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opthamologist ?

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    opthamologist ?

    I have been dizzy and I went to the opthamologist - they told me I have a decreased nerve Fiber they want me back for a peripheral test... I do get dizzy in grocery stores, malls, and places with lots of stuff in my periphery...
    I have not been diagnosed with MS - I have no active lesions - but lots of old ones...


    I answered your question under dizziness.
    Take care
    Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
    SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


      My eye doctor told me that a decreased nerve fiber layer is common in MS. It isn't really an eye disease but it shows general brain atrophy in a way that an MRI can't show very well. So if your dizzy it means that you have a problem in your brain not in your eyes.


        MSR102 - I am not following - "if you are dizzy you have a problem in your brain not your vision" I'll be interested to see what my peripheral vision is - because how your brain perceives what you see can probably effect how you feel. no?
        I have a call out to my doc so time will tell i guess.


          I have that too. Especially in busy/crowded places and when I get anxious. I'm freshly diagnosed with MS.


            The way my doctor explained it, if your balance system in your brain is working the right way, it can overcome vision trouble so vision problems don't make you dizzy. That's why blind people can walk around upright without being dizzy. But if your balance system in your brain isn't working right, vision can prevent you from being dizzy tho that doesn't always work. That's why your neuro does that test where they have you put your arms out and close your eyes and see if you lose your balance with your eyes closed. That means that the dizzyness is caused by your brain and not your eyes. I have trouble with my peripheral vision and I'm not dizzy at all. I'm so sorry your dizzy - that must be awful!

