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need med ? advice general

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    need med ? advice general

    You would think at my advanced age I would know this but right now I'm so not sure. Been sick since last Sat (yeah I know great new year but I'm still here lol

    Can't breathe unless I am sitting up in recliner and then barely. I have had pneumonia and bronchitis too many times to mention. However, for a first in about 30 years I thought I just had the common cold. Sore throat, no fever, no aches and pains as per flu, just stuffed period.

    Flash forward to today the 3rd at almost darkthirty and I am hacking to beat the band...... cough pee cough pee cough pee you know the drill. Taken decongestant plenty of fluids (BTW was trying to sip hot chicken noodle soup dh fixed and spilled down chest, neck, backflash to find the Silviden Cream (Prescription burn med always try to stay prepared).

    Now to ?: besides calling the doc tomorrow which I think I will as I have enjoyed this all I can stand and I don't have a pulse oxygen meter to know EXACTLY how much O2 I'm actually getting should I just try to go to a doc in the box and not wait on my reg doc. I usually even drive myself to the ER but I don't think I can manage this one.

    I fell so useless, worthless and plain old stupid. Cause I think I've had this so long I've lost my reasoning powers (a fate I HAVE been worried about since my dh never has to bother). He just drops me off at the hospital and goes to work and comes by on his way home to let out the dogs.

    You do see my priorities here (dogs)!!!!!

    The nurse can do their jobs and he can help when I get home. That's just how I roll (have had 17 surgeries).

    Answers, thoughts anyone anyone anyone out there with a working mind????? lol well actually silently not out loud as I can't breathe

    Go to urgent care as you probably need an inhaler at the least if not some antibiotics. It won't hurt to get checked out. What DMD are you on if any? Are you on home O2? Do you have chronic bronchitis or is it just common for you to get chest colds due to your DMD?

    No matter, go to the doc in the box if you cant get in to see yours.

    Best to you
    Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
    SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


      I totally agree with Lisa, go to an urgent care (ours are called Convenient Care.)

      There have been some nasty viruses going around, and a lot of people I know (non MSers) have ended up having to use inhalers, and be on medication for a secondary infection. Lots of coughing goes along with these viruses too.

      Our urgent care clinics have x-ray machines, so if they want to they can snap an x-ray of your lungs to make sure it's not pneumonia.

      P.S. You and I, are alike. I actually prefer to be alone in the ER or hospital. I have my husband stay with me, till I get my "luxurious half room" (runny Brian Regan bit about ER's) , then send him on to work. Since ER visits take hours usually, he stops back by every few hours, or I call him. And during extended stays (I've had lots of surgeries too, but not as many as you) he stops by in the morning on his way to work, pops in at lunch, and spends an hour in the evening visiting. I like being alone and not having to talk to folks when I'm feeling bad and recuperating (I don't even turn on the TV in the hospital room, LOL.) Same with my son, DIL, or my dad or siblings...they know I don't really care about them visiting in the hospital, so they may come for 15 minutes. It's when I get home I call in the favors to help with stuff I can't do.

      So speaking of urgent care and Emergency Rooms, I'll post the link (which I've posted before, but in case anyone needs a laugh) to the funny youtube about an ER visit.


        Thanks guys for letting me I was right to care for me

        I was so trying to convince myself I just had a head congested cold as I have not have one in about 30 years. It almost worked. However, If you know much about bronchontis and pneumonia once you have had it your seem to be susceptbile to it over and over again at least my mom and I have always been. Had it over Christmas/New Years hospitalized twice over two years ago.

        I was trying to wait till doc's office opened at 8 and just show up which they so don't like and I don't blame them at all but when you can't breathe and your hacking up a lung you just can't wait. I never ever panic over anything

        However by 5am I when down stairs woke dh and said I am so weak I don't think I can drive myself to the ER which I normally do. Are you going to get up and take me now or am I just going to take myself as I have to go NOW!. We have to take the dogs out first meaning him as I could barely stand due to weakness.

        He took what seemed like forever. Good he drove and got the wheel chair to the car I was like a wet kitten (huge one but felt that way) he moves me up to the check in and I say " find me something to throw up in Now hurry. He reaches for a trash can. Recpt says we use those blue things on the wall. They couldn't have been more than abt 20 ft however, it seemed as if he was walking at 33 1/3 speed. I couldn't say anything cause I KNEW it would come out them.

        I just made it. I vomited on my front top, face and neck and most into the bag and filled it 1/2 full till I had dry heaves drat I hate that. They they ask what I was there for. I felt like saying I believe I may have a hang nail or splinter that looks menacing. Seriously, was she crazy it was obvious what the deal was.

        They get back there and of course the doc on call is leaving orders for me as she is getting off and the new one wasn't due in yet. Wait some more but then the entire wing could hear me hacking and gasping for air.

        The did all the regular stuff and when he finally looked at the x-ray surprise surprise I have severe bronchitis. I got a breathing treatment there. Then loads of meds 4 kinds.
        Presidone, Antiboitics, Inhaler and cough med that cost $73.00 for one bottle. Luckly I have som tussin DM and have taken about 1/2 of each. I can't lay down because I can't breathe thus not sleep for days; I try to do 3=5 min worth of things every so often and finnally had to stop as it was making me weaker and weaker.

        Oh forgot to mention, cough pee cough pee etc etc etc wearing thin pad they gave me not any help. Got thicker one to bring home but kept on and thin left a spot on the reclinger when I got up and the in the other one.

        I loaded alochol in both with the fan on them and am now wearing adult diapers with plastic on the chairs then a couple of towels down as this is all the can do to take care of myself. Dh is sick and he is not out of the bed yesterday till about 2 and today it's 12/30 and doesn't want to get up because he feels bad. I get that, however he is being so grumpy I can't stand to be around him. I quite sick and he is not nearly as bad but gues what he is a man and they just can't take it.

        Luck we have a challenged guy we used to live by and his dad brounght him over to help with the dogs. Perhaps when I don't have to deal with grumbling hubby I will eventually get over this. I can HEAR myself wheezing outlound just sitting here. and I can ever get anything to come up. Well this cough stuff is making some mini come up and I think that is the only way to get ride of it.
        they said I could have it for 2=3 weeks joy of joy. At least it's not pnuemonis this time and I didn't have to stay but I did need to go I just didn't want to admit it. So thanks guys.

