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Journeyman Dave...a question

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    Journeyman Dave...a question


    I just read in a thread about stroke that you were coming up on an appt. with your neuro?

    Did you have it yet? Did you see a "new" neuro, do they even have a new neuro or is it the nurse practitioners holding down the fort, so to speak.

    My appt. is next week and just wondered if they had found a replacement for Dr. K.

    What do they think is going on with your flare, I think you mentioned it started at the end of last year.

    Any info appreciated...thanks

    rdmc Limbooooooo!

    Yes, I went for my appt. You might want to take a look under the newbees section. Area 51 Lounge and Limbo land.

    I waited two hours and he was still busy. (It was the new Neuro and I figured he just hadn't gotten his act together yet so I gave him some extra time.) I talked to the RN who went in to see how much longer he would be and by her facial reaction I believe the answer was sharp.

    I told her to relay to him that I only wait in the office for one hour then I reschedule. That was unfortunate because they had moved me up because they thought I needed to be seen earlier than my May appt. Now I am scheduled for April.

    Take a look in the newbees section under this section for my extended note on "Not off to a good start"

    I talked to the staff and they told me that he is young and very sharp. They hoped that I would come back. I told them that I would but I would send a message the day before that I was coming and to relay my one hour rule to him. (they have rules and I have rules. I am a MS retired RN and know the how the system should work. They need to remember that I am their employer). I have a schedule also. I had to cancel re-schedule an appt. because of his lateness.

    I hope to have better news in April. But for now I am just finishing up a relapse. (mine usually last six months. This one has lasted only two months. My last remission usually lasts six months - it lasted nine months!!! It was very mild. I believe it was due to Dr. K. increasing my Vit. D. level. Every thing has been better since he did that. Lots of energy. Decreased pain.

    If I were you I would call early the day and of your appt. and ask how far behind he is running and tell them the time of your appt.

    I do this with my Med. Manager Shrink. She is great and forever late. I just call the office and ask how late is she and when should I come in. Save your self some time, anger, and anxiety. Let me know how it goes for you. I want to hope for better. I need him.

    Please read the post in the Newbees section. I hope, for you that all goes much better than for me. I'll keep you up to date.

    P.S. So that you know how bad my relapse is - I mowed the yard two days ago and yesterday I redid my veggie garden, transplanted two palm threes and re-landscaped my wife's flower garden. Today TIRED. (Not too bad.)
    Dave Tampa, FL


      Thanks for the heads up. I'm not sure how it's going to work because I think I would normally see PA Trimble, but her name is not on the MS Center's page anymore. I wondered if they're going to run everyone through an appt. with the new guy.

      Well I'll find out next Tuesday,

      I had thought about changing to a neuro this side of the Bay, but 90 percent of neuros are signed on with BayCare and I have United...and the "spat" continues. I think even Dr. Cascione is BayCare. So sort of stuck where I am right now.

      I'll go read your post over on Limbo forum.

