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Can't sleep!

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    Can't sleep!

    Hoping that someone can relate...I am exhausted but when I close my eyes I'm wide awake again...and mind is racing. I sit up all night alone while my family is peacefully sleeping. Feeling so... Frustrated. Three weeks ago I went 5 days and 5 nights before I slept - my longest stretch. I try melatonin ultra with minimal success, valerian tea, other natural remedies, and it just does not seem to make a difference if my body isn't ready to sleep. Thoughts? Ideas? Sympathy?! Help plz!

    Success is a journey, not a destination

    Hi Debby

    Welcome..Personally I've never had a problem going to sleep..the opposite, I have to fight to stay awake!

    My son has your problem and is using a product to helpm'turn him around'..I'll have to check with him to find out what it is..He said it's like a reverse 'Rockstar' helping set a good pattern. I also read good reviews on Natrol Sleep N Restore Tabs
    Susan......... Beta Babe since 1994....I did improve "What you see depends on where you're standing" from American Prayer by Dave Stewart


      Debby: I have that same problem, or had. Taking Tysabri keep me awake. I can't get to sleep, and when I do finally I am wide awake at 3 am! So, my neuro tried ambien, lunesta, some antidepressants, none of them worked, all of them I was awake at 3. So they finally gave me Seroquil. Now I sleep until 6 am. Much better. So you should ask for something. I mean you can try benadryl if you want to just try something OTC.
      You need to sleep.

      Good luck
      Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
      SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


        I was in your position 3 years ago. I tried every herbal supplement and then I tried a standard dose of Benedryl. I then found a sleep aid that included a low dose of Benedryl. It worked but I would get a 'hangover'. I then found out about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). I began taking this pharmaceutical (4.5 mgs.) and I have been able to sleep well ever since. Good luck


          Thanks y'all...unfortunately I've tried most of your suggestions...and they either didn't work or no longer work, or have negative side effects. I seem to become used to meds really fast and they lose their effectiveness. That's why I am trying more holistic type things, but it's all new to me and I have a lot to learn. Seroquel did help me sleep, but it altered me so much, made me feel so strange...scary strange, that I had to let it go. When you find yourself LOST in the dry shower in the middle of the night, calling for help and desperately confused, you have a bit of a problem! . Susan, I'll look forward to your son's superstar solution! You never might be just what I need! That is the beauty of these forums, so many different ideas you might not have known about or considered from people who actually KNOW what you are going through!

          Success is a journey, not a destination


            JerryD, that's one I have not heard about. I will ask my doc about it - thanks so much!

            Success is a journey, not a destination


              I sooo get it


              I just want to sympathise with you!

              I have tired everything, and my doctor told me how important it is, it's when our nerves regenerate.

              It's been 5 years and I am pretty much resigned to it. I used to sleep like a baby, and was soooo happy to crawl into my comfy bed and my dark quiet room.... I go on and off with sleep meds, but they don't work anymore either...I've stayed up for three days at a time, totally quit trying to sleep...I would go watch horses exercising and journal. Now I try having the tv on and no good. I was told Benadryl and a glass of wine...I think that worked (yuk, I hate wine though)

              Now, I just try to accept it as my new reality. I think when my body and brain are sooo exhausted somehow my boys says "you used to go go go non stop, you shouldn't sleep". I have no idea. BUT I feel your pain!! If you can sleep when ever you can. I have found that I may fall asleep at wired times and places and I go with it.

              I'm probably rambling, but hang in there!

              Wishing you fast approaching sweet dreams!

              God bless,


                from my son


                Hi again Debby..I talked to my son and it's called Dream Water. He said he tried because it was offered on one of those 'Groupon' deals.
                He drinks green tea sugar-free Rockstars in the morning instead of coffee. This works for him and I hope you get some fast relief too!!
                Take care
                Susan......... Beta Babe since 1994....I did improve "What you see depends on where you're standing" from American Prayer by Dave Stewart



                  I know this will sound CRAZY.... but take3 diff pain meds every night, (have been on them over 5 yrs now), so I do not respond to "over the counter" sleeping aids. What I HAVE found to help (not "put me to sleep", but helps"relax me") is this simple little thing: I talked to a "natural healer" and they told me about "sleepy time" tea (can be found in any grocery store). I went to the store and got it. I use 2 bags of it every night, and it REALLY DOES help me to "calm down/relax". It will not make me sleep, but helps me to start down the "path" of getting to bed so I can sleep.

                  I hope this can HELP you. Sorry it is not a panecea, but hope it HELPS!
                  Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.


                    Fished, Susan and Tracy....thanks guys so much, for the ideas, your time, empathy....means a lot. Don't feel so alone tonight. I seriously will check out your suggestions.

                    Success is a journey, not a destination

