecting them to find a dislocation or cracked bone, not MS.

            I'm getting lost of pain in the left side of back. I think it may be a kidney stone. I've never had that but I'm peeing black spots although not constantly.

            My leg muscles have gotten very week. I've yet to see a therapist to get tips on exercises. I try to use them to move my wc around, hoping to keep some muscle.

            Fishhead, I'll start with those tips today! Thank you.

            I'm hoping that when I finally get to see someone, OT, or Neuro, I will be given some kind of therapy to stay as mobile as possible. I hate waiting!
            When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!


              Understand the challenges and concern;

              I have no use of my legs and transfer either using my arms to lower or equal surfaces I(i.e. wc, toilet, shower chair, or from the bed) - for higher surfaces like to the bed I use a transfer board.

              At first I had alot of trouble using the transfer board successfully - but with a short amount of time it got very easy and now don't think about it much at all.

              You might want to get one if you don't already have one.


                Thank you!

                I've only been wc/bed bound for a month. For the last two years I was using a rollator, mostly as a wc.

                I've yet to figure out what kinds of aids are out the to help with mobility. I've seen a few posts about transfer boards and I'll certainly be looking into getting one. Right now I have to wait a bit because of financial issues.

                May I ask how long since you've lost the use of your legs?

                BTW, I love the name bluegiraffe!
                When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!

